2019 Swag Bucks Review — Is Swagbucks Legit?

This is a comprehensive Swagbucks review. If you were looking for a swagbucks review I’ll take that you’re looking for methods to make money online and you’re wondering if Swagbucks is an option.

I’ve heard about Swagbucks ever since before I started this website. It was one of the fifty methods I tried out to make money online so know that this review is made by someone that knows what they’re talking about.

Now let’s get into it!

Wondering if…

  • Swagbucks is worth the money?
  • it’s valuable for people with and without experience making money with surveys/tasks websites?
  • Swagbucks is a scam or Legit?

Good News!

I’ll be sharing:

  • what Swagbucks is
  • what the pros and cons of Swagbucks are
  • who can benefit from using Swagbucks
  • what kind of tools and features Swagbucks provides you with
  • what support Swagbucks provides
  • how much Swagbucks costs
  • what my personal take on Swagbucks is
  • Alternatives

RealDigitalSuccess.com presents the…

2019 Swagbucks Review

Name: Swagbucks
Website: www.swagbucks.com
Founders/Owners: Josef Gorowitz, Scott Dudelson
Price: free
Overall ranking: 7/10

Swagbucks, product overview

Swagbucks is a website launched in February 2008 that makes it possible to earn money online by performing tasks in exchange for their self made digital currency called SB’s which of course is short for swag bucks. Next to making money you can also use the SB’s and exchange them for all kinds of op prizes.

Tasks on Swagbucks that you can earn SB’s with are:

  • Filling in surveys
  • Watching videos
  • performing searches online
  • cashback shopping
  • Checking offers
  • and more.

The Good & The Bad

The good

Pro #1 It’s free to register
There are a whole lot of make money online products out there that you have to pay for and still don’t deliver on their promise afterward. Swagbucks isn’t that. By making it able to have full access to Swagbucks and it’s earning capabilities you can see everything it has to offer.

Pro #2 There are multiple ways to earn SB’s

The first time I heard people talk about Swagbucks I thought it was just a survey website but it’s not. There are so many more ways to earn SB’s and exchange them for free stuff and money. This comes in handy when you don’t feel like answering surveys.

The bad

Con #1 It takes forever to make real money
If you need some quick cash (mainly pocket change) or you want a specific gift card Swagbucks is the place to be but don’t expect to create a side income out of it. Most tasks only earn you a few SB’s to put this into perspective 100 SB’s equals $1. This means you’ll have to be doing activities 24/7 for a long time to make some real money.

Con #2 Swagbucks doesn’t reveal how the allocate their search engine rewards

One of the most attractive things I’ve seen on Swagbucks is their search engine. To earn SB’s you just have to switch your main browser to become the Swagbucks search engine and just surf the web. That’s it!
The only problem is that nobody knows what exactly gets you the SB’s when you’re surfing on the web so you don’t know what to double down on or if you’re compensated correctly for what you’ve done.

Who is Swagbucks for?

Swagbucks if for you if:

  • You’re looking to make some cash online
  • You’re willing to spend a lot of your time on a computer
  • You like filling in surveys
  • you’re looking for some pocket change

Don’t use Swagbucks to make money online if:

  • You want to create a full-time income online
  • You want to create a side income online
  • You’re in need of a large amount of money quick

As I’ve said before don’t expect to make a fulltime income on Swagbucks. You’ll waste a lot of time and I can guarantee that you’ll be left disappointed. The same goes for trying to make

Swagbucks tools & training

Sign-up Process

You sign-up for Swagbucks on their website. You can do by it by connecting your social media accounts to Swagbucks or just create your own username and password. Then you’ll go to the signing process and become eligible for the $5 bonus.

Activities on Swagbucks that can earn SB’s

Online shopping
Shop at places that off SB’s and earn points with every purchase. You can redeem your SB’s for free gift cards from over 140 brands like Amazon, Starbucks, and Paypal.
Filling in surveys
Answer surveys, get gift cards , and receive SB points.
Watch videos

Watch playlists put together by Swagbucks, get free gift cards and earn SB points
Discover offers
Look out for deals from exclusive brands and earn SB points, and free gift cards when you sign up for them.
Web search
Use the special Swagbucks search engine for your online exploring and earn Sb points just for searching the web.
Play games
Play the games on Swagbucks, make in-game purchases, and earn SB points.

