Getresponse vs Flodesk: Which Should You Pick in 2024?

Welcome to my Getresponse vs Flodesk review.

In this post, I’m going to compare the main features of both email marketing services to find out which will give you a better chance to achieve your goals.

Getresponse and Flodesk have been around for a long time and can arguably be called some of the best email marketing services on the internet. That being said, depending on your goals one can be a better fit than the other.

That’s why I’m going to go over the most essential features of these email marketing services to highlight the differences so you can make an informed decision before purchasing one.

Reasons to get Getresponse:

  • The forever free version
  • Getresponse is more sales oriented
  • Advanced marketing automation
  • A/B Testing
  • Getresponse has more tiers making it easier to find a package that specifically meets your needs.

Reasons to get Flodesk:

  • Ease-of-use
  • 30-day free trial
  • A fixed price for every plan
  • No cap on subscribers and emails

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Who would benefit from these email marketing service

Who would benefit from Getresponse:

  • Large businesses
  • Small businesses
  • Solopreneurs
  • People that want to sell products and services
  • People with no marketing experience
  • Affiliate marketers
  • People that want to be able to make adjustments on a smaller scale
  • People that want to host or make money with webinars
  • People looking for a limited forever free plan

Who would benefit from Flodesk:

  • Small business
  • Solopreneurs
  • content creators
  • Bloggers
  • People with no marketing experience
  • People that want to run simple email marketing campaigns
  • People that want unlimited access in the first free month.

Free Plans and Limitations

Getresponse Forever Free Plan
Not too long ago Getresponse decided to add a free plan to their packages to give people a chance to see what Getresponse is all about.

They call it their forever-free plan. It is a limited version of their basic plan that allows limited email broadcasting, landing pages, and email subscribers.

The Getresponse Forever Free plan allows you to have a list of 500 contacts, send out 2500 emails per month, create 1 landing page, and use their pop-up form

The free plan doesn’t contain marketing automation but it is possible to communicate with your list in real time.

I do think it’s an excellent plan for beginners that don’t get consistent traffic but want to increase the chance of getting a sale from the email subscribers (which isn’t going to be a lot) that opt-in.

Flodesk 30-day free trial
Flodesk doesn’t have a Forever Free plan to take advantage of. They have decided to provide people with a 30-day free trial to see if its services are a good fit for them.

Unlike Getresponse, the 30-day free trial gives you full access to their everything plan. You’ll have full access to all Flodesks features and there is no cap on how many subscribers you can have emails you can send, and automation workflows you can create.

In my opinion, I think this is a great option if you’re planning to direct traffic immediately with help of ads or an established traffic source.


Getresponse and Flodesk are both beginner-friendly.

Getresponse was the first email marketing service I ever used back in 2018 and had no problem creating my first email campaigns.

I do think Flodesk is easier to use because it took a minimalistic approach when it came to creating the email marketing service. You don’t get distracted by all types of advanced functions with Flodesk.

I do think if you’re focusing on not only communication but also selling or promoting affiliate products the conversion funnel of Getresponse that guides you through the entire process is a big help.

That being said, overall, Ease-of-Use Flodesk is the winner.

Website Builder and Landing Pages

Landing pages are a big part of email marketing because that is where the campaign starts. People opt-in through a landing page and become email subscribers.

Getresponse and Flodesk both provide their users with features to create landing pages. The landing page builders are also similar to each other.

Getresponse website builder

I had no problem switching from Get Response to Flodesk when it came to creating the pages.

There are a few differences between the 2 email marketing services.

1. Getresponse provides you with a lot more templates that you can play around with.

2. You can create your own website in Getresponse.
The landing pages created by Flodesk are closer to forms than one-page websites that you can rank in search engines.

If I had to choose an email marketing service solely based on websites and landing pages Getresponse would be the winner.

Marketing Automation

Automation is one of the main features of every email marketing service.

It’s what makes it possible to manage your subscriber list and send out emails in mass on autopilot.

Getresponse and Flodesk both have marketing automation features but there are some differences.

Flowdesk review automation
Getresponse webinar workflow

Getresponse uses autoresponders and marketing automation while Flodesk only uses marketing automation.

You might be thinking what is the difference between the 2? Let me explain.

Autoresponders are messages that are often sent in a sequence.

An example of that can be a 10-day email course where every day you send a module through your autoresponder to your email subscribers.

Marketing automation automates not only what messages you send but also actions that need to be taken in response to how the subscribers react.

Marketing automation can do everything autoresponders do but it often takes a bit longer to set up the entire process.

