2019 Explode My Payday Review — Is Explode My Payday A Scam?

This is a comprehensive 2019 Explode My Payday review.

Wondering if:

  • Explode my payday is worth the money?
  • it’s valuable for people with and without experience in making money online?
  • Explode my payday is Legit?

Good news!

In this review I’ll be sharing:

  • who can benefit from using Explode my Payday
  • warning signs
  • my personal take on Explode my Payday is

I’ll start this off by saying Explode my Payday is definitely shady

If you’re interested in a legit way to make money I’d highly recommend taking a look at the online training platform that taught me:

  • How to create a professional looking website
  • How to market it with organic rankings and PPC
  • How to monetize the website I created

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Click Here To Find Out About A Legit Way To Make Money Online

Now let’s get into my…

2019 Explode My Payday Review — Is Explode My Payday A Scam?

E.M.P. Overview

Name: Explode my payday
(access only through ClickBank)
Founder: Meagan Harper(Fake)
Rating: 1/10

My first impression

I came in contact with this online product when I was browsing around ClickBank. It got my attention to the description. It was talking about getting up to $273 commission from just one lead.

Of course, it’s possible to get with high ticket affiliate products but the products that come in mind aren’t that cheap. Either you’re promoting insanely expensive affiliate products, you can expect a huge number of upsells or it’s just a scam.

After clicking on the link I landed on their sales page and a video started playing. It started off with three testimonials that sounded like those cheesy old school tell sell commercials.

As someone that has worked as a direct-response copywriter for quite some time and has seen thousands of sales videos to learn the craft, I immediately knew something was off but let’s break down my process of determining why this is a scam so that you can easily discern scams from real products.

These are the three stars of the testimonials in the sales video.

Brandon Marshall from Little Rock, AR

Leanne Bakker

Megan Elisabeth

It’s important for testimonials to lead with benefits. That is something that was done in these testimonials by talking about how much they earn on a daily basis.

Another important element is making people understand what makes your product different from other products.

When you create generic testimonials you can just paste them in other sales video and no one will notice the difference.

And look what I found:

Looks familiar, doesn’t it?

It’s the same guy (who’s named after an NFL Hall of Famer) from the Explode My Payday testimonials wearing the same clothing talking about earning the exact amount of money.

That’s definitely sketchy!

After the three testimonials, the creator of this product introduces herself. Her name is Megan Harper a self-proclaimed multi-millionaire.

I used reverse image on Google and found some other picture of her. It turns out the picture that is being used is a stock photo from Shutterstock they paid for.

This on its own is already enough information to say this product is a scam but there were a lot more warning signs that validated my suspicion.

The biggest one if we don’t include what I’ve already discussed above is the way they use scarcity. Scarcity is used in sales a lot to prevent people from leaving your website and forgetting about your sales offer.

These scarcity elements can come in the form of:

  • Limited time bonuses
  • Countdown Clocks
  • limited seats for a course
  • and there are many more examples

I personally have no problem with scarcity elements. Some of them have resulted in me buying products that definitely have changed my life for the better but they have to be used ethically.

This is the first screen you see when you go to their website.

In red at the top of the screen, it says “We are closing today’s registration: Tuesday, March 26 Act Now!”.

Well 2 days ago it said they were closing March 24th and in the video, they also mention that this offer is only available for a handful of people and only today but she never says the date.

She literally says: “…it’s only open the date you see at the top of the screen…”.

False time constraints is a huge indicator that the product might be a scam.

Inside Explode My Payday

Now let’s take a look at what’s inside Explode My Payday ( You guys definitely owe me for the amount of spam my fake email account is going to get hahah).

Remember when I said I found it odd that you could earn up to $273 on one commission even though the product costs roughly $36. Well, I found out why the moment you sign up they start bombarding you with all kind of crazy upsells.

They have their email marketing training for $195 and their big bundle training which is $99. They also offer 70% commission which makes no sense if you’re trying to make a profit.


After all that I’ve seen reviewing Explode My Payday

  • Fake earning claims
  • Fake photos
  • Fake testimonials

 I have to conclude that Explode My Payday is a scam.

Alternative for Explode My Payday

Looking for an alternative to make money online with affiliate marketing?

I’d highly recommend you to take a look at one of my highest recommended “make money online” products called Wealthy Affiliate.

Unlike Explode My Product they aren’t secretive about how they make their money, they don’t use fake testimonials, and you can create a free starters account to start learning and see what it’s all about.

Click Here To Take A Look At My Wealthy Affiliate Review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

4 thoughts on “2019 Explode My Payday Review — Is Explode My Payday A Scam?”

  1. We should all be careful about the number of scams that are out there. You made a good point to show us the difference in pictures because I would not have to expect those photos to be stock. It is very important to understand when something is too good to be true, normally it is. 

    • Hey Sebastian,

      I didn’t either at first but from the beginning when I saw how much you could earn from 1 lead even though the product was so cheap I definitely knew something was off.

      good thing I took a deeper look.

  2. Hey Rogier,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading this article as you’ve provided us with tonnes of valuable information on “My Payday”. I’m started an online jobs that I can do part-time to earn extra income from home. I came across this platform, and I’ve been receiving emails for quite sometime. 

    Since you came to a conclusion that this is a SCAM, I’ll unsubscribe from their email list right away!

    Thanks a lot for taking your time in writing this article. Keep up the good work Rogier!

    • Hey AV2001,

      Thanks for the comment! 

      It definitely is a scam that has been rebranded at least 3 times. Luckily they were too lazy to change their testimonials which made me suspicious.

      good luck with your future online endeavors!



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