Click Wealth System Review: Is Click Wealth System A Scam?

Welcome to my Click Wealth System review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Click Wealth System is a scam or legit?

No need to worry you’re in the right place for the answers to these questions.

Over the last few years, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products.

Some turned out to be fake others were legit ways to make money online but in the process, I learned how to spot scams.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about the Click Wealth System and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

I’ll also provide you with an alternative at the end of this review should you decide that the Click Wealth System isn’t a great fit for you.

Click Wealth System Review
 Is Click Wealth System A Scam?

Click Wealth Funnel Review Overview

Name: Click Wealth System
Founder: Matthew Tang
Product Type: DFY Affiliate Marketing system
Earning Potential: Low
Price: $9 + 3 hidden upsells

  • A proven brand that’s been around for +7 years.
  • The founder delivered quality products.
  • Product pricing is reasonable compared to the market.
  • There’s a legitimate focus on giving support
  • Reasonable startup and maintenance costs.
  • Money Claims made by founder are accurate

Click Wealth Funnel is a done-for-you affiliate marketing product that you can use to earn commissions.

Click Wealth Funnel isn’t exactly a scam but I’m of the opinion that they don’t give you enough resources to earn as much as they claim you can earn.

There are also more than a few red flags that lead me to believe this product was solely made to get people their money.
Recommended: No

Want to learn how to create affiliate websites the right way?
Take a look at my recommended alternative.

What is Click Wealth System?

Click Wealth System is a done-for-you program that uses the Customer Middleman Arbitrage method which is a fancy way of saying affiliate marketing to help people earn money.

The Click Wealth System was created by Matthew Tang and is primarily offered on ClickBank.

The Click Wealth System sets you up with a DFY webpage on which you place affiliate links that direct you to companies such as Amazon, Walmart, and eBay that have affiliate programs.

The moment one of your referrals purchases something on one of these websites you receive a commission.

Click Wealth System also has a network of people with email lists that you can pay to get traffic to your website.

Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest and most sustainable methods to earn money online but you need to have the correct tools and knowledge to do it properly.

I don’t think Click Wealth System gives you all the necessary resources to make affiliate marketing work.

How does Click Wealth System work?

1. Select a verified customer source and product that you like from the insider list.
2. Create a website using cloud-based software in less than 5 minutes.
3. Become the middleman by redirecting the customer source to your website.

1. Select a verified customer source and product that you like from the insider list.

Matthew has preselected the different companies you can work with to earn money.

These companies all have affiliate programs that people can promote even without the Click Wealth System. I’ve promoted some of them and earned money through them before I knew this system existed.

2. Create your profit pages

Click Wealth System makes it possible to use cloud-based technology you can use to create your website.

These are simple but effective web pages that can be created in a matter of minutes.

These are templates that you can edit with a simple drag-and-drop editor.

No domain name or hosting is needed.

3. Become the middleman by redirecting the customer source to your website.

After creating your site, you’re going to direct traffic from your website to the affiliate offers on the websites of the organization you have an affiliate agreement.

Every time one of your referrals purchases something you’ll earn a commission.

Click Wealth Systems Matthew Tang provides you with multiple ways to get traffic but he primarily suggests a very specific way of influencer marketing.

He gives people the chance to buy clicks from his personal recommended blogger network.

He works with 3 specific influencers named Roy Solos, Wayne, and Matt. Currently, you can only buy clicks from Roy who even has his own website called

Who could benefit from the Click Wealth System

Affiliate marketing is a viable method for making money online but I honestly think no one that purchases this product can benefit from it. The only people that benefit from Click Wealth System are:

  • Matthew Tang because it’s his product people are paying for.
  • Solo Ads by selling clicks
  • Getresponse because that’s the email marketing service that gets recommended by Matthew.

Inside the Click Wealth System

After purchasing the product you can log in through their website.

The moment you log in the first thing you see is a sales letter for an upsell called the Profit Activator. This upsell gives you additional options for customizing your website to increase conversion.

After either purchasing or declining to purchase the Click Profit Activator another sales page will appear this time for an upgrade to the Click Profit Multiplier which provides you with Email swipes.

After declining or purchasing the Click Profit Multiplier, you’ll finally get access to the main dashboard. Below I’ll share with you what you can find once accessing the Click Wealth System dashboard.

The Welcome Message

Here you’ll be shown a video that explains the entire process needed for earning money with the Click Wealth System.

It also gives a simple calculation of how you can earn $10K/month.

How to earn 10K a month with Click Wealth System

How realistic the calculation is, is another story. According to their video, the opt-in rate of their websites is 50%.

I’m quite skeptical about that conversion rate especially since even the best sales page converts less than 10% of the traffic that lands on the page.

In the video, they also mention their 60-day guarantee and the terms for it.

The Getting Started Area (Training)

The getting started area contains 9 steps that help you set up your website, become an affiliate, and broadcast emails to your subscribers.

