Is Mommy Jobs Online A Scam? Definitely Some Red Flags But…

Welcome to my mommy jobs online review.

Wondering if:

  • Mommy jobs online is worth the money?
  • it’s valuable for people with and without experience with home-based businesses?
  • Mommy Jobs Online a scam?

Good news! You’re in the right place

In this review I’ll be sharing:

  • what mommy jobs online is all about?
  • warning signs
  • my personal take on Mommy Jobs Online

I’ll start this off by saying I wouldn’t recommend Mommy Jobs Online to anyone. There’s nothing I’ve seen on this website that leads me to believe you can get a high-quality home based job on this website.

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Is Mommy Jobs Online A Scam


Name: Mommy Jobs Online
Founder: Unknown
Rating: 1/10

What Is Mommy Jobs Online?

Mommy Jobs Online is a job board for hourly home based jobs located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. You can find full-time as well as part-time jobs all pre-screened to make sure it’s a good fit. The name of the website is mommy jobs but the service is available to everyone that’s looking for a job online.

My first impression

I was going through Google when I found this page.

Sounds good right pre-screened jobs where you can earn money from home. I went to the website and it looks very chaotic.
The entire website didn’t fit on the screen so I’m guessing the website isn’t mobile responsive either.

Everything about the website just looked very amateurish. At first sight, I can’t imagine it being a good service.

According to the website, you can earn $10 to $90 per hour from home.

Personally, I’m not a fan of hourly rates when it comes to online jobs because it always creates conflict between you and the employer because you’re trying to work as many hours as possible while the employer is trying to limit your hours.

It can quickly turn into a bad situation.

To each their own though. Let’s look at some of the red flags of Mommy Jobs Online.

The Red Flags of Mommy Jobs Online

Red Flag#1: Sketchy Testimonials

First thing I did was look at the testimonials. They all seemed a bit sketchy. It was clear that they all read off a script and in one of the testimonials, you can see the device she was reading off reflected in her glasses.

It all seemed very forced and in some instances, it almost looked like the even forgot the name of the website that is employing them.

Red Flag #2: Unknown Founder

Normally in these reviews, I try to see if I can find something on either the founder of a website or the CEO. One of the easiest ways to find out if something is a scam is looking into the background of the founder or CEO.

I tried Google, LinkedIn, and I even looked at other websites that have reviewed Mommy Jobs Online. There wasn’t a single piece of information regarding the founder of mommy jobs online.

Red Flag #3: You have to pay to see the jobs

After that, I went and looked at the jobs that were available. I couldn’t believe my eyes…

There were all these job banks in different categories and I couldn’t enter even one of them because you have to pay to view a job bank. This is the first time I’ve ever seen a job board where you have to pay beforehand to even see a job bank.

You can’t even look at all the job banks for everyone you have to pay separately.

The cheapest job banks were $85 and the most expensive one was $210. When you ay this you get lifetime access to the banks. Something that is important to know that once you have paid there are no refunds possible according to a written statement at the bottom of the page.

Red Flag #4: Bad reviews on websites they claim are partners

On the website, they state that they have job board partners such as Indeed, Glassdoor, Startwire, LinkedIn, Monster, and other job boards that are well known.

Well, I looked at Glassdoor one of their so-called partners and these are some of the reviews I found about Mommy Jobs Online.

(Sidenote: I was on the Dutch version of the website but the answers are all in English.)

It’s hard for me to believe that they are affiliated with legitimate Job Board websites such as Monster, Indeed, and Glassdoor while being slammed in the review sections of these websites.

It also made clear that they’re charging for the information you can get everywhere else for free. In their defense, though they never said their job banks contain jobs exclusive to mommy jobs online.

the only thing they said on the website was that they pre-screened jobs and put them in their job banks but if that’s worth paying up till $210 is something to be decided for yourself.

Red Flag #5 Employers have to pay to post a job ad

It also possible for employers to post job ads on mommy jobs online. The thing that struck me as odd when I looked at their process is that employers have to pay a monthly recurring fee to post their job ads.

I’ve never heard of a job board website on which the employers have to pay to post job ads. They are the reason the website can even exist.

Is Mommy Jobs Online A Scam?

From what I’ve seen you can get jobs on Mommy Jobs Online but nothing on the website leads me to believe you can actually get a quality home based online job on this website.

There are at least 5 red flags that make me want to avoid Mommy Jobs Online:

  • Sketchy Testimonials
  • Unknown founder
  • You have to pay just to see the jobs
  •  Bad reviews on websites they claim are their partners
  • Employers also have to pay to post job ads

I can’t recommend this website to anyone trying to make money online.

I can’t say for sure if it’s a scam but what I can say is that it’s a poorly run business.

My Recommendation

Although Mommy Jobs Online isn’t a product that I would recommend when it comes to making money online I do have an alternative called wealthy affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is an online marketing training platform that teaches people how to create a website and make money from it in a sustainable way.

It’s the platform that helped me get started with my online business.

Click here to read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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