Storez Review — Overall Solid But Not For Everyone!

Welcome to my Storez review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Store is legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online but in the process I learned how to spot scams. Storez is one the products I reviewed.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Storez and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Storez Review Overview

Name: Storez


Founder: Gee Sanghera

Product type: All-in-one online affiliate marketing shop builder

Price: $25

Rating: 7/10

Storez logo

Storez is an app that helps you turn your website into an online store specifically designed to sell affiliate products from Walmart, Amazon, Aliexpress, and

While the software to create the store is legit I have doubts about the method they use for lead generation.

Rating: 7/10

Recommended: Yes, but only if you don’t mind giving away control over your business in exchange for money.

The Founder of Storez

Gee Sanghera

Storez founder Gee Sanghera

Storez is created by Gee Sanghera. Gee has been in the online product building business for a few years. When researching Gee I found out that this isn’t the first online product he has sold. He has also sold products such as:

  • Viratraffic
  • Newsbuilder
  • loud funnel cloud
  • Trend builder 

His products mainly revolve around directing more traffic to your website or making money promoting affiliate products. Most of his products he has worked alongside an online marketer named Ben Carrol. 

How does Storez work

Storez is a cloud-based software app that makes it possible to turn your website into a storefront. You can place affiliate products in the store just like you’d do with a normal webshop. You can choose products from 4 of the biggest eCommerce websites which are Amazon, Aliexpress, Walmart, and

There are a lot more features but I’m going to mention those in the feature section of this review. 

You can have your Storez affiliate business running in 3 steps:

1. Sign up for Storez
Purchase Storez and you’ll get login information with which you can log in from any computer, anywhere in the world.

Storez sign up

2. Create the webshop 
On the main dashboard, you’ll see the option to create a store. You’ll have to take multiple small steps to create the store such as:

  • Choosing a name 
  • Inserting API to connect to your autoresponder
  • Choose keywords for your website
  • Choose products and insert the affiliate links
  • Choose a theme for your webshop
Storez create shop and name
Storez choose theme options

3. Market your affiliate webshop 
On the sales video, the only thing they say about promoting the affiliate products is that you push a button and the software will direct leads to your affiliate products. After some digging, I found out where they get there leads from. 

Gee incorporated one of his older product called Traffic Builder 2.0 that gets leads from Reddit.

Storez marketing with trafficbuilder

They promote your affiliate store and products on Reddit in niche groups to direct highly targeted traffic.

Who can benefit from Storez

Who would benefit from purchasing Storez:

  • People that don’t want to build their website
  • People that don’t feel comfortable paying upfront for inventory like with dropshipping
  • People that want instant access to the affiliate products of Amazon,, Walmart, and Aliexpress
  • Affiliate marketers that want to promote physical products

Who shouldn’t purchase Storez:

  • People that want more freedom in what kind of products they want to promote
  • People that want to promote digital products
  • People that want to learn the ins and outs of affiliate marketing 
  • People that don’t want to be dependent on Storez to keep their business running

Pros and Cons of Storez

  • Pros
  • cons
  • Don’t know if the marketing method is sustainable
    The moment you purchase Storez you have access to another product of Gee called the trafficbuilder. This product uses Reddit to direct traffic to your affiliate offers. Reddit groups don’t react well to spamming so I can see this method working for a short time but after that, it’ll lose its effect.
  • Your business is dependent on Storez being functional
    Everything is done through Storez which makes it almost impossible to operate independently especially if you have no experience in affiliate marketing. If Storez ever stopped working you’d be back to square one.

Storez Tools, Training & Feautures

Storez Cloud-based software app
Storez is a cloud-based software app which means you only need a working computer, an internet connection, and your login information to access your website from anywhere.

Shop manager
This where you can create the actual webshop. From here you’ll pick a theme, domain name, keywords, products and fill in your personal information.

This where you can see everything about the people visiting your website.

Storez Affiliate store analytics

Reddit campaigns 
This is where you have an overview of all the marketing campaigns you’re running on Reddit.

Want to learn how to make money online? Check out my #1 Recommendation

  • Step-by-step video training
    Learn how to get the most out of Storez and the affiliate offers you’ll be promoting with the step-by-step video training.
  • Unlimited Hosting
    Storez provided you with hosting and a domain name for your affiliate store.
  • Automatic updates
    Offers on your website are updated automatically when there are discounts.
  • Pre-built and custom themes
    Stores have a library full of themes that you can use to give your affiliate store a professional look.

Tired of online scams? ​Check out my #1 Recommendation

  • Price drop notifications
    Visitors can signup to your email list and receive notifications when there are discounts on their desired products.
  • Custom discount finder
    A search function that makes it possible to find discounts on your website by product, category, and discount percentage.
  • Built-in comparison tool
    This tool makes it possible for website visitors to compare your products with those of other websites.

My Personal Take On Storez

Storez is a great program. They don’t make a lot of promises that they can’t deliver on. The websites Store creates look clean and works smoothly. You can tell a lot of work has been put into creating this product.

  1. The Stores self-update functions are a game-changer for me. People often say that you can earn passive income with webshops but underestimate how long it sometimes take to update your website.
  2. The Storez theme templates have a simple yet professional look. Personally, I'm not a fan of using your main page as a storefront but it does look clean.
Storez website examples

There are a few things that I don’t like about Store. 

  1. The marketing method
    As someone that has used Reddit to market affiliate products the thought of having it done in one click doesn’t sit well with me. The best way to market on Reddit is by making a name for yourself on Reddit and building relationships. You can’t do that if you’re not the one talking.
  2. The dependency on Storez
    I can imagine the done-for-you aspect is attractive for a lot of people that don’t want to learn about online marketing but personally I’m not sold on the DFY products. You have no say if they want to do something you don’t agree with you can’t do anything and if they stop working on it your business goes with it.  

Overall Storez is solid and makes affiliate marketing a lot easier. 


Product rating

Is Storez legit?

After doing extensive research I've come to the conclusion that Store is Legit.


While Storez is a solid product I can imagine it's not for everyone. This is why I have an alternative for the people that want to learn the ins and outs of making money online and be more independent.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

About Wealthy Affiliate

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

Click on the button read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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