What is Offernation? Is It Worth Your Time?

Welcome to my Offernation review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder what offer nation is and if it’s legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last years, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products.

Some turned out to be fake others were legit ways to make money online but in the process, I learned how to spot scams.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Offernation and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

What is Offernation? — Is it Worth Your Time?

OverviewOffernation main page

Name: Offernation
Product Type:
GPT website
Free to join

Offernation is a website on which it is possible to make money in exchange for completing surveys, clicking on ads, watching videos, and more.

It is without a doubt possible to make money with Offernation but I have to admit that it isn’t for everyone. Find out what I mean by reading the rest of my post.
Similar to: Successbux, Scarletclicks
Rating: 6/10
Recommended for: People that want to earn pocket money online.

Click here to find out about my free 7-day Make Money Online beginners course

What is Offernation?

Offernation is what we call a GPT website. GPT is an acronym for “Get Paid to” in other words, Offernation is a website where you can get paid in exchange for doing tasks.

According to a video on the Offernation website, they have more than 365.000 members and have paid out more than $1.3 million.

Not much is know about the founders of Offernation.com.

Through their WHOIS information, I did find out that the website was created in 2008 making offer nation a “veteran” in the GPT website game.

WHOIS Offernation.com

The website was created by mesh digital ltd and while the tech support works from Middlesex in the United Kingdom the IP location seems to be in California.

Since they reference review websites from the United Kingdom on their sales page it wouldn’t be strange to think that the founders might be from the UK.

How does Offernation make money?
On the website, they have a section that talks about getting paid by leaving feedback.

Judging from that it’s not crazy to assume that Offernation gets paid by several companies to provide them with data that they can use to improve their products and services.

This is something that is done with most GPT websites. Most of the time these kinds of websites are created by data-driven marketing agencies and they use this information for their campaigns.

An example of that is Survey Compare.

How does Offernation work?

Offernation isn’t that different from other GPT websites on the internet. To get started and make money with Offernation you’re going to have to follow a simple 3-step process.

1. Register and join Offernation
On the Offernation website, you can join by filling out their opt-in form. Unlike a lot of similar GPT-websites, they’re active all over the world. When I registered I saw more than 100 countries that you can choose as your location.

Besides the country, they’ll ask you for some basic information and also some information that is necessary for payments such as your PayPal or Skrill email.

Even though they ask for payment information you’re not obligated to fill it out to join. Just putting your personal information seems to be enough to make an account.

2. Start doing tasks in exchange for money
After you sign up, you can immediately begin by doing surveys to start making money. What you need to take into account is that a lot of theses surveys require you to be screened beforehand to make sure you’re part of the target audience they’re trying to get feedback from.

Offernation surveys

3. Redeem your rewards
The moment you have done enough tasks, and you have reached the payout threshold it is possible to redeem your awards or money.

Who is Offernation for?

Who would benefit from joining offer nation:

  • People looking to make money with surveys
  • People looking to earn pocket money

Who shouldn’t join offer nation:

  • People looking for a full-time online income
  • People looking for a proper side hustle
  • People that don’t like taking surveys

Pros and Cons


  • Multiple ways to withdraw money
    You have multiple methods at your disposal for withdrawing your money. Most of them such as Paypal is trusted by a lot of people and have good reviews.
  • Low payout threshold
    The payout threshold is $1. If you’re able to do multiple surveys you should be able to reach this point quickly.
  • Active in a lot of countries
    Offernation is available for at least 100 countries so the chance that your country is included is high.


  • low earning potential
    I have noticed that the surveys that you can make the most money with aren’t that frequently available. Also when you look at the payment proof board most people make around the $ a day. This is great for pocket money but I wouldn’t call it a decent side hustle.
  • Offerwall slow on updating
    The surveys get updated a lot but I have noticed that the offer wall has some areas that haven’t been updated for at least a few days. It’s possible to run out of options at a point because of that.
  • Eligibility for surveys is an issue
    In a lot of instances, you’re going to have to answer some questions before you’re able to do a survey. This can take a while and even after answering you can still get denied.

How to make money with Offernation?

