2019 Stack That Money Review (+ Video Sneak Peek) — Great But Not For Everyone.

Welcome to my Stack That Money review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Stack That Money also know as the STMforum is legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online but in the process I learned how to spot scams. Stack That Money is one the products I reviewed.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Stack That Money and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Stack That Money Review Overview

name:STM forum ( Stack That Money )

Website: www.stmforum.com

Founders: Lorenzo Greene, Stackman, Besmir

Product type: Forum

Price: $99/ month

Stack That Money Review

Summary: Stack That Money a.k.a STMforum is a forum with a lot of successful affiliate marketers that share their knowledge. The moment you become a member you'll also get access to free tools and guides. 

It's definitely legit but I wouldn't recommend it to people just starting out because of the monthly costs and the level of the information they provide.

Rating: 8/10

Similar to: AffLifft, Wealthy Affiliate

Recommended to: Seasoned affiliate marketers

How does Stack That Money work

StackThatMoney.com also known as the STM forum is a forum made for affiliate marketers. The website was launched in 2011 with the goals of creating an environment where veteran industry leaders can share value.

On the forum, itself are some of the most successful affiliate marketers giving a lot of value and connecting with each other.

Video Sneak peek inside the Stack That Money Forum

Interested in what's inside Stack That Money. Take a look at this 2 quick 2 minute video.

Who can benefit from Stack That Money

When I look at everything stackthatmoney.com has to offer I really want to say it for everyone that’s an affiliate marketer or aspires to become one but it’s not.

Stack That Money is beneficial for:

  • Expert Affiliate Marketers
  • Expert online marketers
  • Beginners with a large budget and time
  • People into e-commerce
  • Savvy affiliate Marketers ready to take the step to +5-7 figure monthly income.

Don’t subscribe to Stack That Money if:

  • You’re a beginning affiliate marketer
  • You haven’t hit the +3-4K monthly commission level
  • You don’t have the money
  • You’re not willing to spend the time optimizing your affiliate marketing business.

Pros and Cons of Stack That Money

  • Pros
  • cons
  • The price
    Stack That Money is definitely not for those that don’t have any money to spare. You’ll get a lot of value out of membership but if that means selling a lung for it I wouldn’t advise it. There are alternatives such as the one at the bottom of this review.
  • Not beginners friendly
    On the website, they say you can join as a beginner and get a competitive edge but honestly, I wouldn’t advise it. It can be quite overwhelming with everybody talking with online marketing jargon and all the options and threads about things you’ve never heard about.

Want to learn how to make money online? Check out my #1 Recommendation

Stack That Money Tools & Training

If I had to describe Stack That Money into a few words I would call it a high-end affiliate marketing forum.

Stack That Money Guides & Services

40-day Newbie Guide 
Zero to Hero guide for people that never heard about affiliate marketing.
What verticals and traffic sources are working guide

Guide with everything that’s working right now in affiliate marketing based on data-driven information.
STM Forum eCommerce Cookbook

Guide for creating a successful eCommerce store
STM Forum Facebook Scaling Mastery
Facebook scaling techniques are given by successful Facebook marketers.
STM Mobile Cookbook

Guide for creating a successful mobile affiliate marketing campaign
STM Facebook Start To Finish Guide
A 7 part guide about everything you need to know about making money on Facebook.
Our Follow-Along 

Successful Affiliate marketers sharing all the details about there campaigns so you can follow along and learn from them.
Case studies
Campaigns tested by owners that show you exactly how to handle campaigns
STM Contact List
Contact list with members of the STM forum so you can get in contact with them and network.
Landing Page Treasure Trove
Index with all the best landing pages created at STM over the last 3 years.
STM Indexes
Compilation of the most important indexes for those just getting started on the STM Forum.

Stack That Money Sections

The forum itself has multiple sections such as:

  • Buy and Sell section
    Get discount codes for tools and services here
  • Learners section
    Beginners section with the getting started guide and follow along
  • Traffic discussion section
    The place for tools and methods for traffic generation
  • Members section
    Place for the members to talk about general stuff.
  • Success section
    Find success stories here from other members to motivate you.

Stack That Money Tools

Keyword planners
URL scrapers
Analytic tools
Website Monitor tools
URL imploder
Youtube scraper 

and more.

Affiliate Program

It wouldn’t be a real affiliate website without hosting its own affiliate program. Members have access to their own Stack That Money affiliate link and can earn commission by referring people to STM.

Tired of online scams? ​Check out my #1 Recommendation

Stack That Money Support

The entire website is set up to support you with everything you need.

They’ll help with technical questions and tutorials.

Expert affiliate marketers
There are a lot of experts on the forum that genuinely want to help and create threads like follow along where you can “almost” see everything they’re doing when they create their affiliate campaigns.

Stack That Money Price

Stack That Money has two kinds of memberships:

  • Normal Membership
  • Vendor company membership

Normal Membership, $99/ month
You’ll get access to exclusive tools, events, tutorials, guides, and mastermind groups.
Vendor/Company access Membership, $99/ month
Same price but you’re able to represent your company on the STM-forum.

My Personal Take On Stack That Money

Honestly…   My mind was blown when I first saw everything they had to offer on the STM-forum.

