Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special 2023: Everything You Need To Know

Hey, Rogier here, 

If you’re reading this you’re probably interested in the Black Friday discount on Wealthy Affiliate Premium. 

Yes, this weekend it’s possible to get Wealthy Affiliate Premium with a 49% discount for the entire year. This means you’ll be able to purchase Wealthy Affiliate for the entire year for $299.

That's less than $0,82 a day!

If you already made your decision to take advantage of the Black Friday Special offer you can do that by clicking on the banner.

4 Days Only Act Now!

If you want some more information read further.

A look at what exactly you’re getting with The Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Deal

I can understand that if you have never heard of Wealthy Affiliate you’d want more information. 3 years ago I was in the exact same situation. 

I was looking for a simple but effective blueprint that’d help me to make money online but when I found Wealthy Affiliate I realized I stumbled upon a platform offering so much more than just a simple blueprint.

Wealthy Affiliate provided me with all the resources I’d ever need to make money online and even create the closest thing there is to a passive income.

The Black Friday deal offers you the same opportunity for a fraction of the price I had to pay for it.

Let’s take a look at what you’re exactly getting with the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday deal.

Wealthy Affiliate for the lowest price possible

Normally you have three different payment options for Wealthy Affiliate Premium.

  • Monthly payments, $49 ( $588 a year)
  • Half Year payments,$234 ($468 a year)
  • Yearly payment, $359

The Black Friday offer is $299 for a year of Wealthy Affiliate Premium. Kyle one of the founders of Wealthy Affiliate already brought it to our attention that this will be the last year that they’ll offer it for this price. 

So take advantage of it while you can.

Wealthy Affiliate Members can also take advantage

Wealthy Affiliate premium members can also take advantage of the Black Friday offer. You can turn one of the three memberships I have mentioned above into a Black Friday membership and get a year of membership added with a 49% discount.

What Features Do I Get With Wealthy Affiliate Premium?

People often stay with Wealthy Affiliate because of how much value it provides for such a low price.

A lot of the features on the Wealthy Affiliate website are sold by other websites individually for the same price you get everything here.

Purchase A Year of Wealthy Affiliate Premium For $588 $299!

Here’s a list of features Wealthy Affiliate provides you with:

  • Live Help 24/7 – Receive answers from the community in minutes
  • Private Messaging – Message other Premium members (including founders Kyle or Carson.)
  • Create and build up to 50 websites
  • SSL encryption included for each website at no extra charge
  • Daily backups for websites
  • Business email addresses ( ...@yourwebsitename.com)
  • Beginner training course (with step-by-step videos)
  • Personal affiliate blog
  • 70 lesson Affiliate Bootcamp Training
  • Weekly live video training
  • Advanced Keyword research tool 
  • Access to over 13 classrooms and 1000s of training resources
  • Access to WA’s own Affiliate Program
  • Unlimited 1-on-1 coaching available
  • Kraken Image optimization
  • Private access to owners Kyle and Carson
  • 24/7/365 website support
  • Website feedback platform where you can request feedback
  • Website comment platform that builds comments on sites to help with SEO
  • SiteHealth Website Analysis platform that pinpoints corrections for every site

Or Purchase a Year of Premium Plus for $1188 $499

The highest WA Premium tier that includes:

  • Everything you get with Wealthy Affiliate Premium 
  • Access to more expert live video classes
  • Access to a Brand New “Beta” Research Platform, Alphabet Soup X

In short, Wealthy Affiliate is the platform that taught me how to create a $100/day website by providing me with expert step-by-step training so simple even a 10-year-old could follow it, research tools to make sure I have a competitive edge, and 24/7 tech support.

What Makes Wealthy Affiliate Legit?

There are a lot of “Make Money Online” products out there that aren’t legit. This is why I did a lot of research before joining Wealthy Affiliate Premium.

In total there were 4 things that convinced me that Wealthy Affiliate without a doubt was the real deal and would be the last product I’d ever need to buy in order to make money online.

Let’s take a look at the 4 things that convinced me that Wealthy Affiliate was worth the money.

1. Wealthy Affiliate Has Withstood The Test Of Time

Most “make money online” products that aren’t legit don’t have a long lifespan. Wealthy Affiliate started in 2005 which means it has been active for more than 14 years.

In that time they have continued to improve the platform and their teachings and have been held in high regard by most successful affiliate marketers.

You rarely hear people say something bad about Wealthy Affiliate.

About Wealthy Affiliate

2.Wealthy Affiliate has more than 1.5 Million Members

In 14 years, Wealthy Affiliate has created a platform with more than 1.5 Million members that they provide their services to. That’s more people than there are living in the country I’m currently in (The Netherlands) which is mindblowing.

This shows that Wealthy Affiliate works for a lot of different people. There’s no way you can have an audience of more than 1.5 million people without doing something right.

