2023 Mailerlite Review — Definitely Cheap But Is It Any Good?

Welcome to my Mailerlite review.

If you’re here to learn more about Mailerlite you’re at the right place.

Over the last few years, I have reviewed hundreds of products and software applications and learned how to spot legit products that give you the best chances to succeed.

In this post, I’m going to evaluate the main features of Mailerlite and give you my personal opinion to find out if it is worth your time.

Let's get into the Mailerlite review.

MailerLite Review: Overview

Name: Mailerlite
Website: www.mailerlite.com
Founders/Owners: Ignas Rubezias
Product Type: Email Marketing Service
Price: $0 — $50/ month
Recommended: Yes
Overall ranking: 7.5/10

Mailerlite is an email marketing service that helps with creating, communicating, and growing your email lists. It started out in 2005 as a web design agency and in 2010 changed to an email marketing service.

It's a solid email marketing service that has a beginner's friendly navigation but still possesses a lot of advanced features. It's a great solution for people that are new to email marketing.
Similar to: GetresponseAweberFlodeskConstant Contact

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Main Features

Here’s a list of all the features Mailerlite offers:

  • Website Builder
  • Blog builder
  • Email builder
  • Form Builder
  • Automation workflows
  • Integrations
  • Analytics
  • Email Templates
  • Email broadcasting
  • Segmenting
  • Paid newsletter subscriptions

Pros and Reasons to get Mailerlite:

Since I value your time I’ll give you a review spoiler right now. Mailerlite is a great option for those looking for a beginner-friendly option for creating email marketing campaigns.

Here are a few reasons I personally think Mailerlite is a good email marketing service.

  • Free Plan
  • 30-day free trial
  • Ease-of-Use
  • High-quality customer service
  • Quality service for a cheap price
  • Internal check-out functions for e-commerce included
  • Visually appealing templates
  • Blog services included
  • It's allowed to insert affiliate links in your emails

Cons of Service

I think Mailerlite is an excellent option for doing email marketing but there are some cons that you should take into account if you’re going to start using Mailerlite. Here are the things I think Mailerlite can improve upon.

  • No fixed price for the Mailerlite plans
  • It gets expensive very quickly based on the subscriber count 

Who would benefit the most from Mailerlite

There are a lot of groups that could benefit from Mailerlite but here’s a list of the groups that I believe would benefit the most from investing in Mailerlite:

  • Big companies
  • Solopreneurs
  • Content Creators
  • People without email marketing experience
  • People interested in advanced split testing
  • Bloggers
  • Affiliate marketers
  • People that are looking for basic email functionality


We've tested the delivery rate of Mailerlite by sending it to multiple ISPs such as Hotmail, Gmail, and outlook and it's pretty good.

As long as you don't ruin your domain reputation by spamming people you should be able to do a lot with Mailerlite.

Free Plans and Limitations

Mailerlite offers the best of both worlds in my opinion by providing people with the possibility to sign up for a forever free plan and a 30-day free trial. Most email marketing services offer only one of these options but I think this is a great idea. 

It allows people that want to review the service to get full access which brings them more publicity and lets people that don't have an established traffic source use email marketing without breaking the bank. 

Here's a list of what you'll get when you choose one of these options.

Free plan 

  • Up to 1000 members
  • 1 website 
  • 10 landing pages
  • Limited automation features
  • Limited split testing features
  •  Limited website management features
  • No custom domains

30 Free trial 
Access to all features Mailerlite has to offer


MailerLite is in my opinion, one of the top email marketing services when it comes ease-of-use. 

The layout of the dashboard is designed in such a way as to make it seem almost too simple to be considered a high-end email marketing service but it has all the features more complicated-looking services have.

They've done an excellent job when it comes to making a beginner-friendly service that can be mastered in a relatively short time.

Website Builder and Landing Pages

The website and landing page capabilities of Mailerlite set its services apart from a lot of email marketing services. 

Unlike most email marketing services, MailerLite allows people to not only create landing pages but also full-fledged websites with blog rolls and unlimited pages.

This is very impressive because it requires a lot when it comes to providing hosting for websites. You could basically create a fully operational search-engine-optimized website from within the MailerLite platform.

MailerLite has more than 200 website templates that you can use for your website. You can also create a website from scratch with their website builder. 

