Is Nextgen Paid Surveys Legit? $1157 Per Week — Scam or Opportunity?

This is a comprehensive Nextgen paid surveys review.

Wondering if:

  • Nextgen Paid Surveys is worth the money?
  • it’s valuable for people with and without experience in making money online?
  • Nextgen Paid Surveys is Legit?

Good news!

In this review I’ll be sharing:

  • My first impression of Nextgen Paid Surveys
  • Potential Red Flags and Pros if there are any
  • my verdict

I’ll start this off by saying Nextgen Paid Surveys is definitely shady

If you’re interested in a legit way to make money I’d highly recommend taking a look at the online training platform that taught me how to create a professional looking website, market it with organic rankings and PPC, and how to make money from your website.

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Is Nextgen Paid Surveys Legit?


Name: Nextgen Paid Surveys
Founder: Jason Webb
Price: $19.95
Rating: 1/10

How does Nextgen Paid Surveys Work?

According to Nextgen Paid Surveys is a website that makes it possible to get financially compensated for completing surveys.

The surveys are from companies that have created new products that they want to test out before they launch. As a member of Nextgen Paid surveys, you’ll give your thoughts about these products so that companies can get feedback on what they need to improve.

Pros and Cons of Nextgen Paid Surveys

+ You can work from anywhere
+ No special skills needed to participate

– It’s absolutely impossible to earn a full-time income with Nextgen Paid Surveys
– You need to pay before you get access to all the surveys

My first impression

Lately, I’ve really liked reviewing survey websites because often they aren’t what they are made out to be. Today I found this one on Clickbank.

“…Highest Commission Payout at 75%…”

I’ve heard that before…

Up until now every Clickbank product that said this in their description turned out to be a scam.

The 2 down sells designed to maximize sign-ups is new so I decided to check it out.

The moment I landed on the website I was pretty surprised. It looked like a very old website that might’ve been made 8 years ago. I actually like websites like this when it comes to this kind of products.

On the main page, there’s a video explaining what nextgen paid surveys is all about.

Although there definitely are some red flags in the video I noticed they didn’t go overboard like a lot of scam websites do by saying stuff like earning 6 figures in your first month doing nothing.

The red flags of nextgen paid surveys

Red Flag #1: $1157 per week from home with no experience

No matter how I try to spin this in my mind there’s no way I can think of that you can earn $1157 per week from home with no experience completing surveys. Mainly because of these few reasons:

  • You need to get pre-screened to take a survey so you don’t qualify for all of them.
  • The payout of surveys in combination with how much time it takes to complete one
  • How much money Nextgen Paid Surveys would lose if they’d pay out this much money to every member without charging them a monthly fee.


Red Flag #2: You need to pay before you can do the surveys

Most survey sites I know you don’t have to pay to get access to the surveys. It could be that they’re approaching it with a different business model but some of the most successful paid survey websites all have free membership.

This makes me wonder if Nextgen Paid Surveys might be a little shady.

Red Flag #3: Jason Web might not exist

At the beginning of the video, the spokesperson introduces Jason Web the founder of Nextgen Paid Surveys and he talks about how he saw a new opportunity in business after completing service.

I thought if he doesn’t have a problem talking about his own journey creating Nextgen Paid Surveys he’ll at least have some information about himself on the internet.

When I google using his name and founder of Nextgen Paid Surveys the only thing I found were Nextgen Paid Surveys from other people. If I just Googled his name all kinds of people appeared that definitely weren’t Jason I was looking for.

The only one that came close was a Jason Web on LinkedIn who does online marketing but nowhere on his Linkedin Nextgen Paid Surveys mentioned.

This might mean that Jason Web doesn’t exist.

Red Flag #4: Weak Testimonials

The testimonials aren’t really convincing. It’s just random names without pictures talking about how great Nextgen Paid Surveys is. Most websites I know that are legit at least add pictures or use testimonials from Facebook that make it easy to find out if the testimonials are real.

None of that is present here.

Red Flag #5: Affiliate Commissions of 75%

The commission the affiliates receive is absurdly high. In the Frequently Asked Questions section of the website, there’s a question answered about why they charge people for joining Nextgen Paid Surveys.

According to them and I’m paraphrasing here you get access to their special member’s area. To keep improving this area they need the money. If that is true why would you give 75% of the revenue coming from new members to your affiliates?

The website also says that they don’t take a share of the money their members make completing surveys.


Is Nextgen Paid Surveys Legit?

I Don’t think Nextgen Paid Surveys is legit.

There are just too many red flags:

  • Boss doesn’t exist
  • Overpromising how much you can earn
  • You need to pay upfront
  • bad testimonials
  • Absurdly high commission

Even if it was legit I wouldn’t recommend this website to anybody mainly because of the low earning potential that surveys have.

Alternative for Nextgen Paid Surveys

Nextgen Paid Surveys might not be what it presented itself to but there are other products out there that are legit.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

Click here to read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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