2019 Alex Becker’s Market Hero Review — Inside Analysis.

This is a comprehensive 2019 Market Hero Review. I came across Alex Becker his content on YouTube February last year and honestly found that he made some of the most compelling Business YouTube videos on the platform.

If you’ve have seen his videos before you might know that his ads target people that have seen his videos before.

So before you know it when I was looking at YouTube videos on my phone I saw Alex Becker looking at me and telling me about his academy and Wolf mugs.

He offered a free trial and I got a good idea of what his paid products look like. After doing this a lot of my friends were curious because you need to fill out your credit card information before you can do the free trial. So instead of people harassing me all day long about Market Hero, I thought I’d make a review haha.

So wondering if…

  • Market Hero is worth the money
  • If not only other people but you personally can benefit from it
  • It’s a scam or not?

Good News!

I personally have tried out this product and it has no affiliate program so I gain nothing financially from reviewing this product. Everything you read here is legit. In this review, I’ll share with you…

  • What Market Hero is
  • The Pros and Cons of Market Hero
  • Who can benefit from using Market Hero
  • What kind of tools and features Market Hero provides you with
  • What support Market Hero provides
  • How much Market Hero costs
  • My personal take on Market Hero

RealDigitalSuccess.com presents the…

2019 Alex Becker’s Market Hero Review

Name: Market Hero
Website: www.markethero.io
Founders/Owners: Alex Becker
Price: $19/ month — $950/ month
Overall ranking: 9/10

Market Hero, product overview

Market Hero is an email autoresponder and marketing service. The goal with Market Hero was to bring everything needed to create a successful email marketing campaign that can scale your business in one tool.

The Good & The Bad

The good

Pro #1 All in One Package
Market Hero can be defined as an all in one package. You’ll get everything you need to create a successful marketing campaign and a lot of free stuff to support you on your journey.
Pro #2 Free access to the 8X Academy 2.0

This should definitely be one of their main selling points. You’ll get the entire 8X academy for free with Market Hero. They recently updated the academy to the 2.0 version which is more beginner friendly.

This is basically weeks of video lessons coffering all the theory you need to know to create an online business. I was kind of shocked to see that they included this.

Pro #3 It’s made for selling
There are a lot of email marketing services that restrict you when it comes to making sales with online marketing. I always advise before you choose one to look at the terms of agreement. Market Hero is made especially made for people trying to sell products online so you won’t have that problem.

The bad

Con #1 Not for people on a budget
Market Hero used to cost a lot more in the past but I still think the price increase between subscriber packages can be a bit high. You have to know what you’re doing if you’re willing to invest in Market Hero in my opinion.

Who is Market Hero for?

Market Hero is made for people who specifically want to sell products on the internet. If you’re just a hobbyist or you aren’t serious about being an online entrepreneur I wouldn’t advise you to buy this product because it’s specifically geared towards making sales.

Market Hero tools & training


The dashboard gives you an overview of every campaign you’ve created. The market hero dashboard will show you:

  • Your latest broadcasts and their performance
  • Weekly profit made from your emails

You’ll get data about:

  • Amount of subscriptions
  • Emails sent and opened
  • Clickthrough rate of your emails
  • complaints

It’s basically everything you need to know to edit your campaigns if necessary.


Streams are basically a sequence of messages. These often work better when it comes to making sales because you create a relationship with the reader over a longer period of time before you offer a product.

With Market hero, you’re able to create two different streams

  • Email Stream
  • Facebook Messenger stream

Alex will also provide you with 2 pre-made streams ( The 8x-funnel and the E-COMupsale stream )

Visual workflow builder
The moment you want to make a new stream you’ll enter the visual workflow builder. Here you can visually map out your entire communication funnel and determine the average value of a lead that enters your funnel ( This way you’ll know how much you can spend on lead acquisition ).

Form Builder
Unlike with most email marketing services, there isn’t a specific form building area. The form is already integrated into designated funnels and streams.

I think Alex made it like this to prevent people from ruining their own opt-in process. It still would be nice to have the freedom to change form types especially if you’re are an experienced email marketer.

Email Templates
Market Hero comes with 7 custom email templates for you to use. The templates itself are simple knowing that less is often more when it comes to email marketing.

Email Editor
Market Hero’s email editor makes it possible as the name says to edit the emails. The editor has a simple drag and drop functionality so that you don’t have to waste time learning how it works.


While the streams are for long-term strategies the broadcast is for the short-term if you just want to send one email out to your list. Just like with the streams you can broadcast through:

  • Email
  • Facebook Messenger


This is where you manage all your leads. You can add or import your leads here. You can also segment your list by tagging your leads.