Paid Surveys

There are multiple methods that you can use to make money with Offernation. The one that people are most familiar with is the paid surveys. A lot of the survey options will redirect you to other websites where you can do the survey.

Here’s a list of the kinds of paid surveys you can find on Offernation:

  • Daily paid surveys
    Surveys that pay near or above the payout threshold making it possible to get paid the same day.
  • Tap paid surveys
    The survey area doesn’t have a limit to how many surveys you can do in a day. The surveys in this area typically pay out less than the daily paid surveys.
  • Revenue survey wall
    The revenue survey wall contains surveys for a large variety of members making this the area where members have the highest chance to get accepted to take a survey.
  • Opinion capital surveys
    Opinion Capital is an independent survey website that has joined forces with offer nation to provide you with more surveys you can do for free.
  • Live paid surveys
    Paid survey wall that refreshes multiple times a day. Thanks to this you’ll always find a survey that you can try out in this area.


Aside from the paid surveys, Offernation also has to offer walls with all kinds of tasks that you can do for money. You can make money on the offer walls by watching videos, clicking on ads, playing games, or just going through websites.

Here you can see the importance of choosing your location when signing up. I put my current location in the Netherlands when I signed up for Offernation and I’m getting dutch tasks that I can do in exchange for points that I can use for gift cards.

Offernation Dutch Offerwall

Referral Program

When I first heard about Offernation I thought it was just a survey website but when you arrive on their sales page you notice that they promote their referral program a lot. Even in their Offernation explainer video, they don’t even talk about the surveys or the offer walls.

They go straight to talking about their referral program. If this was the only video I would’ve seen I would think the only way to make money with Offernation is through their referral program.

How does the referral program work?
When you sign-up you’ll get a unique link that you can use to refer people to Offernation. You’ll also get banners and promo codes that you can use to refer people to Offernation.

In my opinion, the banners look outdated so I can’t imagine having a good clickthrough rate with them but at least Offernation gives you more than a lot of other GPT websites give you to work with.

The moment you have referred someone to Offernation and they start making money you get paid 25% of the referral earnings.

How do you get paid?

The payment options Offernation provides I like a lot. The payment threshold for most of these methods is also very low with an average of $1. Since the majority of the surveys pay out somewhere around that amount you can have money on your bank account relatively quickly.

Most of them are well know and very dependable. Here’s a list of websites you can use to get your money:

  • Paypal
  • Paypal Instant
  • Skrill
  • Bitcoin
  • Amazon Giftcards
  • Tango Giftcards
  • Tango

Not all of these options are available for every country. I assume Paypal can be used anywhere but for example, in The Netherlands, it’s barely been a few months since we can use Paypal Instant and we can’t get paid out in Bitcoin or any gift cards.

How much money can you make with Offernation?

Offernation has done most of the work for us when it comes to answering this question.

On their website, they have a page with payment proof.

On this page, you can see how much people have made today. Here’s a screenshot of the list of people that have withdrawn money from Offernation today.

Offernation payment proof

The most someone has withdrawn on this list in 1 day is $20.

Judging by my own experience that amount of money has to have been accumulated over multiple days or he’s been completing tasks non-stop.

Most people on this list were around $5 in one day.

This seems reasonable if you a few hours a day on this website.

My Personal Take — Is It Worth Your Time?

Offernation is in my opinion one of the better GPT-websites. I have reviewed a lot of GPT-websites where you’d only get a few cents for the same tasks you do here and the payout threshold might be $5.

Compared to that Offerntion is a huge upgrade but is it worth your time?

I like Offernation but the problem with GPT-websites is that they don’t pay that well.

You might see a survey that gets you $1 if you complete it but it takes over an hour to do if you include the screening process to see if you’re a good fit.

I think my time is worth more than a few dollars per hour.

This is why in 2018, I created a simple blog capable of bringing in more than $100 a day simply by writing about the things that interest me.

Find out how I create these niche websites by clicking on the link below.

Click Here to learn about creating $100/day niche websites

That’s all for today!

If you have any experiences with Offernation I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Your voice could help a lot of people decide if this is a good fit for them.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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