After that, they encourage you to go for the upgrade to get access to more features.

They also provide you with “training” to get organic traffic in the form of 4 pdfs.

1. Simple Pinterest Guide that shows you how to create an account and a pin.
2. Facebook method ask if your contacts want something interesting if they respond send a pm.
3. Create a Facebook page and add your affiliate link.
4. Blog commenting for Twitter reach.

The strategies they recommend in these books might have worked in 2014  but can’t be used nowadays to consistently bring in traffic.

Profit Pages

This is the area where they make it possible for you to create your website. Here’s a list of the features you’ll find within Profit Pages.

1. Profit Pages — a few standard DFY landing pages
2. Six Profit Pages – an upsell with additional DFY landing pages.
3. ClickTracker — A link to software for tracking clicks.
4. Free 100 Clicks – Free clicks but they aren’t from the recommended influencers which is strange IMO.
5. Profit Activator – Upsell
6. Traffic Source – That takes you to the place where you can purchase clicks.
7. Click Profit Multiplier – Another upsell
8. Basic Broadcast – Swipe files for your email broadcasts

The landing pages provide you with standard templates that are ready to be used immediately but I can’t imagine these landing pages having a 50% opt-rate as was mentioned in the Welcome video.

I suspect this was intentionally told so that people will feel the need to purchase Six Profit Pages to improve the landing page template they have provided you with.

The 100 clicks also play into that. A 3 to 8% conversion rate is more than decent for a landing page but if you don’t know that you might think the upsells will help you with earning money but it won’t.

The email swipe files are also a problem. I can imagine when this product first came out that it could be effective but if everyone is sending the same message and all the clicks are coming from the same “influencers” the list is going to get fatigued and mark you down as spam.

What does a Click Wealth System website look like?

The websites you create with The Click Wealth System are not full-blown blog websites like the website you’re on but simple one-page websites designed simply to capture emails.

It contains a simple explanation of what you’re getting once you sign-up and an opt-in form with fields for your name and your email address.


Click Wealth System offers 2 bonuses after purchasing their product.

1. Step-by-step VIP affiliate training
2. A 2-for-1 special on clicks

1. Step-by-step VIP affiliate training

This is a link that sends you to a recording of a webinar on

VIP training traffic boss academy

In this webinar, they talk about 3 ways to get traffic but it’s nowhere near what you’d expect from supposedly step-by-step training.

This is nothing more than a pitch to invest in paid traffic.

2. A 2-for-1 special on clicks

This is basically a 2-for-1 special for clicks from their “influencers”. You buy 100 clicks and they’ll double it.
I do have doubts about the effectiveness of traffic from these influencers.

Pros and Cons


  • Quick and easy DFY websites
    It saves time creating websites from scratch.
  • The Middleman Arbitrage method is real
    The method he talks about is called affiliate marketing and it's one of the cheapest ways to earn meaningful money online.
  • The $9 test run
    You get limited access for $9. This free lookaround is more than enough to find out what the Click Wealth System is about.
  • 60-day guarantee
    You can get a refund if you're not satisfied (but Matthew will put you on his black list if you use it)


  • Mediocre traffic theory
    Aside from paying for clicks through the Click Wealth System, additional training is almost non-existent.
  • Hidden Upsales
    Before buying the product you aren’t told about all the things you’ll have to financially invest in to start earning money.
  • No ownership
    Everything is done in-platform which means you don’t have ownership over the website you are using.
  • No free gift
    They promise a free gift but is never mentioned after purchasing the product.
  • Sketchy paid traffic sources
    I’ve never heard of these personally picked influencers which makes it hard for me to trust that they’ll provide me with quality traffic.

How much does Click Wealth System cost?

The initial product costs $9 this will get you all the basic features after that, you’ll be offered multiple upsells.

Upsell #1 Click Profit Activator, $147

This upsell provides you with more functionality for customizing your website so you can increase its conversion rate.

Upsell #2 Click Profit Multiplier, $148

An app that helps you with creating email swipes.

Upsell #3 5x Profit Sites

5 extra DFY webpages that you can use.

These upsells will be offered 3 times while you’re going to the process of creating your website. Right after purchasing they’ll immediately be offered. The second time will take place immediately after declining the first offer with a $50 discount.

The third time it’ll be offered while you’re going through all your steps.

Additional Click Wealth System costs: GetResponse, $16

Aside from the initial $9 purchase and the upsells, to get the system to work you’ll need to buy a subscription to an email marketing service. Matthew recommends going with GetResponse an email marketing service I’m very familiar with myself.

He recommends the free version but the problem with that version is that it can only broadcast emails in real life time which would mean you would have to monitor the traffic that comes in 24/7.

What you really need is the basic plan of $16 which comes with autoresponders so the moment they’re added to your email list they get specific emails at a pre-determined time.

