Commission Hero Review — From the perspective of a seasoned affiliate marketer

Welcome to my Commission Hero review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Commission Hero is legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online but in the process I learned how to spot scams. Commission Hero is one the products I reviewed.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Commission Hero and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Commission Hero Review Overview

Name: Commission Hero


Founder: Robby Blanchard
Product type: Affiliate Marketing system

Price: $997

Rating: 8/10

commission hero logo

Commission Hero is an affiliate marketing system created by Robby Blanchard to help people earn money by directing traffic from Facebook to Clickbank affiliate offers.

It is possible to make money with Commission Hero but you'll have to invest a lot of money before you can start.

Rating: 8/10

Recommended: Yes

Robby Blanchard — Founder of Commission Hero

Founder of Commission Hero Robby Blanchard

Robby Blancard has been in the online marketing branch for years. According to his sales page, he's the number 1 affiliate marketer on Clickbank.

Robby turned out not to be all talk.

He's on the list of leaders selling Clickbank affiliate products and has his own media company named Blanchard Media LLC.

In 2017, with the help of affiliate marketing and his agency he earned his first million dollars and isn't slowing down.

He didn't start in the make money online branch. It turns out before he made money online he owned a gym. He learned how to direct traffic with Facebook ads at that time by running Facebook ads for his gym.

After having success with promoting his gym he started focusing on affiliate products and became the #1 affiliate marketer on Clickbank and founded his own media company.

How does Commission Hero work?

Commission Hero is an affiliate marketing system that teaches you how to make money promoting products from Clickbank.

The system itself is based on promoting affiliate products with the help of Facebook advertising.

There's a 3-step process (which he calls his 3 top secrets to success) that you'll go through when you follow the training of Commission Hero:

1. Choosing the right affiliate offers.
Promoting the wrong affiliate offers can cost you thousands of dollars. Robby has made a list of Clickbank offers you can choose from.

2. Creating ads and choose pictures that get noticed.
In this step, you'll learn what kind of ads and pictures get noticed and create your own Facebook ad.

3. Create a landing page that converts.
You'll use one of the theme templates to create a landing page that converts. You'll learn about split-testing and creating quizzes that'll help with increasing your conversion rate.

commission hero top secret training

How do you direct traffic with Commission Hero?

The hardest part of affiate marketing is without a doubt directing traffic to your affiliate offers. A lot of products make big claims about taking care of that for you with the push of a button (which never seems to be true).

Commission Hero is different.

Commission Hero members use Facebook ads to direct traffic to your affiliate offers which means you're going to have to pay for exposure.

In the Commission Hero training, they'll teach you how to do this effectively so that you spend the minimum amount of money but get the most amount of value out of it.

Who can benefit from Commission Hero?

Who would benefit from purchasing this product:

  • People who have the money to afford Commission Hero.
  • People that specifically want to promote affiliate products with FB ads

Who shouldn’t purchase this product:

  • People that have a small budget
  • People that want to focus on driving organic traffic

Pros and Cons of Commission Hero

  • Pros
  • cons
  • Commission Hero is overpriced
    The knowledge and services you’re provided within this product are valuable but the market decides how much value something has. I’ve reviewed products that cost a fifth of this product and provide you with the same amount of value.
  • Lack of focus on other marketing channels
    It’s undeniable that you can sell products with the help of Facebook Ads but the product could've been so much better if they added more methods to drive traffic to your offers.
  • Commission Hero limits itself to Clickbank 
    While there are a few good offers on Clickbank Commission Hero members are missing out on affiliate offers from other websites.

Commission Hero Tool, Training & Features

The Commission Hero video modules
Commission Hero has 11 Modules containing step-by-step training teaching you:

  • The basics to get started
  • How to choose the right affiliate offers
  • How to find the right ad image
  • How to set up your own landing page
  • How to set up your Facebook page
  • How to set up Facebook Pixel
  • How to track your business
  • How to scale your campaigns
  • Ninja tactics ( tactics revolving around spying on competitors.)

Want to learn how to make money online? Check out my #1 Recommendation

Template landing pages
Commission Hero works in combination with Clickfunnels which means instead of creating your own landing pages you'll be using their library of conversion optimized landing pages to create your website.


Robby offers limited-time bonuses if you join now including:

Bonus 1: The Commision Hero Facebook Group
Access to the Facebook group where you can talk to fellow members, mestermind with them, and let out your frustrations if you have them.

Commission hero facebook group

Bonus 2: Robby's Done-For-You Landing pages
Robby will share with you the landing pages he has used to become the #1 affiliate marketer on Clickbank. They're free for you to use or edit any way you see fit.

Commission Hero landing pages

Bonus 3: My Million dollar Image Swipe file
Robby has added +20 images that have all been tested to work. You can use these images as inspiration while you're creating your own images.

Commission Hero Swipe images

Tired of online scams? ​Check out my #1 Recommendation

My Personal Take

Commission Hero doesn't make any false claims. The training is simple which makes it Commission Hero a good fit for people without any experience in affiliate marketing.

Commission Hero is not a done-for-you product. You'll be taught how to do effective Facebook marketing which in my opinion is a benefit for the long term.

Commission Hero will provide you with guides and examples but you'll still have to test pictures and ad copy to see what works.

There are some things you'll have to take into account:

1. You'll have to invest a lot of money beforehand. 
Of the top of my head, you'll have to pay for:

  • Commission Hero
  •  Clickfunnels
  •  Email Marketing Service
  •  Facebook advertising

2. Facebook CPC keeps increasing
I created my first ad campaign back in 2017 and back then Facebook advertising was a lot cheaper than what it is now.

I imagine this trend will keep on going which means with the time you'll have to adjust your ads a lot to keep making a profit.

So if you're expecting a system that once it's set-up you'll never have to look at again this is not the product for you.

This is my opinion a lot of money you have to pay. This is why I can't recommend it to people on a tight budget but if you have the money I'd say go for it!


Product rating

Is Commission Hero legit?

After doing extensive research I've come to the conclusion that Commission Hero is Legit.

Commission Hero is legit because:

  • It has a viable marketing method.
  • They have high-quality training modules.

Commission Hero is legit but before you buy it you need to know this:

  • You'll have to pay for FB advertising yourself.
  • You'll need to buy Clickfunnels to create your funnels.


Commission Hero might not be ideal for people that can't pay the $900 but that doesn't mean there aren't cheaper alternatives out there.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

About Wealthy Affiliate

It’s the platform that taught me:

  • How to create a simple but professional-looking website.
  • How to market websites.
  • How to direct leads to your affiliate offers in a sustainable way,

Click on the button read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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