2019 Private Cash Sites Review — Is Private Cash Sites Legit?

This is a comprehensive Private Cash Sites review.

Wondering if:

  • Private Cash Sites is worth the money?
  • it’s valuable for people with and without experience making money online?
  • Private Cash Sites is Legit?

Good news!

In this review, you’ll find everything you need to know about Private Cash Sites.

I’ll start this off by saying:

Private Cash Sites is definitely shady

There’s nothing on the website that makes me believe that Private Cash Sites is the real deal.

If you’re interested in a legit way to make money I’d highly recommend taking a look at the online training platform that taught me how to create a website and make money from it.

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Private Cash Sites Review

Private Cash Sites review


Name: Private Cash Sites
Website: privatecashsites.com
Founder: John Saeger
Rating: 1/10

What is Private Cash Sites

Private cash sites is a website that claims to help you become a successful affiliate marketer within a few days without experience or creating content.

My impression

I was browsing through ClickBank looking for some interesting products to review when I saw this.

“Hot New Make Money/bizzopp Offer. Up To $273 In Commissions On One Lead!”.

I literally reviewed a website with the exact same description called Explode My Payday which turned out to be very shady. This is either a freaky coincidence or these Scammers are extremely lazy.

I suspect the second.

I clicked on the link and got directed to their squeeze page which had a video that started playing.

The Sales Video

It starts off by showing us pictures of daily commission you supposedly can earn if you purchase Private Cash Sites.

We see a lot of deposits but we don’t know where they’re from. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a scam but it does give cause to pause.

I’ve seen a lot of legit products do this too so let’s look a little further if we can find some objective proof for it either being a scam or legit.

Claims in the video 

A lot of claims are being made in this video that raises my eyebrows.

Let’s start off with the spokesperson who’s called Felicity. We don’t know her last name where she is from or even what her function is within Private Cash Sites.

It’s pretty normal to get a spokesperson because people like to communicate with other people they can relate to in these situations but they’re giving you nothing to relate to.

No picture, no story, no last name basically everything you can use to find out if she’s real.

The Process of Making Money with Private Cash Sites

They say they’ve created a step-by-step system that promises people with zero experience daily 4 figure commissions without a financial investment.

As someone that’s into affiliate marketing, I can say that this isn’t possible. To make money with affiliate marketing you either need to create an audience or you need to get ranked on search engines so that they refer people to your platform.

Both of these methods take a lot of time and hard work. In some instances depending on your niche, it can take years before you hit a 4 figure monthly salary.

With the Private Cash System, you don’t need to make content
According to Felicity, these are a few things you don’t need to do with their system to make money:

  • You don’t have to blogs
  • You don’t have to make videos
  • You don’t have to write emails

In other words, they claim you don’t have to make content. Earlier they also said that no financial investment is needed once you have purchased Private Cash System.

I’ve never heard of someone being successful in affiliate marketing without either creating content or using PPC marketing.


Everything I’ve seen till now makes me think Private Cash Sites is shady but my suspicion was confirmed the moment I looked at the disclaimers at the bottom of the page.

They didn’t even bother to change the name in the disclaimer. This confirms what I’ve been thinking ever since I saw the description on Clickbank. Private Cash Site was made by the same scammers that created Explode My Payday a scam product I uploaded the review from literally yesterday.

If you read further you also see this in the disclaimer.

According to this disclaimer, all their content is to be considered “for entertainment purposes only”. Seems a bit weird when you talk about providing people with a system that’ll earn money for them.

JV website

There were even more red flags when I went to their JV website. The moment I got on the website a video started playing where they started talking about Explode My Payday and not Private Cash Websites.

The person you see in this picture of the JV page his name his Nathan. Normally I’d go and do a Google image search to find out if this guy is really who he says he is but something more interesting caught my eye.

Triad Excel Marketing

Above the video, you see that everything produced on this website is from the Triadexcel marketing team. I google them and found their website.

On the website, none of the links work and most of the people in the team can’t be found on Google or LinkedIn.

The only two I could find were John Saeger and Justin Francisco ( Who had no picture on his LinkedIn but everything else was filled in)

John Saeger seems to be real but everybody else doesn’t check out.


Private Cash Sites doesn’t seem like a legit product. I wouldn’t recommend purchasing this product.

also according to the triad excell marketing website other products are on their way. I don’t know if this is real but just in case I thought I should warn you about them.

The moment they’re online I will take a look at them but be careful till that time.

These are the products that’ll be coming out:


It’s crazy how many scams and shady products are out there. My advice is to always check up with review websites just to be sure about the product you’re thinking about purchasing.

Seeing you came here trying to find out if this affiliate marketing product is legit I’d like to recommend the product I used to create this website and make money online.

It’ll take time and hard work to make money with this product but you’re doing it in an honest and sustainable way. Interested? Click here to read the review of the product I used to learn how to make money online.

That’s all for now. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

6 thoughts on “2019 Private Cash Sites Review — Is Private Cash Sites Legit?”

  1. Really! without no experience in any way in this line of work, you can be a success in just a few days which took so many people years. If this was so then everyone would be a part of this program this is just another hype to get your hard earned money.

  2. Thank you for your insight on these scam company that have nothing else be to cheat people out of there hard earn money. This is no shortcuts in this business unless you are trying to scam people. Thanks again for this post. Will be sharing.

    • Hey Claudie,

      Thanks for commenting. That’s right the moment I hear you can get money with affiliate marketing within days without using PPC or already having an audience it’s probably a scam.


  3. Wow! That company looks like an act of desperation in a pyramid model. Thanks for the heads up and well written!


    • hey Casey,

      Thanks for the kind words. It’s crazy what some people are willing to do for money. I’m glad I could help by warning you about this product.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success


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