7 Minutes Daily Profits Review — $500 a Day In Just 7 Minutes? Scam or Legit?

Welcome to my comprehensive 7 Minutes Daily Profits review. You probably found this web page because you wanted to find out if 7 Minutes Daily Profits is what it’s advertised to be on their sales page.

Just like you, I landed on their website and began doing some research. Everything I found out and everything you need to know about 7 Minutes Daily Profits you can find in my review.

In this review I’ll be sharing:

  • How 7 Minutes Daily Profits works
  • who can benefit from using 7 Minutes Daily Profits
  • red flags of 7 Minutes Daily Profits
  • my personal take on 7 Minutes Daily Profits

I’ll start this off by saying 7 Minutes Daily Profits is definitely shady

It’s no different from scams like:

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7 Minutes Daily Profits Review — Scam or Legit?


Name: 7 Minutes Daily Profits
Website: launch.7minsdailyprofits.online
Founder: Vince Howard
Price: $9
Rating: 0/10

How does 7 Minutes Daily Profits work?

7 Minutes Daily Profits is software created by Vince Howard that helps you earn up to $500 a day by creating websites that bring in affiliate commissions. According to Vince Howard, it’s a complete done for you system that creates the websites, does the marketing, and comes up with the offers.

The only thing that you have to do on a daily basis is activate the software which takes 7 minutes and money from affiliate commissions will be sent to your PayPal account immediately.

Who would benefit from purchasing this product

  • No one

Avoid 7 Minutes Daily Profits at any cost.

My first impression

I was browsing through Clickbank looking for some interesting email marketing products when I came across 7 Minutes Daily Profits. According to the description, you could make up to $230 per sale and you get to test the offer with 200-300 clicks. This definitely got my attention.

The moment I arrived on their sales page there was this headline talking about making up to $500 per day with free software starting today. The moment I read it I was already skeptical about this claim and after I saw the video I was convinced that this product was a scam.

There were just too many things about 7 Minutes Daily Profits that didn’t add up.

My first impression made me think that this was without a doubt a scam.

Red flags of 7 Minutes Daily Profits

I already had a bad feeling about this product when I first laid eyes on it and after taking a deeper look it only got worse. I spotted multiple red flags that made me think 7 Minutes Daily Profits isn’t legit and might even be a scam.

Red Flag #1: No trace of Vince Howard on the internet

According to the website and the sales video the creator of 7 Minutes Daily Profits is named Vince Howard.

In the video, they say he’s a well-decorated marketer that has been mentioned in magazines and on websites like the Huffington Post and Forbes.

With a track record like that Vince Howard should be a pretty easy man to find. However, when I Googled Vince Howard there was nothing to be found about this truck driver turned expert marketer.

I also Googled his name in combination with Forbes and the Huffington and still didn’t find anything. This leads me to believe that Vince Howard might just be a fabrication used to create a false sense of social proof.


Red Flag #2: Results of the Beta testers

In the sales video, they let some of the 7 Minutes Daily Profits Beta testers talk about their results.

The way they talked made them sound like bad actors but that on itself can’t be used as a reason to judge the product. Not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera.

My problem was more with the results they said they achieved with 7 Minutes Daily Profits.

The first Beta tester said he made $703.18 on his first 6 hours and $1403.12 on his second day without having any prior experience and just activating the software.

As someone that actually makes money online, I can guarantee that there’s no such thing as pushing a magic button and earning money like this online.

To make money online you have to provide people with value. There’s no value provided by simply pushing a button. I can’t imagine this to be real.

Red Flag #3: Fake Scarcity tactics

The moment you land on the 7 Minutes Daily Profits website it says the page will close down the same day at midnight.

This is pretty funny because yesterday I was on the website for my first impression and it said the website would be closed down by now.

Also when you visit their affiliate page and they show a picture about their earning you can see they’ve been active since at least the beginning of January 2019. That’s a lot of mid nights they’ve probably been saying that they would close down the website.

Red Flag #4: Specialized Hosting needed

In the sales video, they say that they give away the software for free. You don’t need to pay for the marketing and the website either everything will be done for you. They only need a one time fee of $9 so you can put the website on a specialized server.

According to Vince Howard only works on a specialized server that normally costs around $300 but thanks to a deal he made with a server company its available to members of 7 Minutes Daily Profits for a one-time fee of $9.

I could understand a server company giving a discount if the client base is huge and they make a profit off it but that’s not the case here. There’s a limited number of spots available on 7 Minutes Daily Profits and they pay next to nothing.

I can’t imagine creating a sustainable business this way.


Is 7 Minutes Daily Profits a Scam? Yes, its a scam.

I believe it’s a scam because of these red flags:

  • The creator named on the sales page is made up
  • The results of the Beta testers are unrealistic
  • Scarcity tactics are fake
  • They made a deal with a server company that makes absolutely no sense.

From what I’ve seen I can’t recommend this product to make money online.


7 Minutes Daily Profits might not be what it presented itself to but there are other products out there that are legit.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

Click here to read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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