2018 Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Review!

This post is a comprehensive 2018 Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency Review.

In this post i’ll discuss:

    • WhatTai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency course is.
    • Pro’s & Cons
    • Who this product is for
    • Tools & Training
    • Support
    • Price
    • My personal take on the course


Social Media Marketing Course

Name: Social Media Marketing Agency Review
Website: SMMA website
Founders/Owners: Tai Lopez
Price: $997 ( or paying 4 monthly payments of $299)
Overall ranking: See end of post


Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency Course, product overview

The Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing course is an online training geared towards people who want to earn money online through creating a social media marketing agency. When I hear Tai Lopez talking about it the end goal is to automate all the processes in your agency and create a semi-passive income.

The good & the bad


pro #1 Multiple teachers
Tai Lopez brought in multiple people with proven track records in business to give their perspective.

pro #2 Crazy amount of video content
This isn’t some program with 5 videos of 20 minutes with superficial content. The amount of educational content is crazy and I’ve even heard some saying they were kind of overwhelmed by it which in my opinion is not a bad thing.

pro #3 Money back guarantee (120 days)
No info program exists that is perfect for everybody. You might not like the methods or even change your mind when it comes to making money through creating a social media agency. The 120-day money back guarantee makes this a risk free purchase.

The bad:

Con #1 Price not everybody can afford it immediately
There is a financial barrier of entry when it comes to this program. A lot of people (not everyone) that are attracted to making money online don’t have that much money.

Con #2 There are still extra costs like registering your company
The $977 dollars isn’t the money that you’ll spend. Just like any other business you’re going to have some sort of financial investment in it.

Who is the product for?

  • Everybody interested in earning a living online through starting a social media.
  • People who want a passive income which makes it possible to travel the world.
  • People without prior knowledge about social media and building a business.
  • People who can afford the product and the extra expenses that come with building an agency.

Tai Lopez SMMA tools & training

  • Video Modules
  • Multiple teachers

The things Tai Lopez goes over in this course

  • How to get your first $1,000/mo client within the first 30 days.
  • The correct way to use free videos to help build a highly-engaged audience
  • Automating your social media marketing to save time
  • How to set up a new social media marketing agency without prior experience (they’ll provide you the forms, links to legal documents, contracts, and how-to instructions.)
  • How to set up different tiers of packages for your clients.
  • How to choose a name for your company, buy a domain, and creating a simple website that attracts clients
  • They’ll show you the best equipment to use for social media marketing
  • How to come up with a good name for your agency
  • How to make any business interesting
  • They’ll teach you how to set up email marketing funnels that are ideal for small businesses
  • You’ll learn how to become an excellent communicator that knows how to speak to business owners, and negotiate win-win agreements
  • How to spot a profitable niche
  • How to find clients
  • The best way to track the performance of your social media marketing
  • The exact business template Tai would use if he were to start over from scratch
  • Access to a private Facebook (members only)
  • Creating mutually beneficial collaborations between social media influencers and small businesses
  • The best way to create a part-time agency that brings in $1k-$3k a month, or a full-time agency you can scale into 6- or 7-figure a year business
  • How to use quizzes to attract new leads for a business
  • How to set up social media sales funnels for small businesses
  • How to create engaging social media content with increased shareability
  • How to apply these principles for creating a social media agency to your business, so you can avoid the cost of outsourcing

The program consists of multiple modules with different themes all lasting a month.

Tai Lopez SMMA Support

The program provides support in the following ways:

Support team
They make sure help is available 24/7 through a support team set up that you can email or call whenever you have a problem or a question.

private Facebook
Once you’re a member you’ll get access to the Tai Lopez social media marketing agency private Facebook group in which it is possible to connect and mastermind with people on the same journey. This can drastically cut your learning curve.

Tai Lopez SMMA pricing

The cost of the program $997, but if you can’t afford that there’s the option to do monthly payments.

You’ll have to do 4 monthly payments of $299.

