How To Get Free Leads Daily In 2019 — Market Your Website Without Spending Money

In this post, I’ll share with you how to get free leads daily. There’s a lot of opportunities online but it can be hard when you don’t have money to spend on marketing. I’ve seen people spent all their money on creating a high-quality product and then get stuck because they couldn’t market it.

To prevent you from falling into this trap I’ve listed a few ways to get free leads daily from different sources. Unlike paid advertising, it will take time before you’ll see the effects of these methods but when they pop you’ll will be glad you invested the time and money to do it.

For most of these methods, you only need a working computer and an internet connection.

Now let’s take a look at…

How To Get Free Leads Daily In 2019!

1. Increase organic website traffic using SEO

This is probably my favorite way to get free leads. SEO stands for search engine optimization. You basically optimize all your content for search engines such as Google, Yahoo & Bing and depending on factors such as the quality of your content, the user experience of your website, quality of your backlinks, the keywords you target, and other factors your content will be placed at the top of search engine results.

There are over 40.000 search queries done on Google per second imagine, having a share of that getting directed to your website on a daily basis. That’s a lot of people that might be interested in what you have to offer to look at your content.

Getting ranked on the first pages of search engines won’t happen immediately. They’ll first take a look at your content over a period to see if you post quality content consistently and after that period your ranking will rise on search engines.

SEO will provide you with:

  • Extreme high targeted leads
  • Global Marketing
  • 24/7 exposure
  • leads passively

A high ranked website if created correctly can function as the foundation of all your future business endeavors. I’d advise you even if you have the money for marketing to optimize your website so you can improve the profit your website makes.

2. Get More Views On YouTube For Free

Just like with search engine optimization it can take a while before you see YouTube impact the traffic on your website but you’ll get more viewers while you’re in the process of creating an audience with YouTube.

YouTube definitely isn’t what it used to be. In the past, the only thing you had to do to get a lot of views was to post quality content consistently. This isn’t the case anymore to get views for free you’ll have to become more strategic.

You’ll have to:

  • Find out what’s relevant and connect your content to that
  • Get in the suggested views area of popular videos by using their keywords
  • Optimize your channel page
  • Create playlists
  • and more.

If done correctly YouTube can provide you with a lot of leads and can also be used to boost your rankings on search engines.

3. Get Organic traffic from Instagram

At the moment Instagram is the most popular social platform especially for people under 30. Where it used to be Facebook that dominated the social media experience now Instagram has taken its place. You can drive a lot of free traffic from Instagram to your website but slowly they’re limiting organic reach on Instagram. So if you’re planning to use Instagram as a free traffic source I suggest you do it quick.

Somethings that can help you with growing your Instagram are:

  • Asking your friends and family to follow
  • Get into influencer groups in your niche, connect with them and ask for shoutouts
  • Target followers of accounts that are similar to yours
  • Put an IG widget on your website and guide people to your Instagram
  • Do a giveaway where they have to tag a few people to get the prize

These are just a few things that can help you with getting organic traffic from Instagram. The more your audience grows, the more social proof and credibility you get. After that, it’s just a matter of putting out a call to action to visit your website.

4. Get free leads from Forums

With the emergence of social media, a lot of people thinks forums are a thing of the past but there still are thousands of forums on the internet thriving. Forums are a great way to get quality traffic because they are often niche specific.

One tip for if you’re planning to drive traffic from forums. Don’t be an idiot and start spamming the entire forum with links. That would be a great way to get banned from the forum. Instead, you’ll have to become a part of the community. Talk with people, provide value, and make a name for yourself on these forums.

The moment you’re a part of their community and you post links every now and then (with the intention of helping people) they’ll gladly click on it because it comes from someone they perceive as having their best interest in mind.

5. Reddit Is An Organic Traffic Paradise

Reddit is what I like to call a forum on steroids. Where normal forums are niche specific on the Reddit website you have thousands of communities about even the smallest niches. It won’t be hard to find a niche that might be interested in what you have to offer.

Just like with normal forums the same rules apply about becoming a part of the community and providing value before you can receive value from the community. You also might want to look at a program called trackreddit with which you can track users on Reddit that use specific keywords that indicate they might be interested in your offers.


This post contains the answer to the question of how to get free leads daily. There are 5 sustainable methods that I would recommend to direct traffic without spending money and these are:

  1. Search engine optimization to get to the first page of search engines.
  2. Create an audience on YouTube and direct them to your website.
  3. Get traffic from Instagram
  4. Get leads from forums
  5. Use Reddit to attract leads

The path to creating an organic traffic stream is a hard one but it really is worth it. Once you have succeeded in even one of these methods you basically have added a skill to your repertoire that not only you but a lot of people can benefit from.

That’s all for now. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love leave a comment in the comment section and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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