The Shopify Affiliate Program Review — $2K/ Sale or Bust?

Welcome to the Shopify Affiliate Program review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if the Shopify Affiliate Progam is legit.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products and programs. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online but in the process I learned how to spot scams. The Shopify Affiliate Program is one the products I reviewed.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about [Product] and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

The Shopify Affiliate Program Review Overview

name: The Shopify Affiliates Program

Founders: Tobias Lutke, Scott Lake, Daniel Weinand

Product type: Affiliate marketing program
Price: Free
Rating: 7/10

Shopify partners logo

Shopify Affiliates is part of the Shopify Partner Program, a program that allows designers, developers, and affiliates to earn money by referring people to Shopify, create themes, and designing apps for Shopify.

Shopify provides you with technical, educational, and promotional tools to help you achieve your goals.

Similar to: The WA affiliate program

Rating: 7/10

Recommended: Yes

How does The Shopify Affiliate Program work

The Shopify Affiliate program makes it possible to earn money by directing traffic to Shopify affiliate links. The links got a tracking code that recognizes when website visitors came to the Shopify website through your link. The moment someone that came to your link applies for a Shopify account you’ll be rewarded by getting a share of the sale.

How do you join the Shopify Affiliate Program?

You can join the Shopify Affiliate Program by visiting their website. You’ll have to go through a few steps to become a Shopify Affiliate.

1. Apply on the Shopify Affiliates Page

Shopify Affiliate program main dashboard

2. Confirm business email

Confirm shopify affiliate business email

3. Send plan and motivation for approval

approval process shopify affiliate program

4. Receive affiliate links and get started

How much do you earn as a Shopify affiliate?
You might’ve heard about people on the internet earning insane amounts like $2000 on one sale. This might sound unrealistic but it’s possible but only in specific situations. 

How much you earn as a Shopify affiliate depends on the paid plan your referrals choose. If your referrals choose the Basic, normal, or advanced plan of Shopify you’ll receive a one-time payment of $200 per referral.

Payment for Shopify Plus
The only exception is when your referrals choose the Shopify Plus plan in which case you’ll receive a one-time commission of $2000 per referral. 

The payments will be divided over two months. You’ll get half of the payment in the first month and if they don’t downgrade you’ll get the second have in the following month.

The moment someone downgrades from Shopify Plus to one of the other plans you’ll receive the second payment based on the plan they downgraded to.

Who can benefit from the Shopify Affiliate Program

Who can benefit from the Shopify Affiliate Program:

  • People trying to make money online
  • Bloggers
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Webshop owners looking for extra income

Who shouldn’t apply for the Shopify Affiliate Program:

  • People looking for a product with recurring income

Pros and Cons of the Shopify Affiliate Program

  • cons
  • Pros
  • Con #1 Not a lot of promotional content
    While they have a lot of content to help you with creating a strategy to get people to buy Shopify products I'd wish they had more promotional content.
    I think promotional videos and graphics that can be used for sales and email funnels would help a lot with conversions especially if you're a beginner.
  • Con #2 Not everyone can join
    There are a lot of Affiliate programs that accept everybody. The Shopify affiliate program isn't one of those.
    You'll have to fill out a form with your motivations and your method for directing people to the Shopify website. The people at Shopify will review it and will either let you join or decline your application.

The Shopify Affiliate Program tools & training

These are a collection of resources that’ll help with pitching Shopify products to prospects. These are packages mostly containing guides, white paper, and presentations for every Shopify product you can promote.

Here are the four packages called toolkits at your disposal:

Shopify Sales Toolkit

  • “Pitching Shopify to clients” Whitepaper
  • “Why host eCommerce and Shopify” presentation

Shopify Plus Toolkit

  • “How to sell Shopify Plus” guide
  • An “evaluating Shopify Plus prospects” guide

Shopify POS Toolkit

  • “Pitching Shopify POS” guide
  • “Why use Shopify POS and retail” presentation

Shopify Shipping Toolkit 

  • A “why Shopify Shipping” presentation
  • A Shopify Shipping 101 course

Want to learn how to make money online? Check out my #1 Recommendation

40 Minute Introduction Course

This course is designed for people that know nothing about the Shopify partner program. It helps with making the first steps towards earning money as a Shopify partner. Here is what the course can help you with:

  • Identify where how you can have the most success as a Shopify partner
  • learn about the tools at your disposal
  • Learn what revenue share options are available to you.

It’s an in-depth course that portrays multiple methods to make money with Shopify even without affiliate marketing.

Shopify Partner Academy

Courses about more than 11 topics designed to help you become a better Shopify partner. Since this review is about the affiliate program I’ll stick to their affiliate marketing fundamental course. It’s divided into 4 chapters (excluding the introduction and the wrapping up chapter) that talk about basic aspects of affiliate marketing such as:

  • promoting affiliate links
  • Integrating your affiliate links
  • Social media strategies
  • and more.
The Shopify Academy for affiliate marketing page

Tired of online scams? ​Check out my #1 Recommendation


Knowledgebase for all Affiliate Partners full of guides, tutorials, and more

Partner Perks

A list full of helpful external tools that you can get a discount on when trying to promote Shopify.

Shopify Partner Perks

Shopify Affiliate System Support

24/7 Support is available for Shopify Affiliates through:

  • Email 
  • Live chat
  • Phone
Shopify Affiliates Support

They also have a help center (knowledge base) and a forum that is highly active to place your questions about Shopify.

My Personal Take On The Shopify Affiliate Program

If done right you can make a lot of money with the Shopify affiliate program but I wouldn’t pick a product that doesn’t have recurring value as my “flagship” affiliate product.

The one-time commission percentage is pretty great. If you can find a way to make it work in combination with SEO or another method that guarantees weekly website visitors it can work this is why I’d only advise you join the affiliate program if you have some experience as an affiliate marketer or you already have an email list to promote it to.

Another reason I’d recommend this affiliate program to affiliate marketers is that the training isn’t mind-blowingly good. If you already know how to direct traffic to your website you’ll be fine but as a beginner, you won’t learn the actual affiliate marketing fundamentals that make everything here work.

It’s a good program but I think to succeed with it you need some prior experience. 


Product rating

Is The Shopify Affiliate Program legit?

After doing extensive research I've come to the conclusion that The Shopify Affiliate Program is Legit.

Alternatives to the Shopify Affiliate Program

As I said before, the Shopify Affiliate Program doesn't let everybody join. This is why I have come up with an alternative.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it. It also has one of the highest recurring paying affiliate programs.

Click on the button read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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