My personal take on Tai Lopez SMMA

A lot of people know Tai Lopez from his here in my garage social media ad and his 67 steps program. If you watch his videos you’ll know he never talks about how he amassed his wealth and because of that a lot of people think he might be a scam artist.

No matter what you might think of him he’s social media following is huge and he also has videos with people like Mark Cuban and Gary Vaynerchuk who have very high credibility and know how to spot scam artists. For me

I’m here to say even though this program is kind of expensive it’s well worth the money. The sheer amount of theory videos within the program makes it more than worth it. What I like the most about this program is that even though he has a huge social media following he includes other people with proven track records to put in their 2 cents.

Tai Lopez SMMA overall overview

Name: Social Media Marketing Agency Review
Website: SMMA website
Founders/Owners: Tai Lopez
Price: $997 ( or 4 monthly payments of $299)

Theory: 9/10
Support: 8/10
Training: 8/10

Overall ranking: 8.3/10


On the accusation of Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency Course being Legit I find the program GUILTY!

The Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency Course is legit!


Not everybody has $1000 lying around, but might have also have the aspirations to make money online and travel the world. If you’re among that group I might have a solution for you. Check out my highest recommended “Make Money Online” product review. It’s considerably cheaper and has a free account u can use to test it out.


That’s all for now!

Until next time.

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

38 thoughts on “2018 Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Review!”

  1. I’ve seen a YouTube video covering this Tai guy before and even though he seems a little bit of a salesman, his teaching angles look pretty good. 

    Unfortunately as you rightly point out, the price of this training is not realistic in any way. Anybody looking to come online to work will not have that sort of cash spare to start with. 

    Do you cover any free options on this site with similar education angles?

    • Hey Chris!

      Thanks for the comment. Indeed the price makes the product, not for everybody. I personally like wealthy affiliate you can create a free starter account and star immediately. They do have a premium plan that costs money but when you calculate it, it’s barely $1 a day.

      It’s definitely a great alternative for Tai Lopez’s social media marketing agency review.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  2. Thanks for this review on Tai Lopez’s social media marketing agency.i have been hearing about this program for some days now and all his remarkable impart he has made for himself this past few year on social media marketing .he has many things to offer to many in the field already that are making profit. But I don’t think the program is any thing new suitable for a beginner because of the price of the course 

    • Hey ajibola, 

      Thanks for the comment. The product is definitely worth the money but I agree that if you’re a beginner and on a low budget it might not be the best choice. If working remotely is the goal I’d go with wealthy affiliate. It’s probably the most affordable training out there and they definitely overdeliver.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  3. Hey Rogier,

    Great review. I guess this course is not for everybody, but for someone who wants to create a social media marketing agency, as you state in the review. I do understand that there is a vast amount of information in the course, so you believe this is worth it.

    Can this be used by a blogger who wants to strengthen their social media presence? 



    • Hi Marios!

      Thanks for the comment! It can be used for strengthening your social media presence but if that’s the only thing you want to do with it I’d take a look at some cheaper options.

      This product does teach that but it put a large emphasis on creating a social media marketing agency so a big part of the content might not be beneficial for you for that price.

      I hope this answered your question.


      Rogier |  Real Digital Success

  4. This is a great writeup about Social Media Marketing Agency Review. Even though I’m not a big spender on online programs such as this, I’m impressed by the money back guarantee of 120 days. For what it’s worth I think trying out the program is safer than most will think, even though according to you, not everybody can afford it. Great work putting this up for those who wants to earn more working online. Keep up the good job. 

    • Hey Ayodeji,

      Thanks for the kind words. This product definitely is a game changer. It really makes me wonder what his new e-commerce program is like. I’ll make a review about that too the moment I can get my hands on it.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  5. I think this would be a good opportunity for those people who could invest their time and money into this and that it would not affect if they were not successful in that 120 days, but for those of us who can not afford to take a loss or even to sign up maybe not such a good idea.

    It does seem like a very thorough training process though which is very positive attribute.  24/7 support is an amazing tool and being able to make payments is a great option as well.