You can filter leads based on things like:

  • Name
  • Tag
  • Status
  • and many more points


Let’s you look at the products sales. In finance you’ll be able to:

  • Your overall financial picture
  • See report of email and facebook streams that contain product offers
  • calculate and compare products across different timelines


Market Hero makes it possible to connect online services to your email marketing to create a complete campaign. It’s possible to connect with services like:

  • Leadpages
  • Shopify
  • Clickfunnels
  • JVzoo
  • and many more online services.

Market Hero Support

The knowledge base consists of articles about how Market Hero works, courses, policies and more.

Facebook group
In the facebook group, Alex posts a lot of content to help you on your way and you can talk with other people and mastermind.

live chat
For all your questions you can go to the live chat.

Monthly Webinar
Every month you can join their webinars and get training exclusive to the hero community.

Market Hero price

The pricing of market hero is done based on how big your list is and can be paid monthly or yearly.
Pricing options:

14-day free trial

Monthly billing:
1K Subscribers, $19/ month
3K Subscribers, $49/ month
7.5K Subscribers, $99/ month
10K Subscribers, $129/ month
25K Subscribers, $299/ month
50K Subscribers, $549/ month
75K Subscribers, $800/ month
100K Subscribers, $950/ month
Enterprise,  Custom price

Yearly billing:
1K Subscribers, $194/ year
3K Subscribers, $499/ year
7.5K Subscribers, $1010/ year
10K Subscribers, $1316/ year
25K Subscribers, $3050/ year
50K Subscribers, $5600/ year
75K Subscribers, $8160/ year
100K Subscribers, $9690/ year
Enterprise,  Custom price

My personal take on Market Hero

I think Market Hero is an excellent program to do your email marketing with. Funny enough what draws me the most to Market Hero isn’t the software itself but all the free bonuses you’ll receive when you sign up for Market Hero. As someone that does online marketing these kind of products are dear to my heart because they’re geared towards sales.

You have a lot of good email marketing services on the internet that do a great job but when you look at the terms of agreement you might see something like it’s not allowed to promote affiliate products with this service. That’s not Market Hero.

The user experience is amazing and just by the styling, you can see they put a lot of work in this product.

In the past, I’ve said that I wouldn’t recommend this email marketing service to beginners but they have made some changes over the last few months.

Alex has now included the 8X academy 2.0 for free when you buy market hero with everything you need to know about how to do email marketing in an effective way.

Overall a great product.

Market Hero overall overview

Name: Market Hero
Website: www.markethero.io
Founders/Owners: Alex Becker
Price: $19/ month — $950/ month
Overall ranking: 9/10


The Jury Of Real Digital Success finds Market Hero GUILTY of being worth every penny you pay for it!


This product definitely is the real deal but I can imagine you might not have the money to pay for it.

If that is the case take you might want to take a look at an online marketing training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s considerably cheaper especially when you start growing and it has a community of +1.4 million members.

Take a look at my wealthy affiliate review and see if you’re interested in trying it out by signing up for their free account.

Click Here To Check Out My Wealthy Affiliate Review

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

20 thoughts on “2019 Alex Becker’s Market Hero Review — Inside Analysis.”

  1. Thanks very much for this timely info. There are many traffic sites out there promising people that they will help them because traffic equals more money. But many of these sites are fake so whenever I see a legit sites I do like to know about the services it will be offering. Although have just joined Wealthy Affiliate where I’m learning about all I will need to succeed in my affiliate hustle. Hence after have finally settled down with WA I will market hero a chance.  

    Nice piece and encouragement from you. 

    • Thanks for the comment!

      Market Hero is definitely legit and I definitely think you’re doing the right thing by focussing on Wealthy Affiliate first and getting your website ranked.  Get the traffic first than maximize your profit with email marketing.

  2. Thanks very much for the post! Market Hero is out of my budget and I am actually seeking a following/email list so not something I can do but great having the details of what it does for perhaps the future.

    • Hey Suzanne!

      Have you thought about using convertkit? It’s an excellent email marketing service for people with a smaller budget. I’ve reviewed it in the past so you can check that out if you’re interested.

  3. Thanks very much for the post! Market Hero is out of my budget and I am actually seeking a following/email list so not something I can do but great having the details of what it does for perhaps the future. The screen shots were helpful as well as itemizing monthly costs and what you get for that.

    • Hey Suzanne!

