Hive Work Review — The Truth About Hive Micro’s Earning Potential!

Welcome to my Hive Micro review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Hive Micro a.k.a Hive Work is legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online but in the process I learned how to spot scams. Hive Micro is one the products I reviewed.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Hive Micro and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Hive Micro Review Overview

Name: Hive Micro a.k.a. Hive Work


Founder: n.a.

Product type: Online "odd job" platform

Price: $0 — $200

Rating: 5/10

Hive Work logo


Hive Micro is an online micro “odd jobs” platform. In exchange for the money, you do tasks of which most take less than a minute. For every job you do you get a few cents. While there are people that earn money on Hive Micro I think the time investment isn’t worth the money you earn.

Rating: 6/10

Recommended: No

Hive Micro (Hive Work) Quick Video Review

The Founder of Hive Micro (Hive Work)

At the time of writing this, there is no information on the founder of Hive Micro available. I’ve tried platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and a good old fashioned Google search but I learned absolutely nothing.

Normally, I’d consider this a huge red flag but since people have said to me that they have made money with Hive Micro I’m giving the platform the benefit of doubt.

How does Hive Micro (Hive Work) work

Hive Micro is a platform on which you can do small online “odd jobs” to earn money. There are different types of jobs available at Hive Micro. When I first came in contact with Hive Micro a few months ago the only thing you could do was organize pictures on websites or name what kind of menus websites are using for money.

Right now while I’m writing this they expanded the types of tasks you can do on Hive MIcro.

  • Bounding box
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Timestamp
  • Category
  • Transcription

To start making money you have to go through a 3-step process. 

1. Sign-up and confirm account
Fill in the sign-up form and confirm your account via email.

Hive Micro sign up process

Take a qualification test per task
Every job requires a qualification test which consists of 40 tasks comparable to the actual job that’ll teach you how to do the job.

Hive Micro qualification test

Start doing tasks and earn money
Start doing the tasks and earn money.

Hive Micro earn money

Who can benefit from Hive Micro (Hive Work)

Who would benefit from purchasing Hive Micro:

  • People that have an insane amount of time on their hands and don’t mind doing a lot of work for pocket change.

Who shouldn’t purchase this Hive Micro:

  • People looking for a full-time income online.
  • People looking for a side-income online.
  • People younger than 18 years old.

Pros and Cons of Hive Micro (Hive Work)

  • Pros
  • cons
  • Time isn’t worth the pay
    The number of tasks you have to do just to make a few dollars is a lot. Just earning 10 dollars might take you weeks if you have anything resembling a social life. At that same time, you can earn a lot more using different online methods.
  • The threshold for getting paid
    The threshold for getting paid is 10 dollars. This is way too high in my opinion for how much you’re getting paid by Hive Micro.

Hive Micro (Hive Work) Features, Tools, and Training

Hive Micro has been around for little more than a year and because of that a lot of new jobs are added to the board every day. You’ll notice with time that more types of jobs will be added to.

Hive Micro Referral Program

The tasks aren’t the only way to make money you can also join the referral program and earn up to $5 per referral. While it’s possible to make money with the referral program some conditions need to be met.

To earn money with the referral program you need you to need to have earned at least 2 dollars. You also are eligible to receive 2 dollar bonuses once you have brought in referrals.

  • For every $5 your referral own you’ll get 2 dollars 
  • Your referral gets $0.50 extra for every completed job.
Hive Micro referral program

Want to learn how to make money online? Check out my #1 Recommendation

Hive Micro Stats

The stats page is comparable to the job section on the job board but they display more information. On this page, you can see what kind of jobs you participated in, when you were last active, the number of tasks you have done, and how much you have earned by doing these tasks.


On the leaderboard, they show every user that is using Hive Micro by rank. Hive Micro determines rank by looking at how many tasks you have done and how much you have earned. This page is a pretty good indication to find out the earning potential of Hive Micro in general.