    • Hey Amanda!

      I couldn’t agree with you more. If you can afford it go for it but if you can’t it might be better to look for other opportunities.

      thanks for the comment.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  6. Wow…. This article got my attention when I saw that Tai Lopez’s social media marketing agency actually gives 120 days money back guarantee. That alone makes it risk-free. This will motivate and encourage anyone to register and subscribe to their training. 

    I believe the amount of money paid to learn social media marketing cannot be compared to what someone will actually gain after the training. It’s certainly worth the trial. 

    • Hey Sammy,

      Yeah, the 120-day guarantee is a real gamechanger especially when it comes to making sales. It really shows how much they believe in the product they’ve created.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success 

  7. Hello Rogier, your review on Tai Lopez’s product sounds great. For someone to succeed in online business, he needs to undergo some training which is same as being educated in a traditional education system. I love the fact that people involved in the training are those with proven track records, this simply shows that the product is genuine.

    Another thing I love about it is the 24/7 support they give to the end users. The cost of the program might be a bit on a higher side, but people that can afford it will surely gain a lot from the program, the most important thing is that it is legit with information that can steer one towards the path of success.

    • Hey Gracen,

      Thanks for the comment. The thing that sealed the deal for me were the other teachers too. When you know you’ll get taught by a large group of people that have actually done it and you can look up what and how they’ve done it, it makes it hard not to believe it’s legit.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  8. “Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency review” is a great article, exhaustively put together.
    You have put everything in perspective for anyone reading this post. From what is Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency to Pros and Cons to Who is it for to Tools and Training available to Support team availability to the cost of the program: $997, you can possibly be more exhaustive.
    The only challenge I see here is the price. I think the price is on the high side: what do you think?

    • Hey Jaykaynigltd

      Thanks for the comment. I personally think it depends on how much money you have. The content of the program is without a doubt legit but if you barely can afford it I can’t recommend it. There are things you’re going to have to pay for even after you’ve bought the product.

      I’d definitely say it’s worth the money but only if you’re able to afford to apply what they teach.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success 

  9. I’m so glad I found your Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Review. I have heard of his name and his agency but never really looked into it. However, thanks to your website I was able to see the pros and cons of this agency without having to purchase it and then figure it out. I really like how they offer the 120-days or money back. Most sites nowadays offer 7-days or 14-days. Thank you for this thorough review.

    • Hey Nia,

      Thanks for the comment. Yeah, you hear his name everywhere since that “here in my garage” ad. I also love their money back guarantee. It really shows that they are confident they can deliver.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  10. I must confess, I am not  Tai Lopez fan and I believe some of this gurus are extremely overpriced, and I hate it… I hate it tbh, however, I love the fact that you can get the money back within 120 days, that’s for surea good deal and not everybody does that! So if people don’t see any results anytime soon they can cancel if they want. also, just because I hate the fact that some courses are overpriced, doesn’t mean they’re not legit amazing content, indeed they are I’ve tried some but still, I’ll hold onto my overprice theory lol

    • Hey Maria!

      I’m not the biggest Tai Lopez fan either. I think he’s more of a guy that brings other entrepreneurs together and guides them while making products. At least that’s what he has done with his social media marketing agency product. 

      I think that’s why it’s so expensive. You get to be taught from more than 10 experts. If you have the money it’s definitely worth it but I wouldn’t break the bank just to get the product. 

      There are a lot of products such as wealthy affiliate that can help you with achieving some of the same goals.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success 

  11. Hi, first off, the price is massive! In fact, it runs into millions in some currencies. But, I guess, it’s a statement of the quality offered.

    The Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency Course, has alot of juicy cons. I especially like that most of the trainers have proofs of their own. 

    I also noticed that, one can get their money back after 120 days, if they are not satisfied or if they changed their minds. Making it risk free. I think that that’s commendable. 