Mobile App

You don’t have to be on your computer to partake in the Swagbucks activities. You can use the Swagbucks app and do all the activities from your phone.

Swagbucks Support

Swagbucks support
If you go to the footer of the Swagbucks website you’ll see a link called customer support.  You’ll get sent to the Swagbucks knowledgebase where they’ve got all kinds of articles that can help you with your question categorized in different themes.

Swagbucks Facebook
On the customer support base page, they also state that if you have any further questions you can contact them on the Swagbucks facebook.

Swagbucks price

Registering for Swagbucks is free. The only thing you need to give is your name and your email address and you’re ready to go.

My personal take on Swagbucks

I’ll start this off by saying that Swagbucks definitely isn’t a scam. The website claims that you can earn SB’s which you can trade in for prizes and money and that’s exactly what you can do on the website.

The activities themselves are also really cool so it won’t be a drag to get through them especially when it comes to the games and if you already show online it’s a cool benefit that you can earn SB’s with it.

I also like the Swagbucks search engine it functions well. My only problem with it and I might be a little nitpicking when I say this is that it’s a little slower than I’m used to but it doesn’t bother me that much knowing I’ll be able to earn SB’s with it.

That being said the payoff for all the energy you put in if you’re trying to make money and earn a side or fulltime income is definitely not worth it. You’ll get the most joy out of Swagbucks if you do it casually instead of going through everything like a mad man.

Swagbucks overall overview

Name: Swagbucks
Website: www.swagbucks.com
Founders/Owners: Josef Gorowitz, Scott Dudelson
Price: free
Overall ranking: 7/10


Is Swagbucks a scam? Definitely not! Swagbucks is legit.

You can earn money with Swagbucks but don’t expect to make a lot of money.

Alternative for Swagbucks

If you’re looking for a method to make money online and turn that into a side or fulltime income I can imagine that Swagbucks might not be the ideal method. So let’s take a look at another method.

You see this website you’re on right now? I use this website to make money online through recurring income from promoting affiliate products. I learned how to do this at an online marketing training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

Other people have also benefitted from the training you receive at Wealthy Affiliate. This is a success story posted on Wealthy Affiliate to motivate people but it also illustrates the effectiveness of their teachings so I thought I would show you.

Interested in:

  • Working from anywhere
  • Earning passive income from promoting affiliate products
  • creating your own financial asset that can also help you with other future endeavors.

Then I think it’s a good idea to…

Click Here And Take A Look At My Wealthy Affiliate Review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love leave a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

I’d also love to hear from you if you used Jarvee before. Let’s discuss or experiences in the comments.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

2 thoughts on “2019 Swag Bucks Review — Is Swagbucks Legit?”

  1. As far as the Swagbucks search engine, there’s two ways to make money from that. At random times they will throw up a code for you to enter and there will be Swagbucks earned randomly and there’s a thing called collector bills that show up occasionally as well that earn you swagbucks. The other way is cash back from places you are shopping while you are searching, there will be links shown to the places that offer cash back from shopping on those sites. I personally love Swagbucks. It does take a long time, but if you use it when buying things you normally buy you can really rack it up and save a lot of money. You get quite a bit when buying gift certificates.

    Before, I started working on my own website, I was making between 200-500 a month now I’m down to about 100 dollars a month just purchasing stuff I normally would purchase and participating in their Swago games and Team challenges. No you won’t get rich from it, but wherever there is free money…..why not?

    • Hey Sara,

      Thanks for the comment! You made 200-500 dollars a month! That’s so cool. I agree if you can earn money while you’re doing things
      you’d do anyway I’d definitely do it too since you’re not sacrificing time.

      Good to hear stuff like this.


      Rogier | Real Digital Success


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