      Market Hero certainly isn’t cheap but if you’re looking for an alternative you might want to take a look at convertkit or Aweber. I’ve reviewed them both. I’d still look at the terms of agreement before buying them to make sure you’re allowed to do whatever you want to achieve with them. I know for example that Mailchimp limits affiliate marketing.

  4. 9/10 rating is huge, that’s what I thought before I read your review, but at the end, I am convinced that your rating of Market Hero is justified.I am entirely new to promoting online business, I am still in the category of hobbyist. Nevertheless, I wonder why a company that offer email marketing software service will prevent users from promoting content with affiliate link. That’s makes is scam, especially when subscription is involved.

    • I think it has to do with bad experiences in the past. There are a lot of affiliate marketers out there promoting click bank products that are really shady and that can put the email marketing services in a negative light. A lot of email marketing services don’t want to deal with that.

  5. This is such a helpful review, Rogier. There are so many scammers in the online world, it is always such a relief to learn of something that is The Real Deal! You are right, though, that Market Hero is a bit pricey, but given all one gets for the money, I can see it being a good choice for a lot of people looking to “level up” their online business. I’m not quite to the point of being willing to spend that kind of money yet…but I sure hope to get there soon, and now, thanks to you, I know of a legitimate, value-added system to evaluate for my needs. Thank you for your “brutally honest take”…and your sense of humor. Keep up the good work!

    • Hey Cheri!

      Thanks for the comment! It’s indeed a bit expensive but if you’re able to afford it then it’s a really nice tool to have at your disposal especially as an affiliate marketer.


  6. Yes before I even arrived to your conclusion, I already know that this program of Alex email marketing is not just meant for beginners because of the cost. Yes it’s an expensive product and a beginner might find it difficult to cope with the product. I will like to try them out when I am already established in my online business.

    • Hey Kenechi!

      Thanks for the comment. Yeah, you can’t get the full potential out of it unless you consistently have traffic going to your website. You’ll get there eventually no doubt!

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  7. Hey Rogier,

    Presently I am using MailChimp as my autoresponder but they don’t allow to promote affiliate products. So l had to search for other email service providers which allow affiliate links to be embedded in my marketing campaign. It seems that Market Hero is ideal for my need. Definitely will give it a try.

    Thank you for this great and informative review about Market Hero.

    Shui Hyen

    • Hey Shui!

      Thanks for the comment! Market Hero is definitely a game changer especially with the free access to the 8X academy. Let me know what you think about it!


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  8. Hello, I just went through your Market Hero review, was very impressed.

    The review is very informative, giving the pros and cons and giving what I thought was a very fair evaluation and making it clear who fits the price point.

    You were comprehensive with screen shots and all on the program and how it works. 

    Considering the price and what and who can effectively benefit from it was an excellent segue into WA without being over powering.

    I’m new to WA with no techie background so I am working my way through the training, your website is very impressive. I would like to get to that point of perfection.

    • Hey Russ!

      Thanks for the kind words regarding my review and my website. It’s always nice to see WA people on here. If you need any help or have any questions related to affiliate marketing let me know!


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  9. Thanks for unmasking such a wonderful platform to our advantage, although this is the first time I’m hearing about this platform and how it benefits us, with this Alex Becker market hero ,traffic should not  be a problem. I must say I’m impressed with this explanation but I’m a beginner in affiliate marketing. How do I start using this platform? 

    • Hey Seun!

      As a beginner, I’d wait with using Market Hero. Start with getting your content on the first pages of search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo, and after that, you can use market hero for customer retention and guide your leads to multiple sales instead of them just buying one affiliate product and you never see them again. 

  10. Thanks so much for looking at this program. I can’t tell you how many scams I have stumbled upon when researching online business. It’s nice to see one that doesn’t seem like it is only interested in cheating you out of your money. That being said, it is quite expensive for someone on a budget like myself. 

    The few questions I had are about billing. Whether you pay monthly or yearly, if you have 100K subscribers, is that $950 or $9,690 fee on top of your $99 a month membership fee? Also, is that 100K rate the cap of how much you will be billed or does it keep going higher as you gain 100K plus subscribers? I’d be curious to know what the earning potential is since it price for more subscribers seems awfully high. 

    • Hey Steve!

      Thanks for the comment. I forgot to add that to the review. The $99/month is the baseline fee with which you get 7500 subscribers and everything above that you’ll have to pay more. The moment you reach 100K+ you get a custom price for how many subscribers have ( I’m not at a 100K yet) and from what I’ve heard you’ll get a discount. 


      Rogier | Real Digital Success


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