When it comes to marketing automation Getresponse is the winner.

Analytics & Reporting

Analytics and reporting help a lot with fine-tuning the performance of your email marketing campaigns. It gives you insight into what is working and what is not.

Getresponse and Flodesk take vastly different approaches to analytics.

Flodesk has committed to the less is more approach.

They look at the overall campaign and focus on 4 key things open rate, clickthrough rate, delivery rate, and link performance. I understand why they did when I look back at the beginning of my email marketing journey.

I wasn’t looking for in-depth information I just wanted to know who was clicking on the links in my emails.

Getresponse goes more in-depth with its analytics and reporting.

It can do everything Flodesk does but can also give you these numbers live in real-time which allows you to make quick adjustments on the spot.

You can also get information from individual subscribers which can be handy if you’re selling high-ticket products and services to a small group of people.

When it comes to analytics and reporting the winner is Getresponse.

Management and Segmentation

Getresponse and Flodesk both use similar features for list management and segmentation.

You can segment your list with email marketing services and tag your contacts based on their activity, contact details, and more.

They are more or less the same when it comes to list management. They also have a very simple method for displaying the engagement level of every single contact.

In my opinion, it’s a tie when it comes to list management and segmentation.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a great way to find out what type of subject lines and content works best with your email subscribers. You create multiple versions and send a portion of the subscribers 1 version and send the other version to the rest of the group.

Getresponse uses a/b testing for both the subject lines and the content. Split testing is available at almost every plan they have and can be very useful when you’re looking at smaller details regarding your email campaigns.

Flodesk has chosen not to add A/B testing features to its email marketing service. I suspect they did this because a/b testing can feel a bit overwhelming when you just started and don’t know anything about email marketing.

I knew of A/B testing when I started with email marketing but I personally didn’t use it because I found it overwhelming as well.

Getresponse is the winner when it comes to A/B testing.

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Integrations connect apps to email marketing services.

There’s a big difference in the number of integrations that Flodesk and Getresponse have.

Flodesk has 3 integrations which are Instagram, Shopify, and Zapier.

Flodesk integrations

This isn’t a lot of integrations but they compensate for that by using Zapier so you can indirectly connect to +5000 other apps.

The only downside to it is that you’ll have to invest in Zapier to be able to use these apps.

Getresponse has +100 integrations that can be connected directly and also can connect Zapier which in my opinion makes it the better email marketing service when it comes to integrations.

Getresponse integrations

Customer Support

Customer service is important when it comes to email marketing services. Preferably it should be carried out as quickly and effectively as possible.

Getresponse customer support
Getresponse has been around for a long time and has racked up a lot of awards for its customer service during this period.
They can provide assistance in multiple ways such as email, chat, and phone support in multiple languages.

The majority of the plans receive email and chat support but don’t come with phone support. The only plan that comes with phone support is their Max2 plan which is a custom-made plan for business enterprises and other large organizations.

Flodesk customer support
People seem to be very positive about the customer support that Flodesk offers. Since there’s such a big difference in how long they’ve been around I can’t expect Flodesk to have all these awards.

Flodesk mostly works with a ticket system through email. According to their website, they have a response time of 2 business days but of the 2 times I have contacted them they responded in 2 hours so that is definitely a plus.

When it comes to customer support I’d give the price to Getresponse simply because you can contact them through more channels to get help.

Feature Gaps

Flodesk offers simplicity and as a result, they took a minimalistic approach. Getresponse is a very sales-oriented email marketing service that offers the exact opposite.

They both have a lot of value but I think it’s important to look at the differences so you can decide which email marketing service would help you more with achieving your goals.

Below I have a list of features exclusive to their respective service.


1. Getresponse offers Conversion funnels
A funnel is a process that effectively guides leads to your offers and helps people that are stuck along the way. It’s the feature that sets Getresponse apart from most email marketing services.

Getresponse funnel

Getresponse offers a lot of funnel templates that you can use to increase your chances of getting people to purchase your products or services.

Getresponse offers Analytics in Real-time
Getresponse has all the analytics features that most email marketing services provide but what makes Getresponse unique is that they offer real-time analytics. This makes it possible to make adjustments in the middle of campaigns which can save you a lot of money.

Getresponse offers (paid) webinars
From the Marketing automation and up it is possible to host webinars to help with nurturing your leads and increasing your sales. The live webinars are in-platform features that don’t require you to purchase other products to host them.

When you have an eCommerce Marketing plan it is even possible to host paid webinars and start earning money with these webinars and on-demand webinars.

