How To Find Your Target Audience ( 6 Simple Tips )

In this post, I’ll share with you how to find your target audience. This post is made with online marketers in mind but no matter in what kind of industry you are, you can benefit from the tips I share in this post.

After reading this post you’ll know:

  • Why you should target a specific audience
  • How to identify your target audience
  • 6 ways to find your target audience
  • What online tools can help you with finding your target audience.

Why you should have a target audience

Earning money online as an online marketer takes a lot of time, money and energy. Getting your website ranked on search engines, creating content, creating product offers and communicating with potential customers isn’t exactly something you do in a few hours and you’re done.

This is why you have to be smart when it comes what you put your focus on. If you know certain people won’t be interested in what you have to offer it’s wise not to put your focus on them.

Only target people that are interested in what you have to say and are willing to part with their money in exchange for what you have to offer.

By targeting a specific audience you’ll:

  • Increase your chances of making sales
  • save a lot of time
  • save energy
  • have a clear direction.

First Identify your target audience

The best tip I can give you before you start to post content on different platforms is that you shouldn’t assume that you know who your audience is. There’s a lot of variables that can ruin your sales so check all boxes concerning who your target audience is.

Let’s say you want to sell a weightloss program. Saying my target audience are people that are overweight isn’t good enough. You’ll need to define things like:

  • What they’d want to gain
  • What frustrates them
  • What they might try to avoid
  • In what kind of environment do they live
  • How they are influenced by their environment and the people they know.
  • What they’re afraid of
  • Reason they haven’t already lost weight
  • and much more.

When I started this blog I wrote a post about how you identify your ideal audience. Interested in reading it then click right here.

Identifying your target won’t only help you with who to focus on but also who to eliminate as a lead.

1. Look at your competition and their audience

A very effective way to start the search for your audience is to look at your competition. If they’ve been doing this longer than you the chances are high that they already might have an audience.

A great way to find out who they’re targeting is to look at the content that they’re posting on online platforms. Who follow’s them, who likes their content, and who is sharing it. The people who do this wouldn’t be doing that if they weren’t interested in the content and potentially in what they have to offer.

Try targeting these people.

2. Monitor trending content in your niche

Looking at trending content in your niche is a great way to find people that are interested in what you have to say and slowely create an online community. The fact that it’s trending and people are commenting and sharing the content immediately shows they’re active and atleast interested in your niche.

There are all kinds of online tools that you can use to find out what’s trending online. A few of these tools are:

  • Google Alerts
  • BuzzSumo
  • Social Animal
  • Trackreddit

and there are many more online tools that you can use to find out what’s trending in your niche the moment it reaches the internet.

3. Become A Part Of Online communities

Nowadays almost everyone is on social media. You go outside and everywhere you look there are people with their eyes glued to their screens. Putting personal feelings aside about that it’s a great way to expose people to your content and grow your audience. You have online communities on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and more that you can use to drive traffic to your website.

Become a part of these online communities, listen to the people, discuss things with them, help them out if they have any problems and you’ll gain their trust. This way when you post content to market your website it won’t be seen as spam but helpful content from someone of the community.

4. Monitor The Audience Of Influencers In Your Niche

Influencers can be a great help when it comes to growing your audience. Influencers already have a large audience. Look at the content they’re posting. Who is sharing and liking the content. Theses are the people you should target.

5. Leverage Your Own Audience

You might not have a large audience right now but even those 10, 20, 50, 100, 300 followers or subscribers can help you with finding more people to join your community. Ask your audience to share your content and tell all their friends about you.
New people might not yet trust you but they do trust their friends when they say they should subscribe to someone because of the value they provide.

6. Advertise free content  lead magnets

You can motivate people to subscribe to your email list and join your audience by giving them a leadmagnet. A leadmagnet is something of value that you give for free in exchange for joining your community. It could be an ebook, a guide, coupons, or anything else that is of value to the people you’re targeting.

Combine your leadmagnet with advertising and you can grow your audience in no time.

That’s all I have to say for today. Any questions or you just want to show some love? Leave a comment in the comment section and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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