Top 5 A/B Testing software — which one should you pick?

In this post, we’re going to take a look at the top 5 A/B testing software so you can pick the software that’s a right fit for you.

I’ll go over topics such as:

  • The importance of the user experience
  • What website testing is
  • When you’re ready to use A/B testing software
  • The top 5 A/B testing software you should try out.

The Importance of the user experience

Getting people to your website is a very important part of making your business succeed, but what happens when they’re on it? It doesn’t matter if you invested money by advertising or time through content marketing the moment they leave without even watching what you have to offer on your website its a waste.

This is why it’s very important to put time into creating the most pleasant experience for your website visitors so that you increase the chances of them staying and ultimately converting.

The best way to do this is by experimenting with all kinds of elements that reside on your website. We call this split testing. For more information about the process of how to split test landing pages, I’ve written a post that you can find by clicking here.

What is website split testing?

Let’s take a look at Google Webmaster central blog definition has to say about website testing.

Website testing
Your website testing when you try out different versions of your website, and you collect information about how the website visitors react to each version. You make use of tools that track which version causes people to do what you want them to do. This often results in purchases, email sign-ups, or other things you might be testing for and after the test is done you can use the version with the highest performance.

A/B testing
You’re A/B testing when you’re creating multiple versions of pages on a website all with a different URL. The moment users try to access the original URL, they get redirected to variations of the URL. You compare the behavior on the different variations to see which page is the most effective.

Multivariate testing
You’re multivariate testing when you change different parts of your website with the help of software. Multiple parts of a page will be changed and tested such as the heading, photo’s, CTA buttons and variations of these sections will be shown to website visitors in different combinations and will be analyzed to find out which one is the most effective. Only one URL is used with Multivariate testing.

When you should think about using A/B testing tools to optimize your website

Getting the conversion rate of your website as high as possible is always a good thing that everybody should strive for and these Split testing tools are definitely the way to achieve that. Having said that these tools aren’t meant for everybody that’s on the journey to create a successful website.

The reason these tools work is that they make it easy to discover patterns in the behavior of your website visitors. People who don’t have a lot of traffic going to their website, because their website is brand new or any other reason should wait for using A/B testing tools.

Without enough feedback you won’t be able to spot these patterns and might make wrong decisions based on data that doesn’t represent your target audience as a whole.

===>Interested in learning how to drive traffic to your website and making websites that earn a 4-5 figure monthly income click here.

Top A/B testing tools you should try out


Optimizely is the most popular A/B testing tool out right now. It’s safe to say that at the moment they are the market leader and have been used by people such as Barack Obama to raise over 60 million dollars. To find out what the product has to offer I’ve divided its features into five categories. Web experimentation, Web segmentation, Web personalization, Web recommendations and Data Insight.


Web experimentation
A/B testing & Multipage testing
Create ad campaigns based on geography, cookies and a variety of other dimensions

Web segmentation
Segment test results by device, browser, campaign, or another custom segmentation to uncover key insights.

Web personalization
No need to rely on code since optimizely has their own visual editor.

Web recommendations
Add product, content and category recommendations to your website and use machine learning to continuously optimize the recommendation you place on your website.

Data insight
Optimizely’s Stats engine makes it easy to understand all the data that comes in from experimentation

Sidenote. Optimizely makes experimentation possible on web, mobile web, iOS, Android, etc.

Custom prices dependent on the size of your business.



ABtasty is a very good tool to use if you’re new to Split testing your website to increase the performance of your website. AB Tasty aims to ease the experience of ABtasty by simplifying it without it losing its effectiveness. The features are divided into four categories. Data insight, Experimentation, Marketing campaigns, Personalized experiences.


Data insight
session recording: Session Recording enables you to video record visitor interaction.
Heatmap: Find out which elements of your site are particularly active based on where users click.
Page flow: Page Flow indicator offers an overview of your sales funnel and helps you understand where visitors go after seeing a specific variation.

A/B testing, Split testing, Multivariate testing, Funnel testing

Marketing campaigns
Limit card abandonment, Promote new content, Create client loyalty, Collect email addresses, Encourage immediate action, Increase CTA visibility

Personalized Experiences
Precise targeting on selected segments with just a few clicks
Target pages, Target behavior, Contextual targeting, Use third-party data

Demo & Pricing
You can request a demo with limited functions and pricing is done by personal custom quoting.


Google Optimizer

Googles own A/B testing tool. The main selling point seems to be the seamless integration with other
tools created by Google. The other main points are its experimentation, Segmentation, Personalisation capabilities.


A/B and Multivariate testing
Test different variations of your website in combination with Google Ads

Create and focus on different user segments

With Google Optimize you can make use of their visual editor to make simple image and text changes, but it’s also possible to make more precise changes through text.

Google optimize makes it possible to integrate with other Google tools such as Google Ads, Analytics, Firebase.

It’s completely free, but its possible to upgrade to the paid version Optimize 360.


VWO ( Visual Web Optimizer)

VWO is a platform that helps you with gathering and analyzing visitor behavior, build an optimization roadmap and run continuous experimentation.


Web experimentation
A/B testing, Multivariate testing, Split URL testing

Data insight
VWO creates easy to read reports with insight in the performance of your campaigns
Built-in heat map gives you insight in the click and browse behavior of your website visitors

Web personalization
With the Visual Campaign Builder, you can create custom campaigns for your website.

Web segmentation
Segment analytics data within vwo and determine which segments are the most profitable and create targeted offers.

Web Integration
VWO supports multiple platforms like IPad, iPhone, Android and Windows phones
Integration possible with platforms such as Google Analytics, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Shopify & Phone tracking systems.

30-day free trial
Growth package $299/mo
Pro package $599/mo
Enterprise package custom price quote, possible to request demo

24/7 Support: Customer service and training.



Qubit software is designed to help visitors discover and spend more time with the brands they love by optimizing the user experience. Just like with the other software I divided the feature in personalization, experimentation, segmentation, recommendations.


Website personalization
Edit your offers to cater to your website visitors and make use of their templates to make your websites feel
more personal.

Web experimentation
A/B testing and multivariate testing
Use Social Proof, Scarcity and Urgency by adding elements that show how many products have been sold and how many are left.

Web segmentation
Segment website visitors in groups for highly targeted offers
Self-segmenting: Let visitors segment themselves with the help of surveys.

Web Recommendations
Based on the data acquired from analyzing recorded visitor behavior
Abandonment Recovery: Add exit pop-ups with products based on customer behavior

Customer insight
Qubit analyses all the data you receive from your website visitors with visitor recording, heat maps, and surveys.

Free Demo and custom price quote for the full version.


Adobe Target

Target is Adobe’s A/B testing software designed to optimize the user experience of your website. From what’s shown they heavily promote their AI-powered automation and scale options.


Web experimentation
A/B, Multivariate and Multi-armed bandit testing (Automatically drive traffic to the most successful experience earlier for increased conversion and revenue.)

Web personalization
AI-powered automation and Scale personalization
One click personalization with one click you can start personalization at scale by using Adobe targets A.I.

Web recommendation
Automated offers Let the AI identify the best performing offers
Product recommendations based on the information will recommend products to your website visitors

You receive a custom quote


I hope this helps you with choosing an A/B testing tool to help you with improving the user experiences of your website.

If you have any questions feel free t leave a comment and I’ll reply a.s.a.p.

That’s all for now.

Until the next time.

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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