Click Wealth System comes with a 60-day guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied with the product you’ll get a refund. He also states that everyone that acts on the 60-day guarantee will immediately be put on his blacklist.

Click Wealth System Red Flags

Red Flag #1: The hidden upsells

The main website promotes this product without mentioning any of the upsells. The problem is that most of these upsells are needed to differentiate your website and email letters from other people that also bought the program.

When you look at the buyer’s process you go through, you’ll notice rather quickly that Click Wealth System is simply a tool to get people to buy their upsells which can’t live up to the set expectations.

Red Flag #2: The Shady Scarcity Tactics

This is by far one of the shadiest tactics I have ever seen to upsell people. When you start you’ll be shown multiple sales pages talking about the products they’re trying to sell.

Every page has a timer of barely 5 minutes to create a situation where you feel pressured to buy the product.

This I don’t have a problem with but the moment you press on the link to indicate you’re not interested another page appears asking you if you’re sure you don’t want to buy the product and a 90% discount.

This is something I have a problem with because those that bought it from the first sales page will never know that they vastly overpaid for the product.

Red Flag #3: The constant pushing to promote CWS

It’s in their best interest to have people promote Click Wealth System and you’ll notice that right from the start. 50% of the welcome video is about how you can earn $10K/month by promoting Click Wealth System.

They subtly keep talking about $10K/month with CWS throughout the program.

Red Flag #4: The supposedly 50% conversion rate on their websites

The Click Wealth System Welcome video shows you a calculation of how you can earn $10K/month promoting it but there’s 1 claim they made that blew my mind, to be honest.

They said they had a conversion rate of 50% with their websites. This would mean half of the people that are getting sent to these websites buy the product at full price.

This seems a bit unrealistic, especially with a 1-page website that doesn’t share much information with you.

My Personal Take

What I Like:

DFY Websites

The Click Wealth System offers 1-page done-for-you websites. You don’t have to create these websites from scratch which saves you a lot of time.

Nowadays it doesn’t require a lot of knowledge to create a simple website but I can imagine that people with no experience would still appreciate it.

What I don’t like:

The promoting of the upsells

The way they promote their upsells irks me a lot.

Immediately after purchasing the product, multiple sales letters appear trying to get you to buy their upgrades. I normally wouldn’t have a problem with it but what they do is invoke fake scarcity.

They put timers and claim that if you don’t purchase the products within a few minutes you won’t ever have the chance to get them for the same price. The problem is that after you decline another sales page for the same upgrade appears but is a lot cheaper.

Also after declining the second offer you’ll still be able to get the upgrades for the same price in the dashboard of Click Wealth System.

It’s not illegal to create a funnel like this but from a moral perspective, I can’t be on board with this.

The lack of training

Click Wealth System doesn’t contain any useful training.

They recommend paying for clicks from their influencers and for those that don’t want to pay they have a few pdf’s about setting up social media accounts and commenting on blogs to get traffic.

Little to no effort has been done to accommodate people that might not have the budget to pay for traffic and want to focus on organic traffic.

The inability of customizing the websites without the upsells

I do think it’s great that Click Wealth System provides you websites but I don’t like to get full functionality over the websites you need to purchase Click Profit Activator which is $147.

This is a very expensive offer just for being able to fully edit your website. You could easily create the same websites with Getresponse, Generatepres or any other website builder for a lower price.

No ownership

To create your websites you don’t need a domain name or hosting which can be a benefit but because it’s done all within the platform you have no full control over your supposed source of income.

Let’s say Matthew decided to terminate the Click Wealth System you’d instantly lose your source of income. The same thing applies to the editing of the website and to a lesser degree the affiliate products you can promote.

I wouldn’t necessarily call this a red flag that points toward it being a scam but I do think it brings risks of which you should be conscious.


Is Click Wealth System A Scam?

I wouldn’t call it a scam where they run away with your money but I wouldn’t call it a great opportunity either.

While the method they suggest using works, the claims in their marketing are exaggerated and the resources you get are sub-par.

I can’t imagine anyone earning a consistent income with the tools offered.

Click Wealth System Alternative

The Customer Middleman Arbitrage method a.k.a. affiliate marketing is a real thing. Unfortunately, Click Wealth System doesn’t provide people with the knowledge and resources to do it properly in 2022.

The Click Wealth System might’ve had a chance to work in 2015 but nowadays you’d need more to grab people’s attention and effectively guide them to affiliate offers to earn money.

If you’re interested in learning how to do this properly and start earning a 5-figure income online I might have something interesting for you.

In 2018  I created a website capable of the results Matthew claims the Click Wealth System will bring you. I learned how to create this website with the help of an affiliate marketing training platform.

If you’re interested in becoming the customer middleman arbitrage or affiliate marketer I suggest taking a look at this platform. They even have a free membership that you can use to see if it is the right fit for you.

Click here to read my affiliate training platform review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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