2019 CB Wealth Review — This is A Tough One

This is a comprehensive CB wealth review.

Wondering if:

  • CB Wealth is worth the money?
  • it’s valuable for people with and without experience in online marketing?
  • CB Wealth is Legit?

Good news!

In this review, you’ll find everything you need to know about CB Wealth

Just in case you don’t have a lot of time I’ll start this off by saying:
I wouldn’t recommend CB Wealth to anyone

If you’re interested in a legit way to make money online I’d highly recommend taking a look at the online training platform that taught me how to create a professional looking website, market it with organic rankings and PPC, monetize the website I created

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2019 CB Wealth Review — Is CB Wealth A Scam


Name: CB Wealth
Website: cbwealth.net
Founder: James Robertson
price: $37
Rating: 1/10

My first impression

In the afternoon I was browsing through Clickbank looking for some interesting product to review and I came across this.

Red Flag #1: 75% Commission on a very cheap product

It’s an affiliate product that pays up to $350 per customer and makes it able to a commission of 75%. This sounds a little too good to be true. Why would a company ever grant commission of 75% that’s like saying to your affiliates:

“…Look I don’t want to make any money I’d preferably go bankrupt within 6 months can you help me make that happen?… “

That in itself seems like a huge red flag but because of it I got interested in making this review and see if they can redeem themselves on their sales page.

I clicked on the link and I got directed to their sales page which had a video.

“…Learn how one proven, automated program made me $25.921,75 in under 30 days…”

This was the headline on top of the video. I’ve seen friends of mine earn insane amounts of money within 30 days so even though I’m skeptical I’d kept an open mind to it.

So this sales video isn’t meant for me?

I started watching their video and it started off with someone saying that if you’re watching this video you’ve been sent here by one of his close personal friends.

If a website that has a marketplace for e-products can be a close personal friend then he’s probably right. Not thinking that is the case though.

Red Flag #2: Unrealistic Promise

They start talking about an offer that potentially can make you as watcher earn $25.971,75 in the next thirty days. When I saw the headline I kept an open mind because it didn’t have to mean he did it in his first thirty days but promising people they can do the same even though they don’t have experience in affiliate marketing doesn’t seem very believable.

Red Flag #3: Lacking Testimonials

After this, he starts talking about CB Wealth members named Kevin, Julie, and Brian. He starts talking about how much money they have earned. No last names, no pictures or anything you can use to make out if they’re real or not.

Since they’re selling an affiliate marketing system I assume that they know how to create a good testimonial. Testimonials shouldn’t only create desire by sharing the benefits someone reaps from the product but more importantly give a level of credibility to the product.

The way these testimonials were presented only made me more suspicious.

This is one of the testimonials they used.

Red Flag #4: Make 4 figures in the first week without experience

According to the video, CB Wealth has 157 members that have made around the $11.510, $14.250 and $17.520 in their first week.

They did this without any experience in online marketing and some of them didn’t even have a laptop they did it from their phone.

Being an affiliate marketer myself I can say that these results are highly unlikely in your first week even if you have experience with online marketing.

The only way to succeed as an affiliate marketer is to be able to drive traffic to your affiliate links.

The only people I could see doing this are social media influencers and most of them have experience in online marketing otherwise they couldn’t have gotten to that point.

Red Flag #5: The creator of CB Wealth his story

The person that talking in the video turns out to be the creator of CB Wealth called James Robertson. No picture of him is shown plus when I googled him nothing came up despite him saying that at a certain point he became somewhat of an authority in affiliate marketing and people would come to him for advice.

Most of the results that came up were from other reviewers talking about that he didn’t exist and that it was a scam.

He also talks about his motivation for making this product a one time $37. He did this to make it more affordable and he wants to see everyone win.

This is a pretty cool thing if it was true but it’s hard for me to believe you can create a sustainable business by letting people pay a $37 fee and 75% commission.

Inside CB Wealth

I haven’t bought CB Wealth but I do know someone who has so he told me about it. She cleared up a lot of things for me like the low price of the product even though it provides you with so much value supposedly.

Unexpected upsells
She said the moment you sign up you get hit with multiple upsells even though in the promotional video they said you’d only pay a one time fee.

I personally have no problem with upsells as long as they aren’t vital components to make the product work resulting in having no choice but to buy the products.

In this case, the had three upsells:

  • CB Wealth 2.0, $197
  • CB Wealth Pro, $177
  • CB Wealth Social, $97

This how the affiliates get paid and they make a profit.

I don’t know anything about the upsells but the basic CB Wealth plan has a lot of basic training you could find anywhere on the web. This makes me think this might be one of these upsells that leave you to no choice but to buy them.

Is CB Wealth A Scam?

With the information I have right now I can’t say with full certainty that it’s a scam because I don’t know what’s in the upsells but based on the sketchy promises they gave in the sales video I wouldn’t recommend this program to anyone.


CB Wealth is definitely sketchy

Alternative To CB Wealth

It can be hard finding a product that’s actually legit with shady products like this flooding the market.

This is why if you’re still interested in making money online and turning it into a passive income I recommend you look at my highest rated product called wealthy affiliate.

Click here to read my wealthy affiliate review.

That’s all for today! If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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