The CB Passive Income 5.0 Review — Not What I Expected


This is a comprehensive The CB Passive Income 5.0 review. I’ve been hearing a lot about this program and honestly, it sounds too good to be true. A complete “done for you” system that helps you create a business that generates passive income by promoting affiliate products.

Let’s find out if it really is the perfect “done for you” system.

Wondering if…

  • The CB Passive Income is worth the money?
  • it’s valuable for people with and without experience in affiliate marketing?
  • The CB Passive Income is Legit?

Good News!

In this review, I’ll be sharing:

  • what The CB Passive Income is
  • what the pros and cons of The CB Passive Income are
  • who can benefit from using The CB Passive Income
  • How The CB Passive Income work + Tools & Bonuses
  • how much The CB Passive costs
  • what my personal take on The CB Passive Income is presents the…

The CB Passive Income 5.0 review

Name: The CB Passive Income 5.0
Founders/Owners: Patric Chan
Price: $47/ month — $497/ year
Overall ranking: 7/10

The CB Passive Income 5.0, product overview

The CB Passive Income 5.0 is a “done for you” program that helps you with creating an online business with the help of affiliate marketing.

The Good & The Bad

The good

Pro #1 Web pages are made for you
Web pages of Patric Chan’s secret high converting website will be cloned and tailored for your website.
Pro #2 Funnels are made for you

Not only the webpages but also the funnels can be cloned in the new version 5.0
Pro #3 Free hosting and autoresponder

No need to get hosting and an autoresponder you’ll receive that for free once you purchased The CB Passive Income.

The bad

Con #1 Need to get your own traffic
The marketing makes it seem that it’s a complete “done for you” program but you’re going to have to drive traffic to your website yourself.
Con #2 No freedom in choosing your own affiliate products

You’ll be promoting ClickBank products that they choose. I’ve seen a lot of ClickBank products that don’t deliver so I’d be a little hesitant when it comes to not being in charge of sales.

Who is the product for?

You can benefit from the CB Passive Income 5.0 if you:

  • Already have a large audience to promote products to.
  • You’re willing to work hard on getting traffic
  • don’t have money for hosting and autoresponders
  • don’t mind not choosing your own affiliate products

Do not purchase the CB Passive Income 5.0 if:

  • You need money fast
  • You want to be able to have full control of your online business
  • You don’t want to spend time learning how to drive traffic
  • You expect a complete “Done for you” product

What’s The CB Passive Income 5.0 All About?

The CB Passive income 5.0 is a product that helps you set up an affiliate marketing business. The founder of the program named Patric Chan has had a lot of success in online business and turned his websites in a one fits all template that everybody can use once you purchase the program.

How does the CB Passive Income 5.0 work?

Let’s look at the first few steps:

  1. You purchase the CB Passive Income
  2. create a ClickBank account
  3. get a ClickBank ID.
  4. you insert your ClickBank ID into the CB Passive Income dashboard.

From here you can choose which pages and funnels of Patric Chan’s website you want to clone. The people at the CB Passive Income will make the website for you.

You’ll be promoting ClickBank products chosen by CB Passive Income.

They’ll create your website but you’re going to have to create your own traffic stream that you’ll lead through their system to the affiliate products chosen by CB Passive income.

What’s different about the CB Passive Income 5.0 vs. all the previous versions?

The program itself has changed a lot over the years by looking at the state of SEO and social media marketing. For example with the 4.0 version, they put the emphasis on creating a better experience for mobile because that became a very important ranking factor.

The CB Passive Income 5.0 is all about funnel cloning. Where you first could only “clone”( as he likes to call it) Patric Chan’s web pages now you can also do that with his funnels to guide people to the sale effectively.

What kind of tools and training do you get with CB Passive Income?

Let’s take a look at what you’ll receive once you’ve purchased the CB Passive Income.