In the past, I’ve read their what’s working guide when I got it from a friend of mine and was really impressed but seeing everything else truly lets you know that this is one of the most useful affiliate marketing resources on the internet.

The guides and tutorials on Stack That Money are really detailed and can help affiliate marketers in a lot of ways.

The people on the forum themselves also give a lot of value. Not only the decent affiliate marketers but also the experts participate in this pay it forward mentality.

There are a few things I have to say before you apply for membership. You’ll get the most out of it if you already have an affiliate marketing business.

If you are a newbie just looking at everything will probably feel overwhelming even if you read the getting started guide and the right indexes.

If you’re a beginner or you just don’t have the money to become a member of Stack That Money.

Don’t worry!

I’ve got an alternative for you at the bottom of this review that’s cheaper, beginner friendly, and gives away a lot of value for free.


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Product rating

Is Stack That Money legit?

Stack That Money Also Known As The STM-Forum One Of The Best Learning Environments For Advanced Affiliate Marketers.

Alternatives to Stack That Money

Stack That Money might not be ideal for you but there are other products out there that can help you.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

Click on the button read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

14 thoughts on “2019 Stack That Money Review (+ Video Sneak Peek) — Great But Not For Everyone.”

  1. Great post about 2019 Stack That Money Review, more websites like this is needed to enlighten other from making wrong choices or building their confidence in selecting some programs. This is really useful and your review really goes a long way in convincing me about it. I’m gonna give it a try, helpful post. 

    • Hey Ayodeji,

      Thanks for the comment. Glad I could be of help. It’s definitely a good purchase if you have the money for it.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  2. I appreciate this review of the Stack That Money forum. I have personally found great value in the community forums at Wealthy Affiliate and, at the moment, I’m not in the position to pay anything extra for additional advice. I really appreciate that you clearly laid out who this forum is best suited for and what kind of monthly affiliate income one should ideally be earning before investing in this forum! 

    • Hey Tucker, 

      Thanks for the comment. There indeed is a lot of value in the wealthy affiliate forums. I’m still on there every day and the live webinars also give a lot of extra value. It’s really the best way to go if you aren’t making enough money yet.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  3. Hello, this is my first time of hearing about Stack that Money. Your review is quite helpful, there are so many scam products online that one has to be guarded when getting involved with any product, your review about Stack that money is very straight forward. At least newbies that find this site will know that the product is not beginners friendly but is perfect for expert affiliate marketers. We need more of this type of review, to guide beginners in online marketing aright. Thanks for your informative piece.

    • Hey Gracen, 

      Thanks for the comment and the kind words. In the past, I too have bought online programs that weren’t a good fit for me so I try to be as thorough as possible. Nice to hear it’s paying off!

      Rogier | Real Digital Success 

  4. Stack that Money looks like a great platform, which I haven’t heard about before, so thanks for sharing this information.

    I, however, am not earning in the 3 to 4 k price bracket yet, but am learning a lot with my Wealthy Affiliate Membership, so I think I will stick with them for now, as you say it is better to join once you are an advanced marketer with money to spare.

    I agree the price is a little steep at $99 per month, especially with the exchange rate in Africa.

    • Hey Michel,

      Thanks for the comment. It’s indeed a great platform but just like you said if you aren’t on the expert level yet I wouldn’t advise joining. You never know though you might get to the point sooner than later.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  5. This quite good,. But reading this review of Stack That Money is really hurt because this kind of programme should be for newbies like me because we need to learn how to grow faster. but surely I will get to the stage of using the platform. It is actually encouraging. I am going to bookmark this page for future

    • Hey Kehinde,

      Thanks for the comment! Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent source for newbies to learn affiliate marketing. Especially since they focus more on SEO while STM focusses more on scaling with paid advertising. SEO takes longer but everything you make is profit. Be patient and you’ll definitely get there.

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  6. Looking at stack with this review it is for those that have the money to spend and not for newbie and not for someone like me given the fact that majority of my audience are newbie, many will not want to go for this program .there is no doubt there are offering alot as affiliate marketing is concern.i will try and look at your other recommendations.thanks you really did a good job in this review 

    • Hey Aji,

      Thanks for the comment. Indeed it’s a forum for more advanced affiliate marketers but it’s definitely nice to know a forum like that exists for when you get to that point. You never know you might become a member in a year 😉

      Rogier | Real Digital Success

  7. I’m glad your review emphasised that this is for experienced affiliate marketers.  Because I am very tempted to sign up but the $99/month is rather steep for my newbie pockets at the moment.  Is there no basic membership that I can sign up for to just check it out, like the Wealthy Affiliate platform?

    I notice that the price is the same for either types of membership.  Why wouldn’t you sign up for the Vendor/Company option right off the bat?

    You’ve really intrigued me about the STM forum.  Thanks for the insights into it!

    • Hey Cath,

      There’s no basic membership since it’s a forum. I’d imagine everybody trying to take all the value for free if there was a basic/free membership. It wouldn’t be a good business model for a paid forum.

      The reason they have that is because company/vendor memberships have different rules they have to follow. Not everybody wants that. Some people just want to learn from everybody on the forum and that’s it.

      Perhaps next year you’ll be a company/ vendor member 😉

      Rogier | Real Digital Success


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