11 Affiliate Programs That Provide You With Recurring Revenue in 2019!

In this post, I’ll share with you 11 affiliate programs that’ll provide you with recurring revenue in 2019 and beyond.

All these programs are based on paying for performance which means the moment someone sales one of these products based on your recommendation and through your affiliate link you’ll receive a commission.

All these affiliate programs have free accounts and are possible to promote without having to pay for it first.

After reading this post you’ll know:

  • How to get around getting a one time commission with affiliate marketing
  • What recurring affiliate programs are
  • 11 Affiliate programs that can provide you with recurring revenue

The reason I wanted to make this post was that I was talking to a friend yesterday and she’s really interested in creating an online income stream. I advised her to take a look at affiliate marketing but she was doubtful because she thought with affiliate marketing you can only make one time sales.

This doesn’t have to be the case!

There are two ways to get around it

  1. Email marketing
  2. Recurring affiliate programs

Today I want to talk about the second option recurring affiliate programs.

What are recurring affiliate programs

In affiliate marketing, you partner up with affiliate programs and promote their products. Every time you refer someone to their products and they buy something based on your recommendation you receive a commission.

Recurring affiliate programs also do this but there is one little difference. Instead of selling one time products they often sell subscriptions to a service that they bill you for on a monthly basis. You refer someone to one of these affiliate companies they’ll give you a percentage of what their customer pays every month.

This means every month there will be money sent to your bank account and everything you work for after the sale only serves the purpose of raising your monthly income.

Hook this up to a website ranked on a search engine and you basically have the closest thing to passive income you’ll ever get.

Now let’s take a look at the …

11 affiliate programs that’ll provide you with recurring revenue in 2019 and beyond

Freelance Marketplace

Product offered:

SEOclerks is a marketplace for people in need of SEO support. You can find people and online products that’ll help you with getting your content on the first page of search engines.
Website link:

Affiliate page link:


10% on every sale

Affiliate Marketing Training Platforms

Product offered:
Affilorama is an affiliate marketing training website that helps people with setting up a website and making money from it.
They offer multiple products that teach you how to make a website, market it, and monetize from it.
Website link:
Affiliate page link:
50% on each membership you refer that buys an Affilorama product.

Wealthy Affiliate

Product offered:
Wealthy Affiliate is just like Affilorama an online training platform where people can receive training to become an affiliate marketer. Their main selling point is there a huge online community and expert trainers that help you every step of the way.
Website link:

Affiliate page link:
Wealthy Affiliate gives up to 50% monthly commission based on every sale on your recommendation.

YouTube Support Tool

Product offered:

A browser extension that helps you manage your YouTube account. You can find out and monitor how your channel is doing, do research about trends, and much more to increase the chances that your YouTube channel will succeed.
Website link:
Affiliate page link:


Earn up to 50% of every sale generated by you referring leads

Online Course Support Tool

Product offered:
Teachable is an online platform that helps people with creating online courses.
Website link:
Affiliate page link:

30% commission on each membership

SEO & Social Media Support Tools

Longtail pro
Product offered:

Longtail pro is a keyword research tool that helps you with finding profitable keywords that can help with getting a lot of traffic on your website.
Website link:
Affiliate page link:
Earn 30% commission on all referral generated sale.

SEMrush is an all-in-one marketing tool. Manage all your social media from one place, perform keyword research, get insight into competitors SEO strategy, Monitor your brand reputation, and much more with SEMrush.
Website link

Affiliate page
Earn 40% recurring commissions for each generated sale


Product offered:

Hosting service that provides websites with a space they can store all their content.
Website link:
Affiliate page link:

30% commission on each sale

Lead Conversion Tools

Product offered:
Leadpages is a website page builder geared towards the conversion of leads. It contains a variety of online tools based on sales psychology that’ll help with getting more sales.
Website link:

Affiliate page link:


Leadpages gives 30% of all sales generated thanks to your conversion.

Product Description
Clickfunnels is a funnel builder that can help with marketing, selling, and delivering products online. It combines elements such as landing pages, hosting, emails, autoresponders and more all into a simple package. It also includes templates of tested funnels you can use on your own website.
Website link

Affiliate page

40% monthly recurring commission on every sale you make.

Email Marketing Service

Product description
Convertkit is an email marketing service that helps with creating an email list, segmenting list for better conversions, automate email sequences and much more.
Website link

Affiliate page

Convertkit gives a 30% monthly commission based on every client you referred to them.

Recurring income can be an amazing financial asset that can literally change the way you live your life. If that is your goal I hope you found value in this blog post.

Any questions or you just want to show some love? Leave a comment in the comment section and I’ll try to reply as soon as possible. That’s all for now.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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