  • Webpage and funnel clone feature
    Follow the same blueprint Patric Chan uses and “clone” his website.
  • Free products to give away
    Software and training you can use as lead magnets for your website.
  • Automate income stream
    The moment you direct the traffic  to them they’ll do the rest to convert the leads
  • Live time commissions
    You’ll receive 100% of the commission of sales made
  • Marketing training and video courses
    Educational tools to help you learn how to direct traffic to your website and a list of the places Patric Chan got his traffic from.

Bonus Products

  • Bonus #1: Insider tools & Membership
    Marketing training + 2-hour Training Webinar
  • Bonus #2: Fast Cash Series for 15 months
    manuals, reports, videos, tools, templates, checklists that’ll help with getting money fast.
  • Bonus #3 The 3-month traffic to income masterclass
    90 program that’ll teach how to get traffic regardless of the seasons from multiple platforms

It also says the bonuses can be pulled away without warning at any moment.

The CB Passive Income price

There three payment options with the CB Passive Income:

  • Monthly. $47/ month
  • Quarterly $97/ quarter
  • Yearly $497/ year

My personal take on The CB Passive Income

The program and the founder Patric Chan are definitely legit but there are some things I don’t like about The CB Passive Income 5.0.

What I personally don’t like about The CB Passive Income

The framing of the “done for you” concept

The promotion makes it look way easier than it actually is.

They claim to do all the hard work by creating the website and the funnel and the only thing you have to do is get the traffic. Being an affiliate marketer myself I have to say that getting traffic is incredibly hard.

You have to either create a lot of quality content consistently over a long time or you have to use paid advertising to drive traffic to your website.

At the beginning of the video they say there’s no need for:

  • producing content
  • creating courses
  • creating products
  • write sales letters and more.

Most of it checks out but in a lot of situations you’re going to have to produce content, there’s no way around that.

The way I see it you’re going to have to do 80% of the heavy lifting when it comes to either producing the content or testing PPC campaigns which costs money to do.

The dependency on The CB Passive Income
What I don’t like is the dependency that’s created by following this program. Yes, they do a lot for you but I’d be paranoid all the time thinking what if something happens to CB Passive Income.

You’d lose a lot just because you weren’t willing to spend a little extra time learning about that 20% that turns your traffic into conversions.

What I personally like about The CB Passive Income

The cloning of a high converting pages
This saves you a lot of trouble especially if you only want to focus on getting traffic.

I know a lot of people that don’t want to have anything to do with the technical side of creating a website, sales or managing your list.

For those people, the automation part of The CB Passive Income will be a lifesaver.

The bonuses
Getting coached by Patric Chan is definitely something I like about this product. You can get close and personal with the Webinar and ask things that go beyond the X’s and O’s of affiliate marketing. A lot of info-products don’t offer this.

The CB Passive Income 5.0 overall overview

Name: The CB Passive Income 5.0
Founders/Owners: Patric Chan
Price: $47/ month — $497/ year
Overall ranking: 7/10


The CB Passive Income is definitely not a scam

You can achieve success with it but it’s not going to be as easy as they make it sound also realize by letting them automate everything that happens after the lead arrives on your website you’re giving up a lot of decisions that affect your brand and what products you’re promoting…

…but The CB Passive Income is definitely legit!

Alternative to the CB Passive Income 5.0

The CB Passive Income 5.0 isn’t a scam but I realize it’s not for everybody. Some people want more control over your business, the products they’re promoting, or actually want to learn to be an independent online entrepreneur.

If that’s the case I’d advise you to take a look at the review of my highest rated affiliate marketing training by clicking here.

that’s all for today! If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

2 thoughts on “The CB Passive Income 5.0 Review — Not What I Expected”

  1. I appreciate the review and that concerning the traffic issue, it’s impossible to get a completely “DFY” system
    Otherwise, success would be guaranteed for everyone who afford to get such a system. Because traffic is the blood of web marketing us someone enthusiasm with automation.
    Thanks for your insights

    • Hey Babacar

      Thanks for commenting. I do agree with the notion that there is no such thing as a complete done-for-you product.
      I do think a lot of people that buy done-for-you products underestimate what it takes to get traffic. This is why
      I think it’s important to let people know that.


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