Survey Compare Review — Is It Worth Your Time?

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Survey Compare is worth your time,

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last years, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products.

Some turned out to be fake others were legit ways to make money online but in the process, I learned how to spot scams.

In this post, I’m going to answer the question if Survey Compare is worth the time for you personally depending on what you’re looking for.

Survey Compare Review — Is Survey Compare Worth The Time?

OverviewSurvey Compare UK website

Name: Survey Compare
Marketing VF Ltd
Product Type:
Survey Panel website
Free to join

Survey Compare is a website that provides people with places where they can find paid surveys. It’s important to know that the rewards come from the websites they refer to.

Is it worth the time? It depends on what exactly you’re looking for. Find out what I mean by reading my review.
Similar to: Survey Spotter
Rating: 6/10
Recommended for: People looking for some pocket money online.

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What is Survey Compare?

Survey Compare is a website that provides you with paid survey websites so you don’t have to take the time to find them.

What is important to know since some people mix this up and give them unnecessary bad reviews is that they don’t provide you with their own surveys.

They’re a “middle man” between you and paid survey websites.

From the information I have gathered, I know that SurveyCompare isn’t only active in England but also Canada. Depending on where you are from the rewards you can get differ.

This is logical because not all surveys are available in every country. Here for example is the difference in rewards you can get according to the English and Canadian versions of the website.

Rewards Survey Compare United Kingdom

Rewards Survey Company Canada

According to the WHOIS information of the Survey Compare, the Survey Compare website was created 30-9-2009 and while the website states they’re from England the IP location is in the united states.

WHOIS Survey Compare

Who is the founder of Survey Compare?

What is stated is that Survey Compare was founded by Marketing VF ltd also known as MFV global. A marketing company specialized in data-driven lead generation.

Survey Company and MFV global are founded by a 5-man team. Tom Morgan, Davi Walton, Simon Venturi, Jules Hopkinson, and Titus Sharpe.

Survey Compare founders

MFV Global has both a headquarters in the united states and the united kingdom which explains why their WHOIS is located in a different part of the world.

From what I have seen MFV Global is a real marketing company that is associated with Deloite, Inc., and The Sunday Times and has won multiple awards.

Additional information about MVF
Marketing VF Ltd, a company registered in the United Kindom and Wales, company number 06951544. Registered Address: Imperial Works, Block C, Perren St, London NW5 3ED, United Kingdom.

How does Survey Compare make money?


You might be wondering if Survey Compare is just a “middle man” how do they make money?

You see information is everything for businesses trying to get insight into their potential customers.

Paid survey websites sell the information they get from people completing their surveys to these businesses. Survey Compare refers people to these paid survey websites in exchange for money.

Aside from that, MVF global also uses this information in their marketing endeavors to make money.

How does Survey Compare work?

According to the website, Survey Compare works in 3 simple steps:

  1. Sign-up for free
  2. Receive Money-Making Opportunities online
  3. Get rewarded

To give more insight into this process I thought I’d share how I experienced Survey Compare when I signed up.

1. Sign-up for Free

On the Survey Compare website, you can find an opt-in form for signing up. You’ll be required to give your name, email address, and gender.

After that, you’ll be directed to a private area on the website that’s only available for people that have signed up for Survey Compare. Here you can pick from a panel the paid survey websites that you’d like to join and get notified by email for new surveys.

Survey Compare website

2. Receive Money-Making Opportunities online

After picking the websites you’d like to join you’ll get requests from each website to join them in your email inbox. After that, you’ll regularly get emails from the websites you have chosen with new surveys.
Survey Compare Panels

3. Get Rewarded

You’ll get rewarded for every survey you complete. There is one important thing you have to keep in mind after completing these surveys.

The rewards won’t be provided by Survey Compare. They’re rewards from the paid survey websites you’re a member of.

List of survey websites you can pick from

If you’re doing the surveys just for the money it won’t matter which version of the Survey Compare you sign up for but as I said the other rewards differ per country.

This means that which country version of Survey Compare you sign-up to matters because you’ll get different surveys.

I have signed up for the United Kingdom’s version and here’s a list with all the survey websites you can choose from:

  • Toluna
  • Opinion Outpost
  • Maximiles
  • Mingle
  • Inbox Pounds
  • GFK Media View
  • Swagbucks
  • Vindale
  • Lifepoints
  • Valued Opinions

Who can benefit from Survey Compare?

Who would benefit from using Survey Compare:

  • People looking for real paid survey websites
  • People that don’t want to spend time researching what paid websites are real
  • People looking to earn some pocket money with surveys

Who shouldn’t invest time in Survey Compare:

  • People that don’t mind doing the research themselves
  • People looking to make more than pocket money online

International people can participate

Pros and Cons


  • All survey websites they provide you with are legit
    Most of these websites I have tried out and reviewed myself. You can make money with them.
  • You can see the ratings of previous users
    Users can rate the websites giving you a good idea of which website you can have the best results.


  • You have to join third party websites
    Aside from Survey Compare, you have to sign-up for all the paid survey websites too.
  • The screening process doesn’t guarantee participation
    A lot of the tests you need to be screened for which means you might spend 30 minutes trying to qualify for a test only to be denied.
  • Earning Potential is low
    Most of these surveys earn you 2 dollars at most but you have to spend an insane amount of time completing them. It doesn’t seem like a method that’ll earn you more than some pocket money.

Is Survey Compare A Scam?

Survey Compare is not a scam.

It is created by a marketing company that from what I have seen has been mentioned in some of the most esteemed business magazines of today and has won multiple awards for their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Also, most of the paid survey websites they refer people to I have reviewed and are already on my website or in the process of being posted in the next few weeks.

Also, the fact that you can rate every paid survey website shows transparency which I like a lot.

Is Survey Compare Worth Your Time?

This is a question that is hard to answer.

I’d say it depends on your personal goals for signing up.

When you look at what Survey Compare is you might wonder why do I need this when I can just sign-up for paid survey websites myself?

I think it can save some time because you don’t have to research to find out if a website is truly legit.

I can imagine if you’re specifically looking for legit paid surveys to earn some pocket money it can be worth it to join.

On the other hand, if you are looking for more than pocket money Survey Compare and even paid surveys, in general, might not be the way you want to go.

You can complete surveys 24/7 and you’ll still make less than minimum wage in most countries.

This means if you’re looking for a way to make substantial money online paid surveys aren’t worth the time.


If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.
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That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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