Auto responder madness review (Updated) — Is it still worth the money in 2019?

Autoresponder Madness review

This post is a comprehensive review of Tiny little businesses Autoresponder Madness course.

In the past, it has been said that this product changed the way marketers looked at email marketing but did it age well? Is it still the best email marketing course out there?

Let’s find out!

If You’re wondering:

  • What value you can get out of Autoresponder madness
  • If it’s suited for someone with your level of experience
  • If it’s still worth the money in 2019

Then wonder no more!

I’ll be talking about:

  • The good & the bad of Autoresponder Madness
  • Who ARM is geared towards
  • The content inside Autoresponder Madness
  • The price of Autoresponder madness
  • My personal take on Autoresponder Madness and why it still works just as good in 2019 as 2009

Autoresponder madness, product overview

Name: Autoresponder madnessAutoresponder madness review
Founders/ Owners: Andre Chaperon
Price: $495
Product Type: Email Marketing course
Overall ranking: 8.5/ 10


What is autoresponder madness?

Autoresponder Madness is an online email course created by Andre Chaperon founder of a website called tiny little businesses.

Autoresponder madness teaches you how to do effective email marketing. With the information, they give out in the course its possible increase your income and earn more profit.

What makes Autoresponder madness stand out?

You know those websites that ask for your email in return for something and then sends you pesky emails. This definitely isn’t that.

This course teaches you how to get people to look forward to your emails and the products you offer in them.

Andre Chaperon teaches something called the Strategy of Preeminence.
Which is a strategy created by Jay Abraham to improve client relations.

You basically build so much trust with your audience that you don’t even have to sell your products anymore because they’ll take you by your word.

Andre does this by using the same principles that make a great story and putting those in his emails.

Thanks to those principles he’s been able to compete with competitors that have lists with more than 9000 subscribers while only having 150 himself.

The good & the bad

If you read about what I think makes autoresponder madness stand out you might get the idea that it’s the perfect email marketing course but just like everything in life it has it’s pros and cons. 

Let’s take a look at a few of them so you can get more insight into what autoresponder madness actually provides.

The Good

pro #1 The bonuses
I really liked the bonus PDF about how to start a business when you’ve only got a $1000 in the bank.

A real eye-opener for people trying to get into online marketing. It’s basically a blueprint for learning how to make money online.

Auto responder madness review



pro #2 Everything is taught in a clear and concise way.
Every lesson is written in a simple way. No endless layers of text just short paragraphs that tell you everything you need to know and nothing more with overviews every 6 lessons to make sure you understand everything.

autoresponder madness review













pro #3 Immediately applicable
Everything you get taught you can apply immediately. It’s hard to imagine someone that works hard at this to fail with this program.

The bad

Con #1 Lacks information about building the list
This is for me the only flaw. To be able to use autoresponder madness you should already have a list or have a traffic stream that you can direct to your email list.

This makes it hard for beginners to get the value out of it unless they pay for advertising and know how to create an effective opt-in page for the email list.


Con #2 Requires hard work and patience
It’s not for the people expecting to make money in three months.
You’ll have to work hard. Personally, I don’t see this as a con, but if you need
money right now this isn’t for you.

Who is Autoresponder Madness for?

This product is for everyone that’s making money and wants to take their earnings to the next level with the help of email marketing.

Someone that has zero experience with making money online will probably not get the full value out of the program, because it targets people that already have a business that brings in leads consistently.

I’d recommend autoresponder madness to:

  • Websites that consistently get traffic.
  • Businesses that want to retain their customers and have them buy more products.
  • Marketers that already have an email list.
  • People that want to communicate with a large following in an effective way.

Wait with buying autoresponder madness if:

  • You don’t have consistent traffic coming to your platform.
  • If you’re looking for ways to get people on your email list.

If you are a beginning marketer I’d highly advise you to begin with learning how to drive traffic to your website in a sustainable way.

I learned how to do this after joining an online marketing training platform called wealthy affiliate.

Build that up first and use Autoresponder Madness as an income booster afterward.

Autoresponder madness tools & training

Most online courses created recently use video as their main medium for teaching. Autoresponder Madness takes a different route.

You’ll receive daily written emails with lessons.
There’s a total of 18 lessons and additional bonus material.

Through the lessons, they’ll elaborate on theory with the help of video’s
and give software recommendations

The lessons provide you with knowledge about:

  • Profiling and understanding your audience
  • How to get the attention of your audience
  • The secret to building suspense, drama, tension and owning attention
  • The structure of your emails
  • How to create what Andre calls Soap Opera Sequences in his emails (game changer)
  • List segmenting (game changer)
  • How to launch what Andre calls Product launch sequences
  • Email Triads
  • Storytelling hacks
  • Marketing Hacks
  • Inner game and how to deal with procrastination

Autoresponder madness Support

The course itself is really simple but, if there are questions you can always ask for support.

The course is meant to be taught so there aren’t that many assignments with the goal to set up a list and everything while you read through the lessons.

There’s an add-on called Email Marketing Intensive (EMI) you can buy with live workshop footage and assignments guide you through everything, but it’s not a part of the basic ARM course.

Autoresponder madness price

The price of ARM is a one time $495,-
It can be sold separately or as a part of the Email Marketing Intensive (EMI)

EMI is an 8-week live online workshop that was created in cooperation with Mindvalley and serves as an add-on for the autoresponder madness course.

It’s not needed to have success with email marketing and I honestly have no experience with it, but if it’s anything like the free courses and ARM it will probably be worth the money.

My personal take on Autoresponder madness

I haven’t been this excited about a program in a long time.
As a copywriter, I can say that the stuff they teach in this course and the mentality behind it is legit.

It gets explained in such a simple way that it’s doesn’t matter how much experience you have with writing emails you’ll be writing quality emails in no time.

He also added a bonus PDF called How to make money online if I only had $1000 in the bank which was absolutely mind-blowing to me.

Has Autoresponder Madness aged well?

Yes, it has! The strategies in this program are used by more people nowadays but that hasn’t made it lose its effectiveness.

Also if you go to the check out page of autoresponder madness there’s a message about the new version that is coming out. 

You just have to purchase autoresponder madness one time and you’ll get free access to all the updates in the future.

Autoresponder madness overall overview

Name: Autoresponder madness
Founders/ Owners: Andre Chaperon
Price: $495
Overall ranking: 8.5/ 10


The jury of Real Digital Success finds the program Autoresponder Madness
on the accusation of being the most awesome email marketing program and worth the money.


I highly recommend Autoresponder Madness if you’re interested in supercharging your income with the help of email marketing.


As I said before it’s a program for people that already have a business and want to make more money through email marketing.

If you’re a beginner and interested in making money online and creating a passive income I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate and when things get rolling you buy Autoresponder Madness and start cashing in.

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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