12 Best paying affiliate programs In 2019 — Earn More Money Per Sale!

Want to make a lot of money online? If yes, small commissions aren’t the way to go. Check out this list of the best paying affiliate programs out there and start cashing in.

I purposefully looked through all these programs to make sure they’re not scams. The affiliate programs listed here are from several niches which increases the chances you’ll find a program compatible with the website you have or want to create.

In this post, I’ll be talking about:

  • The misconception of promoting high paying affiliate products
  • A few of the highest paying affiliate programs
  • Websites with high paying affiliate directories
  • A final message for people just starting out

The misconception of promoting high paying affiliate products
Most of the time the affiliate programs that pay the most are the ones with the most expensive affiliate products. When I started with affiliate marketing I avoided these products a lot because I thought it would be harder to get sales for these products than the less expensive affiliate products.

I was wrong!

There is absolutely no difference between promoting a $30,- affiliate product and a $2000,- affiliate product. You just identify and select your ideal audience which are the people willing to spend that $2000,- and offer your product to them in the same way you would present it to someone looking for the $30,- profit.

Value isn’t decided by how much it costs but how much it’s desired by your target audience.

Website performance

Affiliate Product #1 WP engine

Product description
WPEngine is a high-quality hosting service designed for WordPress websites. Its speed and performance don’t drop when you add plugins to your website (which is important for user experience), they have excellent customer support, and the security is top-notch.
website link

Affiliate page link

WP engine pays $200 or 100% of the first month’s payment depending on which one is higher.
Earn $50 per sale one of your sub-affiliate makes

Affiliate product #2 Liquidweb

Product description
Liquidweb is a hosting service for websites that is known for its excellent performance and support. Unlike most high ticket hosting services, it doesn’t offer shared hosting but is still easily a top 5 hosting service fitting for websites that have a lot of plugins and a lot of traffic coming in.
Website link

Affiliate page


Possibility to earn up to $1500 per sale

Sales and Marketing

Affiliate product #3 Clickfunnels

Product Description
Clickfunnels is a funnel builder that can help with marketing, selling, and delivering products online. It combines elements such as landing pages, hosting, emails, autoresponders and more all into a simple package. It also includes templates of tested funnel you can use on your own website.
Website link

Affiliate page

40% monthly recurring commission on every sale you make.

Affiliate product #4 Hubspot

Product description
Hubspot provided people with software that can optimize their marketing and sales. Track your website visitors movements and use them to personalize your website, use the HubSpot marketing software to make marketing campaigns, automate tasks to save time, and much more.
Website link
Affiliate page

Earn up to $1000 per sale depending on the product tier.

Affiliate product #5 Convertkit

Product description
Convertkit is an email marketing service that helps with creating an email list, segmenting list for better conversions, automate email sequences and much more.
Website link

Affiliate page

Convertkit gives a 30% monthly commission based on every client you referred to them.

Affiliate product #6 BigMarker

Product description

BigMarker is a webinar hosting and automation platform. In a time when webinars are extremely effective, Bigmarker can be that tool that takes your sales to the next level.
Website link
Affiliate page


Earn up to 30% of each paying customer you refer to BigMarker

Affiliate product #7 Berush

SEMrush is a self-proclaimed all-in-one marketing tool. Manage all your social media from one place, perform keyword research, get insight into competitors SEO strategy, Monitor your brand reputation, and much more with SEMrush.
Website link

Affiliate page
Earn up to 40% recurring commissions for each subscription sale

Making Money Online

Affiliate product #8 Shopify

Product description
Shopify is an online platform that helps with building, marketing, managing, and selling products from an online shop.
Website link
Affiliate page


Earn $58 for each person you refer to Shopify and signs up for a paid plan.
Earn $2000 for every plus referral.

Affiliate product #9 Bigcommerce

Product description
eCommerce platform that helps with building, managing, and marketing online shops.
Website link

Affiliate page
Earn 200% of the customers first monthly payment or $1500 per enterprise customer

Fitness and health

Affiliate product #10 Net2fitness

Net2fitness is a website that provides people with fitness equipment for home gyms.
Website link

Affiliate page
Earn a commission of 8% on every purchase made at your recommendation ( product price range from $17 — $3999)

Affiliate product #11 Bowflex

Bowflex sell fitness equipment for home gyms
Website link
Affiliate page


Earn a 7% commission on every purchase made at your recommendation


Affiliate product #12 David Wygant for men (dating coach )

David Wygant is a dating coach that helps men with developing confidence and dating.
Website link

Affiliate page

Earn 50% commission for every person that you refer to the website and purchases a product or service.

Final Message For Beginners Interested In Promoting High Paying Affiliate Products

There is a lot opportunity when it comes to promoting some of the highest paying affiliate programs but it’s important to have a road map before you get into affiliate marketing. I know people that started out dabbling around in 2014 and just now in 2019 make a 3-figure monthly income.

I don’t want this to happen to you.

Proper education makes the difference between dabbling around for four years or drastically cutting your learning curve and get to the point of making money as soon as possible. This is why I recommend you take a look at my Wealthy Affiliate product review. I also started out at wealthy affiliate. Check out my dashboard from where I do all my marketing underneath.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you can get expert training and you’ll have a community consisting of more than 1.400.000+ peers that you can mastermind with.

Click Here To Check Out My Wealthy Affiliate Review

That all for now today! I think I’ve given enough affiliate products to fill up your wallet pretty quick but if you have any questions or you just want to show some love leave a comment and I’ll try to reply as soon as possible.

I hope to see you at the next post tomorrow.

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

2 thoughts on “12 Best paying affiliate programs In 2019 — Earn More Money Per Sale!”

  1. Hey,
    Good day!

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    • Hey Shweta,

      Thanks for considering me but at the moment, I’m not accepting other people’s articles. Maybe in the future but right now
      I’m focusing on just posting my own content.



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