Power Suggest Pro Review — There’s One Thing You Should Know Before Purchase

This is a comprehensive Power Suggest review. There’s a lot of opportunities online right now and if you’re able to identify untapped profitable niches you’ll be able to set yourself up for online success. Power suggests pro is the best tool to do this with according to their website.

In this review, we’ll find out if this true by taking a look at:

  • How Power Suggest Works
  • who can benefit from using Power Suggest Pro
  • Pros and Cons
  • Points of credibility & Misunderstandings
  • my personal take on Power Suggest Pro

I’ll start this off by saying Power Suggest Pro is definitely the real deal it’s the only flaw (in my opinion) is that you’ll still need Google Keyword Planner because it doesn’t display the search volume of keywords.

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Power Suggest Pro Review 


Name: Power Suggest Pro
Website: https://www.powersuggestpro.com/
Founder: Ted Chen
Price: $37
Rating: 7.8/10

How does Power Suggest Pro work?

Power Suggest Pro is an online tool that assists in finding profitable keywords and niches.

Instead of using the search history of Google Keyword Planner to find profitable keywords it makes use of multiple search engines their autosuggestion tool to find out which keywords are popular.

It’s extremely helpful when you’re trying to find keywords to build your website around and creating content.

Who would benefit from purchasing this product

  • People interested in creating niche websites
  • People that are into affiliate marketing
  • People targeting specific countries with their SEO
  • People looking for new opportunities in online marketing
  • People who want to be able to differentiate keyword performance per platform

Who shouldn’t purchase this product:

  • People who don’t want to work with Google Keyword Planner

Why does Power Suggestion Pro use autosuggestion instead of search history?
Most keyword research tools use data based on search history. It looks at the data of trends in the past and assumes these trends will continue.

It’s a solid method but the moment something changes you can’t depend on that data anymore.

Power Suggestion Pro makes use of the suggestion tool used by search engines to finish sentences while you’re typing them in the search bar.

They get this information by looking at how many times keywords are typed into the search bar in real time. This makes sure the information you receive regarding keywords is never dated.

Pros and Cons

+ Up to date keyword research based on the autosuggestion tools of search engines
+ Emphasis on Geographical SEO
+ Hashtag search for social media

– Power Suggest Pro doesn’t display the search volume of the keywords
– You’ll have to use it in combination with the Google keyword planner
– Difficult to use as a beginner.


Search for profitable Keywords and Niches with power suggest pro
Find profitable long time keywords based on the autosuggestion tool from online platforms such as Google, Bing, YouTube, Amazon, Yahoo, and eBay.

Use the Wildcard search to discover new audiences
Find popular profitable long tail keywords by using general sentences typed into search engines and putting an asterisk character instead of the keyword to find out which popular niches are used for that sentence.

Keyword suggestion extraction
Create lists filled with the keywords you find and export them to the Google Search Planner to find out the search volume for every keyword.

Improve your local SEO by using geotargeting
Power Suggest Pro makes it possible to differentiate auto-suggestion data per country. This way you can concentrate all your SEO efforts on the personalization of your content.

Use the Power Suggest Pro to find new buyer keywords
Buyer keywords are keywords used by people that are ready to buy a product now. Examples of buyer keywords are
“buy product online”, “Cheap product for sale”, “Top product under $1000”.

With power suggest you can find all kinds of long tail buyer keywords by replacing where I wrote product with an asterisk.

Hashtag search

It’s becoming more important to have a presence on social media every day. With Power Suggest Pro you can find popular hashtags of social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.

You can use these to your advantage when creating high-quality relevant content.

Points of Credibility

Nowadays everybody can make a website so it’s important to make sure you get the most objective view on Power Suggest Pro as possible. This is why I started looking for testimonials, mentions, user reviews, and ratings to see what others think of Power Suggest Pro.

Mention: Backlinko

Backlinko is one of the leading websites when it comes to link building . The creator Brian Dean made a list with tools he recommends. On that list, he mentions Power Suggest Pro.

Testimonials on their website

There were two testimonials on powersuggestpro.com of which the websites didn’t exist anymore so just to be certain I did a background check on all the people mentioned in the testimonials. Most of them I was able to find and their websites.

User Rating from Regionvavid

It might not be a big sample size but it does say something that there isn’t a 1-star rating.

My Personal Take on Power Suggest Pro

I think Power Suggest Pro is an excellent keyword research tool because of all the extra features it has. The main selling point of the tool is the autosuggestion based keyword research capabilities but that’s not it’s strongest point in my opinion.

I think the option to get geographical data is what makes it so great. Not everyone wants global reach. Some people just want to target a small area and make their marketing campaigns as personal as possible.

Although my website doesn’t target one specific location I can definitely see the power of it.

The one place I think they dropped the ball is that they don’t display the search volume of the keywords you find with Power Suggest Pro. You need to export your list of keywords and use Google keyword planner to find out how popular the keywords are.

I would’ve preferred to have everything I need in the tool itself instead of having to export keywords just to import them into another online tool that requires you create an account.

If not for that I would call this the ultimate keyword research tool.


Power Suggest Pro is definitely Legit!

Just keep in mind if you buy Power Suggest Pro that you’ll also need to use Google Keyword Planner to find out exactly how much the long tail keywords are being used.

How I Make My Money Online

Getting into the right niche is a huge step towards online success but its essential that you get proper training. Proper training can be the difference between making your first sale in 6 months or 6 years.

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It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

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That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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