How To Keep Up With SEO Trends And Dominate In 2024 (And Beyond!)

Thinking about optimizing your website or your rankings suddenly went down and you don’t know what caused it?

Maybe the problem wasn’t with your website but a search engine algorithm change occurred.

Either way, if you’re just starting or in the middle of the journey of getting your website ranked knowing what’s going on in the SEO world can help a lot.

This is why I decided to make this post so you know exactly where to turn to when you want to keep up with the daily changes search engines make to make sure the highest quality content is being shown to its users.

The Official search engine blogs

The Official Google Webmaster Central blog
This is probably the most obvious place to go for information but still, it took about 4 months before I realized that this blog existed.

They have a huge archive with everything you need to know regarding crawling and indexing sites for the Google index.

Everything is rearranged according to date and labels and easily accessible with the search bar in one of the side widgets.

This might not be exactly relevant to this post but it’s also possible to test if your website is mobile-friendly on the website.


Most people have Google as their default search engine in case they have questions that need to be answered but there is a considerably large group that still uses and Yahoo.

A few years ago Microsoft took over Yahoo so now even though they’re different websites they show the same results.

This is why the second and last official search engine blog I advise you to take a look at is…

Bing Webmaster blogs
Just like the google webmaster central blog Bing blog has all kinds of posts regarding everything that happens in the Bing indexing world and tips about how you can take advantage of it.

In the menu, under blogs, you can find all you need to know under the category’s webmaster and search quality insights.

Search Engine Optimization Websites

Backlinko is a blog owned by Brian Dean and I’m personally in love with this blog.

A friend of mine advised me to buy his YouTube program and after looking at it I took a peek at his blog and my mind was blown.

He gave away so much value it inspired me to create this blog and take on the mentality of giving away an absurd amount of value for free.

Unlike the webmaster blogs he won’t post about every little change, there is in the search engine world but if it’s vital news, you can bet he’ll put out a post about it and how to take advantage of it.

Moz offers analysis tools and teaches you how to optimize your website, but they also have a blog with a lot of in-depth information about everything concerning SEO.

Trends, tips, hacks you can find it all on Moz. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting or have been optimizing websites for search engines for years. You’ll find what you’re looking for.

Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land is a website that keeps you up to date with everything about search engine optimization.

Out of the three SEO websites, this is probably the one that gives the most detailed information about every little thing that happens in the search engine world.

As a beginner, this might seem a little overwhelming but for someone who’s been doing SEO for a while, it’s information heaven.

Just like the other websites, I named here Search Engine Journal is a website dedicated to online marketing.

Besides SEO they also bring out articles about social media. Search engine journal is an excellent website to use to keep up to date not only with everything that happens in the world of SEO but also of social media.

None of these websites are made by people who work at Google but as soon as you land on their website you’ll notice that these people know what they’re talking about and use very credible sources for the information they use to create their content.

Search engine round table
Search engine Round Table is a website that primarily focuses on what is going on in the search engine world.

They post consistently so you know everything on the website itself is relevant.

Not only do they post about updates in Google but also Yahoo, Bing, and other SEO topics such as link building, SEO copywriting, and more.

SEO Trends

Monitor Social Media Pages For Latest SEO News

Twitter SEO pages

@searchliaison – Danny Sullivan

It’s a bit different from the websites I’ve named before but I like Twitter because it’s probably the quickest way to find out about trends in the search engine world.

Danny Sullivan is the official liaison of search at Google so if anything’s happening he knows about it. Follow him on Twitter where he shares all his insights about how Google works.

Search Engine Optimization Forums

I personally like Webmasterworld a lot.

You’ll find everything about the newest updates and what’s cool because it’s a forum where you can talk to others about how they handle the changes that search engines make and learn from their wins and losses.

SEO Trends

Tracking sources on websites

Honestly, I don’t know everything and I’m sure their probably a lot of other sources that have credible information and news that can help with optimizing your website.

This is why lately I’ve been trying to make it a habit to research sources SEO websites use for news. I’m not saying you should do this but it couldn’t hurt.

Seeing everything discussed on these websites can be overwhelming when you first see it but remember the number one way to maximize the chance that your content ranks high is to aim to create high-quality content.

I don’t try to adjust every time some tweet comes by about a small change in the algorithm.

I do regularly check my position, clicks, and impressions on Google Search Console.

The moment I see a very big change I start comparing my websites to other websites and start looking with a very close eye on the algorithm changes that might’ve to occur around that date but even so…

Your first priority should be creating quality content!

That’s all for now.

I hope to see you in my next post!


Need any help with setting up a website and getting it SEO-ready? Take a look at WA-University. The moment you create a free account (No credit needed) you’ll get access to a 28-step course that helps you set up a website, create content, and get it SEO-ready.

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

4 thoughts on “How To Keep Up With SEO Trends And Dominate In 2024 (And Beyond!)”

  1. You offer such a big amount of information here, that I’m saving this as a favourite to be able to go through every single suggestion you give in this post.

    I already write content every single day (2000+ word articles mostly) and I use google+ and Google search console, but i was unaware of the others that you mentioned. I will definitely try it out to see what difference it makes on my rankings.

    Thanks for such great info!

    • Heey Reyhana

      Thanks for the kind words. Yeah! It’s crazy how much is out there when it comes to tools and information about SEO. I’m learning new things every day. 

      Really cool that you’re saving it as a favorite! I’m thinking about creating an email list specifically for this website in which I go more in-depth about the things I write about in this blog somewhere during this month if you’re interested.


  2. Thank you for this great article on SEO trends in 2019. As an affiliate marketer I am always looking for ways to help improve my SEO and attract more website visitors.
    I use both Bing and Google and my major search engines. I think that most of my traffic comes from these two sources so I like to see what my website visitors see as well.
    As an affiliate marketer I have heard of Backlinko before and I even checked out his blog for a few tips. I haven’t taken the plunge and signed up to him yet. Thanks for telling me there is heaps of value in there if I do. One of the problems I have having with affiliate marketing is that there are heaps, I mean heaps of FREE information out there and I am having trouble sifting through all of that information.
    It seems like everyone has a “great tip” for you.
    I was wondering how do you filter out all of this information so that you know you are implementing strategies that will work really well for you in 2019?
    Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks for the comment!

      Google gives a lot of tips about what could help with your SEO. When you look for example at Google Analytics they show you the numbers about the amount of users, sessions, session time, bounce rate. I chose to focus on these things plus the quality of my content in general, because that is the main thing Google looks at.

      I noticed that a lot of how you can improve these metrics are based around sales. Things like hooking your reader, how to improve the user experience of your content and how to properly create a call to action. 

      So I started learning about the basics of advertising so I can use that as a filter to see what works and what doesn’t. I read books like “Tested Advertising Method” by John Caple and “Cashvertising” by Drew Eric Whitman and also invested in an Online Courses from digital and joined to create a solid foundation to built upon.


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