The Best Free wordpress plugins that’ll help with creating an awesome looking website

In this post, I’ll show you the best WordPress plugins that’ll help with creating an awesome looking website.

  • Why having a professional looking website is important
  • Plugins that can help with creating an awesome looking website

So here a list of the…

The best free WordPress plugins that’ll help with creating an awesome looking website

Why a professional looking website is important

A website says a lot about you as an entrepreneur, your commitment to excellence and what you’re about personally. All these can be factors that influence the success of your website. I’ve seen a lot of websites sell and promote products and just because the website looked like a mess I clicked away immediately.

Don’t let your website become a handicap by trying to make one yourself from scratch if you don’t have knowledge. There are a lot of themes and plugins that can help you create an awesome looking website within minutes.

Interested in making a great looking website take a look at the plugins underneath and the best thing about this post is that it’s a list with free WordPress plugins.

TinyMCE advanced

Tiny MCE is a must have plugin in my opinion. I remember making my first WordPress website and getting really annoyed because there were a lot of text options that I could use on MS Word and Google Docs that weren’t available on WordPress. The Tiny MCE Advanced plugin changes that. With Tiny MCE Advanced, you can edit things like font sizes, font family, text and background colors, and tables.

With Tiny MCE advanced you can customize your website test that much more so that it reflects your brand and the message you want to communicate with your website visitors.

Update frequency: 9/10

Price: Free

Website: Available in the WordPress plugins directory

Instagram feed

The Instagram feed plugin makes it possible to create the Instagram experience on your website. You’ll be able to direct website visitors from your website to your Instagram that much easier. The moment you post a new picture on your Instagram the Instagram feed plugin will update the feed on the website. You can create a whole page for your feed or place it in widgets. You can also customize the feed by choosing how many columns, rows, and the number of pictures will be shown. In a time when it’s almost impossible to survive just using one marketing channel, Instagram feed is truly a digital blessing.

Update frequency: 9/10

Price: Free

Website:, Also available in the WordPress plugins directory

Smart Slider 3

The Smart Slider 3 makes it possible to put a slider on your website. The sliders are mobile responsive and you can see how they’ll look on a different device before using them. With the Smart Slider 3 plugin, you can add the sliders to any WordPress theme that exists. The slider is SEO optimized and can be customized. You put images, text, and video in the sliders to make your website look awesome.

Update frequency: 8/10

Price: Free

Website:, Also available in the WordPress plugins directory


The tablepress plugins make it possible to create tables and put them on your website. The tables can be used in pages, posts, and widgets. No need to know anything about coding you can alter the table data in a spreadsheet-like interface. Tables can do a lot for the user experience since it’s a very effective way to summarize findings and can be used to give an oversight about what a post you’re writing is about.

Update frequency: 9/10

Price: Free

Website:, Also available in the WordPress plugins directory

YouTube Embed plugin

Bring the YouTube experience to your website by using the YouTube WordPress plugin. The plugin makes it possible to embed YouTube video’s into your pages, posts, and widget seamlessly. You can put your entire channel on your website, specific playlists, and even manage YouTube Live streams. The YouTube plugin can give that extra element that is video to your content.

Update frequency: 9/10

Price: Free

Website: Available in the WordPress plugins directory

Simple lightbox Gallery

Simple Lightbox is a plugin that creates image galleries for your website. The plugin makes it possible to view a larger version of the images, create unique slideshows, use stroke animation effects, use different types of image boxes, and much more. The Simple lightbox gallery comes with customizable features and as the name says simple and easy to use.

Update frequency: 9/10

Price: Free

Website:, Also available in the WordPress plugins directory

About me 3000 widget

In most themes, the “about me” widget comes with the premium version of a theme. The About me 3000 widget plugin makes it possible to create an about me widget even if you have a free version of a theme. You can write a small resume for it, add your social information, and add social buttons. This way website visitors will know what you’re all about the moment they arrive on your website.

Update frequency: 5/10

Price: Free

Website: Available in the WordPress plugins directory

Custom Facebook feed plugin

With the custom Facebook feed plugin, you can put the feed of any Facebook page on your website. You can even put the Facebook pages of accounts that aren’t yours. The Facebook feed can be customized to fit the look of your website. It’s also possible to put the Facebook calendar on your website so website visitors will know when you’re hosting events.

Update frequency: 8/10

Price: Free

Website:, Also available in the WordPress plugins directory

Strong testimonials

Testimonials are a huge part of gaining credibility. They’re the proof that your website is what it’s claiming to be. It’s important that they look professional. Looking at a random piece of text on a page isn’t going to cut it. This is why strong testimonials comes in handy. They give your testimonials a professional look so that website visitors can take them serious.

Update frequency: 9/10

Price: Free

Website:, also available in the WordPress plugins directory

Elementor page builder

Elementor page builder is just like the name says a plugin that’ll help you with building your website. It has a drag and drop pager builder so no coding is needed. You can instantly see any change you made to your pages. Elementor also provides you with pre-designed templates, blocks and is mobile responsive.

Update frequency: 9/10

Free version with limited options
Personal, $49 for 1 website
Business, $99 for 3 websites
Unlimited, $199 for unlimited websites

Website:, also available in the WordPress plugins directory.

These were the best free wordpress plugins I could think of that can help with creating an awesome looking website. Make sure to check out my other posts because I give tips about website traffic, conversion and performance on a weekly basis.

Hope to you at my next post.

Until the next time!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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