Mailerlite website templates

The website builder itself is a combination of a WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get) builder which means you don't need to know anything about website design to build your first website.

The website builder is also very beginners friendly in its layout and design. 

Even as a beginner, it'll probably give you the impression that building a website is a simple process. 

Marketing Automation

MailerLite comes with a variety of marketing automation features. Here's a list of what Mailerlite offers: 

  • Automate welcome emails, anniversaries, birthdays, and more
  • Link triggers to activate email workflows
  • Tag subscribers to create new groups and segments
  • Guide customers through every step of their journey
  • Sell more products with abandoned cart emails

Mailerlite uses simple workflows that you can create from scratch to create and build the journey your members will go through once they opt into your list. 

MailerLites also has automation templates that are ready to be used immediately or you can edit them once you purchase one of their paid packages.


Mailerlite has taken a basic approach when it comes to the reporting features they provide. 

You can find the standard information such as clicks, links, subscribers, sales tracking, etc. The only thing I'm missing here is a way to differentiate traffic that comes from social media platforms. 

That being said, I do think the reports provide you with enough information to make meaningful adjustments to your campaigns and increase their performance.


Management and Segmentation

Mailerlite makes it possible to segment email subscribers based on information such as:

  • Email
  • Groups
  • Fields
  • Sign-up source
  • Sign-up date
  • campaigns
  • Location
  • Automation workflow
  • Stats
  • Activity
  • etc.

The free plan gives you access to all tags for segmenting which is a huge plus in my opinion.

When it comes to segmenting email subscribers it’s on par with most of the email marketing services I have reviewed.

MailerLite segmenting

You simply click on the audience and you can start creating segments based on the information your subscribers provide you with through landing pages, forms, etc. 

I have used a few email marketing services that don’t include segmentation in all their plans but I’m glad to say Mailerlite isn’t one of them.

A/B Testing

Mailerlite has great split-testing features. 

Split tests make it possible to send multiple variations of an email to your subscribers to find out what type of email performs the best. It's a feature that most email marketing services possess.

It differentiates itself from a lot of the popular email marketing services that have been active for a very long time such as Constant Contact and Aweber by giving multiple options for what you can test. 

Mailerlite campaign types

Most email marketing services only let you split test the subject line but Mailerlite allows you to also split test your content and the name of the sender. 

The only email marketing service I know that has similar split testing features is Getresponse.


MailerLite offers more than 130 integrations that you can use to connect Mailerlite with other software and create a seamless process to achieve your goals. 

The usual suspects such as Zapier, Facebook, Stipe, and Paypal are all included making MailerLite a great option for people that value having a large variety of integrations.

Customer Support

MailerLite provides its members with great customer support. 

Support is provided through email or chat and dependent on your plan the availability of the customer support team will differ. 

Members that use the free plan have the support team at their disposal from Monday to Friday while all the members that have a  paid plan have 24/7 access to the support team. 

The response time of the team is very short the longest I heard free members wait for a response was an hour which isn't that bad in my opinion. I have dealt with software applications for which the response time was 48 hours.


The Free plan 
$0, Up to 1000 subscribers
12,000 monthly emails, 1 user, Monday - Friday Email support
Key features, Drag & drop editor, Email automation builder, and more.

The Growing Business plan 
$10/ month or $9/month billed annually. Up to 1000 subscribers

  • Unlimited monthly emails
  • 3 users
  • 24/7 Email support
  • All in Free Plan, plus
  • Sell digital products
  • Unlimited templates
  • Dynamic emails
  • Auto resend campaign
  • Unlimited websites & blogs
  • Unsubscribe page builder

The Advanced plan 

Advanced $21/month or $19/ month billed annually, Up to 1000 subscribers

  • Unlimited monthly emails
  • Unlimited users
  • 24/7 Live chat & email support
  • All in Growing Business, plus
  • Facebook integration
  • Custom HTML editor
  • Promotion pop-ups
  • Multiple triggers in automation
  • Preference center

The Email plan 

 Enterprise Custom pricing

  • Unlimited monthly emails
  • Unlimited users
  • 24/7 Live chat & email support
  • All in Advanced, plus
  • Dedicated success manager
  • Dedicated IP & deliverability consultation
  • Custom landing page design
  • Custom newsletter design

Feature Gaps

Let's take a look at what makes Mailerlite stand out:

Blog Features
Most email marketing services will only let you create one-pagers that you can use as an opt-in page from your email list. Email marketing services will give you a lot of options for the page but they don't offer the possibility to create an entire website. 

