How To Make Money Online As A Teenager In 3 Simple Steps!

In this post, I’ll show you how to make money online as a teenager. There is so much opportunity on the internet to make money but unfortunately, not all of them are for younger people. This is why I thought I should make this post and give you a way to make heaps of money without investing a lot of money.

After reading this post you’ll know:

  • Different ways to make money online as a teenager
  • Why I’d advise you to go with promoting affiliate offers
  • The 3 steps to making money online as a teenager

Different ways to make money online as a teenager

Let’s look at some ways you could make money as a teenager.

  • Online Store
  • YouTube, Adsense
  • Podcasting
  • Freelancing
  • Online surveys
  • Affiliate Marketing

As I said before there’s a lot of opportunities to make money online but not all of the methods are fit for teenagers. Some of them are too time-consuming for others you need to be at least 18 years old and some methods just don’t make a lot of money.

After trying out a lot of ways to make money online I think the best way to make money online as a teenager has to be affiliate marketing.

Why Affiliate marketing is the perfect way to make money online as a teenager.

There are multiple reasons why Affiliate marketing is the best way to make money as a teenager such as:

  • You can do it on your own time
  • You can get into affiliate marketing without spending a lot of money
  • You don’t have to create your own product
  • The ceiling of how much money you can make is high


3 Steps To Making Money Online As A Teenager

Now that you know why I think affiliate marketing is the best way to make money online I’m going to show you the 3 steps to getting everything set up so you can start making money as soon as possible.

Step 1. Creating A Niche Website

To set yourself up for success I highly advise you to create a website. You can make money doing affiliate marketing without a website but you’ll be severely handicapping yourself. Unlike social media, you aren’t dependent on sudden changes in algorithms and limited styling options for your account.

To create a niche website you need three things:

  • Hosting
  • Domain name
  • A Niche

Hosting is one of the most important things a website should have. A host provides you with space online where you can store all your content.

Domain name

If your internet browser is your navigator than is your domain name the address. Your domain name makes it possible for people to find you and see everything you want to offer.

Choosing a niche
As an affiliate marketer you’re going to recommend affiliate products to people and based on what they buy you’ll receive a commision which mean you need to be credible.

This is a lot easier to do if you focus on one niche and establish yourself as someone credible in that niche.

While picking a niche to take into account if it’s a profitable niche and if you aren’t going to be buried in the competition. The way you do this is by going for a niche with a lot of competition.

The fact that there’s a lot of competition in a niche shows that there is a lot of money to be made. This might seem a little bit conflicting but what you do after that is look for a sub-niche within that niche to counter all the competition you’ll be up against.

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Step 2. Marketing Your Website

It doesn’t matter how good your offer is if nobody knows about it you’ll not make any money. This is why you spend a lot of time on marketing. It’s not called affiliate marketing for nothing.

There are multiple methods you can use to get eyes on your website. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

search engine marketing
With search engine marketing you strive to get at the first page of search results on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Search engines like Google process over 40.000 search queries with search engine marketing you can get a lot of people on your website and make a lot of money.

Social Media Marketing
Just like with search engine marketing a lot of people are on social media. It doesn’t matter where you go there will always be people around with their eyes glued to their phones looking at platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. It’s also a great way to market your website because you can gain a lot of trust and build a relationship with people on social media.

Social Media Advertising
You’ll not be the only person on social media trying to get attention. Thousands of other people will do the same so ordinarily, you need to post consistent high-quality content over a longer period of time. You can skip this process by using social media ads. You can pay for ads and the platforms will make sure your ads will be seen immediately.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing
Just like with social media marketing there is also a lot of competition on search engines. Everyone is trying to get to the top spots on search engines. This means just like with social media marketing it isn’t easy to get to the top. Pay-Per-Click makes it possible to get to the top of the first pages immediately. You’ll have to pay money every time someone clicks on your website.

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Step 3. Join A Community With Likeminded People For Support And Mentorship

The last step is to join a community with like-minded people. The steps you have to take to become a successful affiliate marketer are simple but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. This is why it’s important to get support from people that follow the same path.

It’s also very important to get the right guidance. Most people quit or dabble around for years without having any kind of success. Training and guidance make it possible to cut your learning curve and get to the point of earning a stable income as soon as possible.

This is why I want to introduce you to an affiliate marketing community with over 1.4 million members, 1800 experts, and has over 23000 people daily with creating their website, marketing, and selling affiliate products in more than 193 countries.

Sign-up and you’ll be part of a community that stacks the deck heavily in your favor. I am also a part of this huge community as you can see underneath.

Click Here To Check Out My Wealthy Affiliate Review

Questions or you just want to show some love? Leave a comment underneath and I’ll try to respond to it as soon as possible.

That’s all for now. Hope to see you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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