Do you use search engine optimization? 13 Reasons why you should

Do you use search engine optimization?

In this post, I’ll be showing you 13 reasons why you should try search engine optimization to rank your website on Google.

When I created my first website I had ZERO interest in understanding search engine optimization.

The fact that there was this 100+ point checklist of stuff that would help rank high in Google, but you had to wait forever to get ranked made my interest dip.

After that, I joined a community where they help you set up websites that make money with the help of affiliate marketing without high financial risk. I learned things that completely changed my outlook on SEO and ranking on Google.

Here’s a summary of what I learned about SEO that made me value it as a marketing strategy.

1. SEO is everything, but expensive

Paid advertising can quickly become expensive because you’re paying for attention. The more reach you want the more you pay.

While it is possible to profit from it the moment you stop investing money, the clicks disappear and as a result, the money stops coming in.

When you rank high in Google you won’t have this problem, because every website visitor that comes to your website wasn’t directed there with the help of advertisement.

Instead of the ever-increasing costs, marketing research tools are the only essential thing you need that might cost money.

2. SEO isn’t a nice add-on it’s an important part of your business online.

Google uses what I call Google bots that “crawl” on your website to see what it’s all about to place you on their pages.

Simply creating a website might not be enough to be placed on the correct search engine result page.

There are too many websites with content that goes in a million directions and as a result, get indexed wrong.

This can also lead to future pages being ranked lower because Google can’t identify what your website specializes in.

Good SEO requires you to focus on one overarching subject and communicate that to search engines so your content gets indexed correctly and the right people see it.

3. Your competitors are doing it

While you are paying money to reach your audience with advertisements and paying more to keep growing your competitors invest in SEO and get twice the reach for almost no money.

The money they save on getting visitors organically can be used to optimize other parts of their organization or scale more efficiently.

Those that don’t take advantage of SEO will always be 1 step behind.

4. SEO prevents you from losing money on the table

All over the world, there are millions of people searching for certain services and products.

With the emergence of the internet, people look for these products or information about them more and more on search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo.

90% of content gets lost in the wrong search result pages because of a lack of SEO.

By having your content show up in the search result pages they are looking for you aren’t leaving money on the table.

5. A significant number of people ignore paid search results

According to this Ads study from Demandsage, 94% of people skip over search ads. That’s an enormous amount of people.

Most people tend to click on search ads when they already know what they want. They’re already in the “buying” stage. This is a great group to focus on but 2 other stages come before buying a product.

The people in these stages could also become customers if you divert at least a little of your attention to them with SEO.

That small change can bring in big results.

6. SEO pulls in quality traffic

People use search engines like Google to get solutions and answers to their problems and questions.

This makes SEO a valuable marketing tool because you can purposefully place yourself on any search results page.

By finding out what keywords people use to get solutions to their problems you can strategically place content that answers these questions on these pages and connect with them.

Here’s an example:

If someone is looking for a laptop under $500 and your webpage containing a list of the 7 best laptops under $500 there’s a higher chance they purchase one on your website.

This way you’re only marketing to the people already interested in your content and offers.

7. High SEO rankings get free 24/7 promotion

Without a doubt paid advertising is very effective in reaching people, but once you stop paying your promotions stop.

If your business solely depends on ads running out of money halts your business. SEO rankings are shown to everyone all over the world as long as they type the keywords that connect to your results.

Search engines such as Google don’t have breaks they keep on running 24/7 which means your content gets promoted non-stop.

8. SEO is a long-term strategy

This is my favorite reason why I like SEO and the same reason why I used to dislike it.

It takes time to get any traction out of SEO, but once you’re ranked high it often stays up there for a long time (assuming the content is still relevant to users).

There are a lot of websites that rank high in Google and get visitors every day and haven’t been updated for almost six months. It’s probably the closest you can get to earning money passively.

9. SEO drives offline sales

People nowadays research a lot on the internet, because it saves time.

It’s rare for people to wonder aimlessly when looking for products. If your business pops up in the search results with the address it’s more likely they’ll knock on the door of your store.

10. SEO can give smaller companies the advantage

Google wants to give people who use their website the best experience they can offer.

Smaller companies can’t compete with the moguls when it comes to paid advertising, but when it comes to quality smaller companies have a shot.

This means if you can focus on creating quality content, build out your link profile, and optimize your content properly you could siphon off customers of the bigger companies.

11. SEO will increase your blog traffic

Blogging is an effective strategy for attracting customers.

Did you know 71% of B2B buyers consume blog content during their buyer journey?

This is why a lot of companies start a blog.

If your home page is the front door of your website, then all other pages can be considered the back door. Through blogging, you create hundreds of back doors to your website all over the internet.

SEO makes sure all these backdoors show up at the places where these B2B buyers reside.

12. SEO will make you stand out

There are so many businesses that offer the same thing that it’s almost impossible to stand out.

This is why companies go through herculean types of effort and spend crazy amounts of money to create a unique value proposition.

What if I told you when you rank high in Google that you don’t have to exert that same amount of effort?

According to a CTR study by First Page Sage 39.8% of traffic clicks on the first organic result on Google. So people will see your website way before they see all the other websites offering the same solution for the problem they came to Google with.

This doesn’t mean your solution shouldn’t be unique but it does make it somewhat easier.

13. SEO makes your business more valuable

Google mostly places websites it trusts on the first result pages.

Other people also see this sign of trust. It also communicates that your business knows what it’s doing from an SEO perspective.

Other websites are also more likely to reference your information in their content when you appear high on the results pages which is good for your brand.

The more you get mentioned, the more people will hear of you

Final Words

I could keep mentioning more research to take advantage of SEO but I think this is enough to showcase the value of the method.

The biggest companies in the world use SEO as the foundation of their marketing and build upon it with paid and social media marketing.

That alone should tell you something about the value of it.

If any of these reasons changed your perspective on SEO I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

That’s all for now.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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