Split testing features 
A lot of the traditional email marketing services that have been around for a long time have very limited split testing services. The majority of even the newer email marketing service often only provide you with subject line split testing. Mailerlite offers not only subject lines but also content and name split testing.


MailerLite is a great option for people looking for a simple solution to email marketing without losing features that might come in handy later on your email marketing journey.

A lot of email marketing services use simplicity as their unique selling point but lack the advanced features that Mailerlite offers. I'd recommend this email marketing service to anyone looking for a simple way to create high-quality email campaigns.

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

12 thoughts on “2023 Mailerlite Review — Definitely Cheap But Is It Any Good?”

  1. I absolutely love this insightful article because it is full of informations. This is fascinating and intriguing to meYou did an excellent job of providing education and resources; The article was well written and easy to understand

    I am just getting to know about mailerlite; I am convinced this is a great platform that would enhance my online business. I think it realy worth it. Thanks for listing out the pros and cons. Thanks for your indepth analysis

    • Yeah, its definitely a great service but I would always first look at the terms of service of an autoresponder before buying it. I learned that the hard way.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  2. Though this is my very first time of coming across any article written on Mailerlite. I must confess that yours is very explicit and gives a clear picture and understanding to the reader. I really agree with the three pros and the two cons you listed about the product. I will definitely give Mailerlite a trial, because the way and manner you reviewed it perfectly has made me fall in love with it. Thanks so much for this insightful post.

    • Hey Dapoach,

      Thanks for the kind comment. Mailerlite is definitely a great email marketing service for beginners. I’ve also put some alternatives at the end of my review that’ll interest you too.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  3. I have a new website and I’ve been looking to grow my audience database. Since mailerlite offers free service, I believe this would be ideal for me because I’m learning the ropes. 

    However, I have an enquiry to make. How long does the free service last? Would I have to upgrade after a period of time or can I use it until I decide to upgrade?

    Expecting your feedback 

    Warm regards

    • Hey Louis,

      Thanks for the comment. The Mailerlite trial lasts 30 days. If you’re by any chance an affiliate marketer I’d look at the alternatives at the end of my review because they don’t allow affiliate marketing otherwise I’d say go for it.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  4. Hi Rogier,

    I just read your article on 2019 Mailerlite review and i think it is definitely a solid email marketing service to start with. but for affiliate marketer it is not a good deal because you have said so and i am totally agreed with you. thanks for giving this valuable information, i am going to share this with my friends.

    • Hey Tawhid,

      Thanks for the willingness to share this with your friends. I appreciate it!
      Yes, I’d definitely not go for Mailerlite if you’re an affiliate marketer. I learned that the hard way. Always look at the terms of service/agreements before signing up especially if you’re an affiliate marketer.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  5. I’ve been looking into email marketing services lately as it’s something I think I really need for my site. 

    I haven’t heard about Mailerlite before until I read your review, so good timing! You’ve made it easy to understand who it is suitable for and I also found particularly useful the alternatives you have mentioned. I had already heard of Aweber and Mailchimp but you have made it easier to understand who they are suitable for.

    Which one would you suggest if you were a beginner on email marketing and also a blogger yet also an affiliate marketer?



    • Hey Teresa

      Especially as an affiliate marketer having an email list is a must in my opinion. It makes it possible to retain your customers and offer them more products. People are more willing to buy from people they’ve already purchased products from.

      As a beginner, I would definitely go with Getresponse they also have a free trial so you can try everything out.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  6. Hi Rogier,

    Thank you for sharing this great informational article about Mailerlite. It’s really helpful, as an online entrepreneur and affiliate marketer.I really know from your article personally about online marketer. Email list are really great resources for any online business. This is the first time i will be reading about Mailerlite, and i trust from your article will make it my work easier.I am bookmarking your article to share with friends.

    • Hey Usman,

      Thanks for the comment and for bookmarking my content. I agree I think every affiliate marketer should have an email list. It makes life so much easier. I’ve also put some alternatives underneath that benefit affiliate marketers.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success


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