3.Wealthy Affiliate Has High-Quality Ratings At The Biggest User Rating Websites

The best way, in my opinion, to find out if a product is legit is by looking at user ratings so I went to one of the biggest user rating websites online named Trustpilot. 

It was reviewed 39 times and had a 4-star rating. Not a lot of websites/ products have a 4-star rating which led me to believe that Wealthy Affiliate might be the real deal and could actually help me with making money online.

trust pilot wealthy affiliate

4.Wealthy Affiliate Has Hundreds Of Success Stories

By looking at the last 4 things I was convinced that Wealthy Affiliate was legit but I still wasn’t sure if it’d work for me specifically. The success stories helped me answer that question.

There are so many stories about real people who started out with nothing (some even had 5- figure debts) and are now earning +6K/month thanks to Wealthy Affiliate. 

Joss Wealthy Affiliate success story
RD40 Wealthy Affiliate Success story

You can read a few of these success stories by clicking here.

How Do You Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate?

There are a lot of ways to make money online but Wealthy Affiliate decided to stick to what has helped them stay on top for the last 14 years...

...Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing? 

According to Wikipedia Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts

Here's a picture that sums it up.

How does affiliate marketing work

Wealthy Affiliate's 4 Steps To Success

Wealthy Affiliate helps you set up your affiliate marketing business by following a simple 4-step process.

4 steps to making money with wealthy affiliate
  1. Choose an interest
    You’ll make money by creating content based on your interests. This will give you the highest chance to succeed.
  2. Create a website
    The step-by-step training will teach you how to create a simple website that is Google-friendly without ever needing to learn code.
  3. Attract visitors
    You’ll learn how to attract visitors without ever becoming too salesy. If it worked for me it’ll work for you.
  4. Earn Revenue
    Wealthy Affiliate will show you where you should insert your affiliate links to get as many sales as possible and earn a lot of money.

This 4-step process has helped people earn a lot of money over the last 14 years and depending on the niche also has helped them create a passive income stream.

A Few More Things You Need To Know About Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is an online marketing training community that really cares about its members. The moment I signed up I got a lot of messages from other members welcoming me in the community and sharing tips and guides.

Wealthy Affiliate also make sure everything is kept up to date. That’s one of the reasons they still exist after 14 years. Just last year they updated the entire website and added all kinds of new features.

If you really want to make money than Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go and now you can get it for the lowest price possible. 

You’ll basically be paying $0,80/day for everything needed to create a successful affiliate marketing business. 

Join now by clicking on either the banner and I’ll see you on the other side.

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

6 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special 2023: Everything You Need To Know”

  1. First of all, this is a very thorough and informative post. Though I do have a question or two:

    How long did it take you to start getting revenue off of your site? I ask because I saw that your first income example had sales within a few months on his site, is that typical?

    I also noticed that the review site you linked had mostly good reviews and bad reviews, not much in between. Have you encountered any downsides to Wealthy Affiliate?

    • Hey Catharyn,

      Thanks for the comment. I got my first sales after a few months after that I didn’t get anything for 5 months. After that, I started going more in-depth with my content and than I started getting sales again. I’m kind of an exception though because most people on Wealthy Affiliate also use Pinterest to get their first sales while Google is still judging where to rank your website.

      I ignored the advice in the courses and stuck to only using SEO which requires you to make higher quality content to get eyes on it. This made me struggle a bit more than the average Wealthy Affiliate member.

      There are some things that could be done better. I would’ve appreciated it if they focused more on YouTube marketing. There’s a lot of information about it on Wealthy Affiliate but most of it isn’t in the standard training. I found the classrooms focussing on advanced YouTube marketing 4 months after joining because I didn’t know where to look for it.

  2. Black Friday special here at Wealthy Affiliate is a steal of a deal and I would not pass this offer up. For anyone who wants online success with a system that has proven over and over again to help people live their dreams while working from the comforts of their homes. Wealthy Affiliate has the tools and the training to help you. I am so happy to be a part of Wealthy Affiliate where dreams to come true.

    • Hey Norman,

      Thanks for commenting. I agree Wealthy Affiliate has done so much for me. I wished I had the option to go yearly when I first started. It was always a challenge to pay every month back then because I was broke all the time.

  3. I really enjoyed this in depth article on not only saving money on the WA subscription for Black Friday, by you excellent info on the WA platform. It does take awhile to get going, but the longer one is a member the more a person learns, earns, and expands their overall know-how as an internet marketer. There is so much to learn and WA provides the platform, community, and support to get it done. All the Best to your continued Success.

    • Hey Joseph!

      Thanks for commenting. It indeed does take time to build your foundation but after that everything goes a lot easier.
      Depending on your niche you can even create passive income with wealthy affiliate. You just have to put in the work.

      I hope everything goes well with your journey towards making money online. Let me know if you need some help!


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