2019 Manifestation Magic Review — $10.000 In The First 24 Hours?

This is a comprehensive 2019 Manifestation Magic review. This is probably one of the most interesting make money online products because it puts the emphasis on your mindset and how a mind-shift can lead to incredible results.

They even guarantee you’ll see results in the first 24 hours. Let’s find out if this is true or if someone is trying to scam people out of their money.

Wondering if:

  • Manifestation Magic is worth the money?
  • it’s valuable for everyone who buys it including yourself?
  • Magic Manifestation is Legit?

Good news!

In this review I’ll be sharing:

  • How Magic Manifestation works
  • My first impression of Magic Manifestation
  • warning and credibility signs
  • my personal take on Magic Manifestation

I’ll start this off by saying Magic Manifestation isn’t something I’d recommend to people looking for ways to earn money online.

Mindset matters but I firmly believe that in order to receive something you have to first put in the work. That’s not something they focus on in this product.

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2019 Manifestation Magic Review 


Name: Magic Manifestation
Website: magicmanifestation.com
Founder: Alexander Wilson
Price: $47
Rating: 3/10

How does Manifestation Magic work?

Magic Manifestation is an online product based on principles of the laws of attraction. They basically talk about the importance of raising your vibration and how that will help with attracting what you want. Magic Manifestation puts the emphasis on using it to manifest money.

What is your vibration?
For those that don’t know what they mean by vibration, your vibration is basically energy that you put out based on your inner thoughts, choice of words, feelings, and how you take care of yourself.

Magic Manifestation is a series of audio tracks that help with raising your vibration. I can see the benefits of raising what they call your vibration but I have to put this in the category of scams.

They guarantee that if you use their product that you’ll either manifest money in the next 24 hours or you’ll get as they call it a neon green sign that indicates that wealth is coming your way.

I definitely agree with the notion that your mindset and the energy you put out can affect your financial status but this is only one factor of what makes people successful.

It’s a combination of inner work and outer work that’ll create opportunities in your life. I’ve known a lot of people that have high vibrations but aren’t anywhere near the financial situation they want to be.

Taking action is needed for change.

My first impression

After reviewing all kinds of products last week I was a bit confused when I arrived on their landing page. It didn’t look like they were selling an online product that helps people with making money online.

The first thing you see is a 40-minute sales video that explains how magic manifestation works, some claims about the product, the story of the founder, and some testimonials.

Under the video, there are a lot more testimonials talking about how great magic manifestation and it’s bonuses are.

Red flags of Manifestation Magic

Red Flag #1: The 24-hour promise

The headline of the copy for the landing page states “…How to magically manifest real spendable cash starting in the next 24 hours…”

In the sales video, they double down on the promise by saying you’ll earn up to $10.000 in the first 24 hours after listening to the manifestation audiotracks,

They even gave themselves a way out just in case it doesn’t work.

According to the video, in the first 24 hours, you’ll manifest money or see a neon green sign that money is on the way. Seems a bit convenient if you ask me.

Red Flag #2: Who is Alexander Wilson?

I’ve tried to Google him and the only thing I found were other reviews about manifestation magic or people that just wrote about his story as it was presented in the video.

I have been going through social media and I couldn’t find any personal pages or pictures other than the one shown in the sales video.

After I did a reverse image search I found out that the picture that was being used can also be found on shutterstock. Which leads me to believe that the man n the picture might not be alexander Wilson.

Points of credibility

POC #1: Book rating on Amazon

The audio series isn’t the first product from Manifestation Magic in 2011 they also published a book. The book was geared more to explaining the principles than manifesting money.

It might not have given the exact same promise but the fact that they’ve been doing it for so long, made an 108 page long book, and have a lot of positive reviews gives them a little credibility in my eyes when it comes to raising your vibration.

Amazon (2011) Manifestation Magic: How to Tap the Magic and the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Manifest Anything and Change Your Life Forever 

My personal take

The fact they’ve been around for so long says something. They’re serious about what they’re doing. That being said just because you’re serious about a certain thing doesn’t mean it actually works.

Manifesting up to $10.000 in the first 24 hours is a very bold statement which I find hard to believe. Even if it does happen there are so many unknown factors that could’ve influenced the ocurrence.

There are a lot of people that are positive about the audio and theory but that on it’s own is something very different.

Not knowing of Alexander Wilson exists also worries me. There’s literally only one picture of him on the internet and that same picture is in the shutterstock database.

It all seems a little off to me.


Is Manifestation Magic a Scam? I don’t think so but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone trying to make money online.


Manifestation Magic might not be what it presented itself to be but there are other products out there that are legit.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

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That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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