    • Hey Peace, 

      Thanks for the comment. I agree with you about their money back guarantee. It shows how much faith they have in their product. The people that say his stuff is fake clearly don’t know what they’re talking about.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  12. Good evening Rogier,

    I am very excited to read Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Review. Because, like many, I am also willing to earn online. But now many scams racket. So it is difficult to understand what is real and what is fake. Though after reading your video and info-rich reviews, I think it’s a good fit for online earnings. I share the reviews with my friends as well. I request you to write such useful writings. Many many thanks.


    • Hey Ranao!

      Thanks for the comment. The product is definitely worth it if you have the money also thanks for willing to share this article with your friends.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  13. I absolutely love this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me.This article is full of tons of information about Tai Lopez social media marketing agency review. I can’t hesitate to be part of the program, although the price is not friendly but I will add it to my budget. Thanks for the insight and the review best regards 

    • Hey Adamu2!

      Thanks for the comment. Good to hear you know enough thanks to my review to make a decision about Tai’s social media marketing agency product.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  14. It looks like this course would be better suited for people who want to best use social media to promote their own businesses rather than selling the service to another company. If it’s possible to automate the process, most businesses would do it themselves rather than pay an agency $1000 per month. Although information on how to promote via social media is good to have, it can probably be had for less than the nearly $1000 that they’er charging. There are a lot of books and websites offering information on the subject that are cheaper or even free.

    • Hey cpascal!

      Thanks for the comment.

      You’d be surprised about how many businesses are willing to pay $1000 a month to have their social media done by an expert. 

      Even if they can do it themselves they’ll still have to spend time learning how to do it and after that also spend time creating content and communicating with their audience.

      A lot of businesses just want to work on their craft and sell that. This is where social media marketing agencies come in.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  15. Good afternoon Rogier,

    First I had a look at your About Me page and I must tell you I like it.

    Then I proceded reading your post on Tai Lopez and what he has to offer. Good to hear it is legit, there are enough scams out there already.

    I would have liked to look at the YouTube video?

    $997, is the price of the course? Dear me, that is a lot of money. That course be better the best in the world to ask for such a sum. What is good is the 120-day money back guarantee. Well, I have read your post and have to tell you even if it is good this will not be for me.

    Regards, Taetske

    • Hi Taetske!

      Thanks for the kind words about my “About Me” page and thanks for the feedback I’ll put the YouTube video there for people to see.

      It’s indeed a lot of money but it’s definitely worth it.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  16. Tai Lopez sounds like an interesting character, and I s one I would like to learn from. I do not blame him for showing off his affluence, he needs people to understand that he is teaching what he has also succeeded at. I think everyone who is looking to succeed must have a mentor to help through the difficult patches in business. I also do have a mentor, and he has been a huge help to me.
    anks for writing, regards

    • Hey Seyi!

      Tai Lopez definitely is a unique character. I wouldn’t mind having him as one of my mentors as well. 
      I fully agree with what you said about having a mentor. Some people underestimate what a mentor can do for you.
      How has your mentor helped you?


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  17. I had come across the Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency offer previously but I didn’t give it a second look until ibcame across this 2018 review. Quite a comprehensive review I must say and I am impressed with the amount of input from other experts. Its not a bad service, its just being tailored to suit people with some good money in their pocket.

    • Hey Vapz!

      I agree! If you have the money it can definitely be an asset that can change your life but breaking the bank just to get it and then having to pay for all kinds of other things to get the agency up and running isn’t the smart thing to do if you don’t have the money.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  18. Social Media Marketing is the use of social media platforms to promote a product or service. The Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency Course seems to be stealing the lime light in this area with prominent and rich marketers advertising on its behalf and commanding a large following. The pros for this agency are many. This includes trend stacking of social media; guided beginners’ tutorials on video; downloadable offline scripts; an active community you can interact with by starting a discussion and getting helpful answers; accessing helpful online support 24/7 and advanced online education with more than 80 tutorial videos.

    actually, this program is legit and I would give it a four out of five star rating.

    • Hey Joseph!

      I fully agree with you. It’s hard to find another product about creating a social media marketing agency that gives as much value as this one.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success


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