Getresponse offers a live chat function
Getresponse offers a chat function that makes it possible to communicate with your potential customers.
The chat function can be placed on your website, a Getresponse landing page, and even in your emails.

Getresponse Chat is available for members that have an email marketing plan of higher.

Getresponse offers Split testing
Getresponse makes it possible to send different versions of the same email to segments of your email subscribers to see which version performs better.

As a result of testing, you use the analytics to create a “formula” for your messaging that you can keep using in all your email to get the most engagement out of your campaigns.

Getresponse offers Integrations


Flodesk doesn’t have features that Getresponse doesn’t offer. What I think makes them different is how much access they give per plan. Their cheapest plans offer

  • unlimited emails for all plans
  • unlimited subscribers for all plans
  • automation workflows for all plans

Getresponse its plans are different when it comes to features that are handy for picking only what you need but if you want an all-in-one package for simple email marketing campaigns it might not be the answer.


Getresponse and Flodesk are similar in a lot of ways and both have the capability to help with creating a successful email marketing campaign but how much you’re going to pay for it differs.

Let’s take a look at the pricing of the two email marketing services starting with Flodesk.

Flodesk Pricing Plans

The Email plan
$38/ month or $35/month billed annually.
The email plan gives you full access to all email marketing functions. Broadcasting, list management, workflow automation, landing pages, etc.

The Checkout plan 
$38/ month or $35/month billed annually.
The checkout plan includes everything that is dedicated to selling products and services. Sales pages, Checkout pages, upsells, online payments, transactions, and more.

The Everything plan 
$64/ month or $59/month billed annually.
The everything plan is a combination of the email plan and the checkout plan. It’s designed to assist with everything regarding email marketing and e-commerce from start to finish.

Getresponse Pricing Plans

Forever Free
This tier functions as a sneak peek to see if Getresponse is a great fit. That being said, the forever free plan can be used to build a list and broadcast emails.
Price: $0 for 500 contacts

Email Marketing 
The email marketing package goes beyond just building lists and broadcasting emails. This plan makes it possible to start using email sequences so you can start automating the emails you send and also segment your list to be more deliberate in your messaging.
Price: Starts at $19/month for 0 – 1000 contacts

Marketing Automation
Marketing automation goes deeper into automation and makes it possible to create and edit automation workflows based on actions and conditions. You’re also able to add webinars to your funnel to aid in building that relationship with your email subscribers.
Price: Starts at $54/month for 0-1000 contacts

The E-commerce plan is dedicated to aiding you in creating a store (in-platform) and selling products. You can send out transactional emails, create promo codes, insert product recommendations, and much more.
Starts at $119/month for 0-1000 contacts

The 2 email marketing service have vastly different plans.

Getresponse might be a bit more cost efficient in the beginning because of their email marketing plan for $19 but it is limited in terms of marketing automation.

You’ll get the autoresponders and it comes with template workflows but you can’t customize the workflows.

Flodesk gives you full access to email marketing and automation but the starting price is a bit higher. That being said, there’s no cap to number of subscribers you can have and email you can send.

Getresponse vs. Flodesk Overview

Product Features




GR offers a 99% deliverability rate

FD offers a 94% deliverability

Free Plans

GR offers a foreverfree plan with limited access. 

CC offers a 30-day trial with 100% access


GR has an intuitive interface that's beginner-friendly

FD is also beginners-friendly and is easier to use than GR

Website Builder and Landing Pages 

GR has a lot of landing page templates and offers a landing page editor

FD offers limited landing page templates.


GR offers autoresponders, advanced automation, and a workflow builder that you can use for building campaigns.

FD offers automation and has a workflow builder

Reports & Analysis

GR offers advanced analysis and reports (in real-time)

FD offers basic analysis and reports.

List Management and Segmentation

GR offers advanced list managemment and segmentation

FD offers basic list management and segmentation

A/B testing

GR offers subject line and content split-testing

FD offers no A/B Testing


GR offers a multitude of integrations

FD has limited integrations

Customer Support

GR offers email and chat support. Phone support only for highest tier.

FD offers email support by ticket.


GR starts with a cheaper but limited plan.

FD starts out more expensive but gives you 100% access.

Feature Gaps

GR offers webinars, chats, conversion funnels, automation workflows

FD offers unlimted emails and subscribers for a fixed price.



Getresponse and Flodesk are both great email marketing services.

I do think which one you pick should depend on how deep you want to get into email marketing, how you’re going to get your email subscribers, and how much money you’re willing to spend.

I hope this review was of value to you. If you have any question feel free to leave a comment.

That’all for today.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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