SEO vs PPC statistics which one should you choose?

In this post, I’ll be talking about search engine optimization and PPC and I’ll give you some SEO vs PPC statistics so you can have insight in which way of marketing might be better for your website.

I’ll be talking about :

  • The importance of search traffic
  • Time investment SEO vs PPC
  • Statistics showing you how you can benefit from each
  • The future of both methods
  • My advice to you when it comes to marketing your product

The importance of search traffic

In 2017, 46.8% of the global population accessed the internet and by 2021 this figure is projected to grow to 53.7%.
With stats like this, it’s undeniable that the internet is the place to be if you want to get some eyes on your platform. (smartinsights, 2018)


With the emergence of social media search traffic kind of has taken a backseat in most people mind. People on YouTube like Gary Vaynerchuk, Tai Lopez & Steve Bartlett that are the forefront of this social media revolution have made social media marketing a cultural phenomenon, but to think search traffic is a thing of the past is absolutely far from the truth.

Search engines drive 93% of all website traffic (omnicore agency, 2018). That’s way too much to decide to overlook search traffic marketing.
On average, search traffic converts 10x higher than the social media on desktops. So it’s save to say that you’ll be increasing your chances of selling infinitely by participating in search engine marketing. (omnicore agency, 2018)

source. omnicore agency website

Learn how to create websites that earn a 4-5 figure monthly income with the help of search engine marketing right here.

Time vs Money investment Organic vs. PPC

You can take two approaches when it comes to marketing with the help of search engines. You can try to rank high for certain keywords in search engines and get people to come to your platform organically or you can use PPC ( Pay-Per-Click)
with which you need to pay and the search engines will make sure your content appears when people search for it.

Even though both methods take advantage of people using search engines every day there are a few major differences between the two. The one difference that gets talked about the most and is for many is the determining factor in using one of these methods is the financial investment.

To get more eyes on your platform with the help of organic traffic people often use SEO. Target keywords, optimize your website and create a lot of content for search engines to rank. Compared to PPC this is almost free but it does take a lot of time to create all that content and to convince Google that you have a trustworthy website that they can rank high.

With PPC you pay to get to the top of the most watched pages on search engines. Search engines will look at your request to see if it’s in line with their rules, but in comparison to the months, it takes to rank organically this is done in an instant.

Some people don’t have the patience to invest in SEO others don’t have the money to go for PPC. It all depends on what is more beneficial for you.

Benefits of SEO

Financial risk is lower 
As I said before the cost of SEO are minimal. The only things you actually pay for if you wish to go that route are online tools that help with determining profitable keywords, Rank and looking for trending content.

It makes it a lot easier to experiment and take risks to find out what’s working and what’s not.

24/7 advertising on google
There are so many people all over the world that use Google that there’s 24/7 activity which means your content will pop up no matter how late it is for everyone that might be looking for it.

SEO is a long-term strategy
It takes some time to get ranked on the first page of Google but once you’re on it you rarely drop down in rank. So for people looking for a semi-passive way to market their platform this is perfect.

Benefits PPC

Immediate eyes on content
If you don’t have the time or the patience to build up content and get on the first page of a search engine PPC is perfect. You’ll get put on the first page of Search engines immediately and will get visitors quick.

Don’t have to take into account the competition
Dependent on how much you’re willing to pay for advertising you’ll always be placed high which means no matter how much competition there is your website will get exposure.

No need to play catch-up with PPC veterans
No matter how big your competitors business is, or how much brand equity they have if you pay enough you’ll get just enough exposure as they do.

Search Engine Traffic statistics

I can name up all kinds of benefits, but nothing gives more perspective than cold hard facts backed up by statistics. So I thought I’d give you some.

1. In 2017, Google accounted for over 79% of all global desktop search traffic, followed by Bing at 7.27%, Baidu at 6.55% and Yahoo at 5.06%. (impactbnd, 2017)

2. Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day. (impactbnd, 2017)

3. 50% of search queries are four words or longer. (impactbnd, 2017)


Learn how to create websites that earn a 4-5 figure monthly income with the help of search engine marketing right here.

SEO statistics

4. 61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority. (inpactbnd, 2017)

5. Updating and republishing old blog posts with new content and images can increase organic traffic by as much as 111% (backlinko, 2018)

6. Click through rates do in fact decline the further down SERPs the result is positioned. Not only do they decline, but the difference between 1st and 5th position is the largest decrease with an average of 25%. (searchenginejournal, 2018)


Paid Search Statistics

7. 66% of buyer-intent keywords are paid clicks (cleverclicks, 2018)
8. 73% of Marketers Will Increase Their Ad Spend in 2018 (cleverclicks, 2018)


9. An Average of 200% ROI for Paid Advertising (bluecorona, 2018)

10. Google AdWords results receive 65% of the clicks that started with buying keywords, while organic results only receive 35 percent (bleucorona, 2018)
11. The average click-through rate for an ad in the first position is 7.94%. An average click-through rate is 2%.
(bluecorona, 2018)
12. PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors. (bluecorona, 2018)
13. 75% of people who find local, helpful information in search results are more likely to visit the physical stores. (bluecorona, 2018)
15. 46% of people can’t identify paid ads on the search results page. (bluecorona, 2018)


The future of paid advertising

When reading a lot of these stats you might get super enthusiastic about using paid advertising, but there’s one thing you should take into account and that is adblocking. A lot of people have adblockers installed in their web browsers without even knowing it and in the future, more people will make use of them. If you use search engine marketing you probably won’t have a lot of trouble with it because it’s done native, but you might get the option to do banner ads. Here are some stats about adblocking.

The motivation behind add blocking

  • 25 – 34 year-olds are more likely to ignore online ads, such as banners and those on social media and search engines than they were traditional TV, radio and newspaper ads. (bluecorona, 2018)
  • 54% of users don’t click banner ads because they don’t trust them. (bluecorona, 2018)

Make sure you target the right people and you won’t become one of these stats.


The future of SEO

Competition for rank
The SEO field is getting more competitive by the day and it takes longer and longer for certain niche content to get ranked but with the infinite amount of keywords that exist and are being created every day, there will always be low competition keywords that you can take advantage of.

SEO won’t be going anywhere but I do think the bar of how high the quality needs to be to get ranked on the first-page will rise so you’re going to have to get a little creative with your content.

My advice on marketing your product

Both SEO and PPC are really great methods to use for your marketing, but honestly, I’d never choose only one of them. Let’s say you have a new website and you start doing PPC immediately and you get a lot of website visitors what they’ll do once they’re on your website is probably still a mystery.

If your website conversion is bad you’ve wasted a lot of money. Before you do anything which involves paid advertising I’d get some advice from someone that’s knowledgeable in the field of sales to look at how I can optimize my website for optimum conversion or begin with doing SEO (if you have the time) so you can experiment with your website conversion with there being a financial risk.

Whatever you choose to do I hope it works out and I’ll maybe see you
on another post.

That’s all for now.

Until the next time.


There’s a lot of information you need to know about SEO and PPC to do it correctly and in some cases, it might feel overwhelming. This is why I advise you to join communities where you can discuss everything with likeminded people.
WA-University is one of those communities. When you create a free account (no credit card needed) you’ll get access to Free basic training, hosting and 2 domains. You can check out my WA-university review here to see what it’s all about.

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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