Hive Micro leaderboard

Tired of online scams? Check out my #1 Recommendation


Every financial aspect of Hive Micro is presented on the payroll page. Here you can not only see how much money you’re making but you can also see when you’re getting paid and what the status is of future payments. 

On the payroll page, they also show the threshold for how much money you have to make to get paid. When I looked at this page a few months ago it used to be $20 but I think they realized that it was way too high and would scare people off from using Hive Micro.

You can also adjust your payment settings here and choose where they send your money to.

My Personal Take On Micro Hive (Hive Work)

While I have tried Hive Micro I have never gotten to the point to earn enough to get paid. You need to have earned at least $10 but you get less than 0.001 cents for every task. I have talked to some people that have spent more than 4 weeks on the platform. 

Some got paid others are still waiting on their payments. From what I heard the app is legit but I think it’s not worth the time. Just qualifying for a particular job takes an insane amount of time to add to that the millions of tasks you have to do just for a couple of cents and you’ll have wasted hours for basically nothing.

If you have the time and don’t care about how much you earn you can try it out but it’s not something I can recommend to people that want to make real money online.


Product rating

Is Micro Work Legit?

After doing extensive research I've come to the conclusion that Hive Micro is legit but...

I wouldn’t recommend it because:

  • It takes too much time to make money. 
  • The threshold for payment is too high compared to how much you make per task.


Making money online isn't an overnight thing it takes time. This is why if you're going to invest time it should be in something that is worth the money.

Learn how to make more than some pocket money with
my #1 recommendation for making money online.

Wealthy Affiliate banner

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

12 thoughts on “Hive Work Review — The Truth About Hive Micro’s Earning Potential!”

  1. Thanks for this review, these kinds of things are so important for consumer education! With there being so many scams out there, it is crucial for their to be sources of information for people before they jump into a potential scam! Even when a program isn’t a scam, it doesn’t mean it is an adequate option either! I am lucky to have come across the platform you mentioned, Wealthy Affiliate, where it certainly gives people the opportunity to make money online! You talked about it briefly at the end of your article, what is your favourite part about the Wealthy Affiliate platform?

    • Hey Kohl!

      thanks for commenting. I agree just because something isn’t a scam doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for you. My favorite part about Wealthy Affiliate are definitely the live-events. They provide you with so much information about so many different subjects it’s insane.

  2. HI

    • Hey Pankaj!

      Thanks for commenting. The truth is most online jobs with which you can make a lot of money aren’t easy. This is why I always recommend people to let go of finding the easy thing if they want to make a lot of money online. I started doing the training of Wealthy Affiliate and it made it possible to make more money than I first thought was possible.

      I’d suggest you try out the first 10 lessons of their training to see if you like it.

  3. Thanks for sharing your Hive Micro review with us. I definitely agree that their payout threshold is too high for how long it takes to accumulate that amount of money with their platform. I cannot think what the name of the platform is off of the top of my head, but it is similar to Hive Micro and I believe people have a lot more success with it. I still wouldn’t use these sites to replace a fulltime income however.

  4. From what you say I don’t see this being a good way to make some money online. I mean being legit doesn’t mean its good. If they pay so little for every task its a real waste of time. When working online how you take advantage of your time is essential and this cannot be described as efficient at all.

    • I think it depends on what your goals are. If you just like playing games and the money is a bonus it isn’t a bad thing but I agree that it isn’t the most effective method for those purely looking for methods to make money online.

  5. Great article you have here Rogier and thank you for sharing such an informative review about hive micro. Well in my option I would say even if it takes a lot of time, as long as it pays then its worth it. Although the part of the co-founder being unknown raises red flags for sure.

  6. Hi, thanks for this Hive Micro review. I totally agree with you that the time you take to do these tasks is not at all worth the money you make. It better to use that time to look for a job or another online opportunities that will really reward you for the time that you spend working. Thanks again for the review, really helpful.

    • Hey Nedia, 

      It all depends on what you’re looking for but if you’re looking for a method to make a full-time income online it might be wise to also look at alternative options.


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