9 Reasons Why I Love To Work From Home! — Having An Online Business Rocks!

In this post, I want to talk about 10 reasons why I love to work from home. A little over a year and a half ago I was so fed up with normal jobs that I was willing to risk it all and go into another direction.

I started looking for remote jobs on job searching websites and eventually ended up working as a copywriter writing sales letters.

Shortly after that, I started promoting affiliate products from websites.

Looking back right now, I have to say that switching to working remotely was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

In this time I’ve seen and learned a lot which makes me really appreciate the point where I’m at.

I thought I’d make this post for people that might be interested in working from their laptops. I’ll share with you my perspective on why working from home is great.

So let’s look at the…

9 Reasons I Love To Work From Home

1. The person you become while you’re working on your business

There are millions of reasons why it’s great to work from home but for me, this is the one I didn’t expect and value the most. It’s the person you become when you open a business.

The steps to creating an online business are simple but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. You’ll get tested along the way so you’ll be forced to learn to believe in yourself, you’ll also have to learn new things some technical some in the sales department, and some in your niche.

You’ll notice if you stick to it that you’ll change over time into someone that knows more, is disciplined, and believes in themselves.

I see those subtle changes in myself and I have to say I love who I’m becoming.

2. You’re Location independent

This was my number 2 reason why I was attracted to starting a business online. I remember going on vacation to Spain and seeing people play volleyball on the beach at 9 AM in the morning and they went to work afterward. It just seemed like such a peaceful way to start your day with it being nice and warm outside. I wanted that.

An online business can give you that. Sure you can move to another country without having an online business but you’ll always be dependable on the job opportunities there. The moment you can’t find a job you can’t move.

An online business makes it possible to move where ever you want without having to worry about finding a job.

3. You’re in full control of how much money you make

You decide how much you earn online. There’s no one you have to ask for a raise and if you need more money you can put more money into your marketing and scale your business. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to do but you’re the one with the final say if you’re going to make more money.

4. Online Businesses Make It Possible To Be Flexible With Your Time

“…Sorry, I can’t I have to go to work that day…”

You’ll never have to say these words again if you have an online business. You decide when you work on your business. If you want to sleep in and start later no problem. You don’t want to work on weekends also no problem.

Fixed work schedules won’t dictate what you do and who you do it with. Yes, you’ll spend a lot of time working on your business but for me personally, it made a huge difference working because I wanted to work instead of doing it because I was obligated to do it.

5. When You Have An Online Business You Follow Your Own Vision

I’ve never had a problem with working for a boss if we shared the same vision but often that’s not the case. I have had some bosses I really liked but I just couldn’t work for them for long because we didn’t share the same vision.

When you work from home on your online business you’re the boss. I’ve never been able to put my 100% in things I didn’t believe in but I’ve worked my butt off setting up my online business and it never felt like work.

The fact that you’re working towards something that only exists in your mind but you see progress every day gives me so much energy and I’m sure it’ll give you the same if you try it.

6. Creating an online business gives you an opportunity to make money doing what you love even if it’s unconventional

When I was young and the teachers asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up they always expected me to say some sort of profession but honestly, I think most of us back then and even now just want to do something that is entertaining and fulfilling.

Online businesses give you the opportunity to do something that you might not be able to do with traditional jobs. You really liked gaming when you were young? You can start a game review website. If you like to watch movies with a big bucket of ice in your pajama you can create a website that does movie reviews and you can do all of that without leaving the house.

Creating an online business gives you more choices.

7. You can turn it into a financial asset

I remember reading rich dad, poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki, and in that book, he talks about assets and liabilities. Assets produce money and liabilities cost money. Robert says the rich are mostly busy with acquiring as many assets as they can.

When you create an online business you can easily turn that into a financial asset because it’s one of the easiest ways to make money without having to trade hours for it.

You can create a semi-passive income that grows over time while you’re busy doing other things.

8. You can decide what you want to wear

When you work from home there is no such thing as casual Fridays. Every day is casual Friday because you can wear whatever you want. No need to buy expensive uncomfortable clothing just to go to work. Most of the time I work at home I just wear grey sweatpants and a hoodie.

9. Work From Home Means No More Commutes!

Where I live it rains 80% of the time so going to work isn’t fun at all. I remember having to wake up early and run through the rain to the train station, entering a crowded train and being squished by people wearing wet jackets.

Those weren’t fun times.

Ever since I started to work from home I’ve never had to experience that again. I could wake up an hour later and still get the same amount of time in because I didn’t have to be in a crowded train for an hour and I could avoid rush hour at the end of the day because I didn’t need to leave the house to work.

As I’ve said before in this article the steps to set up an online business so that you can work from home are simple but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

I remember wasting a lot of time when I started but I didn’t know what to do. I’d just try some things I saw on YouTube and hoped for the best. I wasted almost a year before I got proper training and probably would’ve never succeeded if I didn’t

I don’t want this to happen to you.

If you’re interested I’d highly advise you to take a look at my wealthy affiliate review. Wealthy Affiliate is an online marketing training platform with more than 1.4 million members and is active in 193 countries.

Click Here To Check Out My Wealthy Affiliate Review

Well, that’s all for now. If you have any questions or do you just want to show some love? Leave a comment in the comment section and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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