What Is The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership?

Curious about the Wealthy Affiliate premium membership? 

If yes, then I got a treat for you. 

In this post, I’m going to show you what is possible with the Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership. Even though I’m a Wealthy Affiliate member I’m not going to sugarcoat you.

 Wealthy Affiliate is legit and while it has created a lot of affiliate marketing success stories it isn’t perfect.

I can say with certainty that it's not for everyone.

Find out what I mean by reading further.

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an affiliate marketing training platform that teaches people with no prior experience how to create websites that earn money by subtly promoting affiliate products.

About Wealthy Affiliate

How Wealthy Affiliate Works

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to make money online with a simple 4-step process used by millions of successful online marketers.

1. Choose Interest
2. Create a Website
3. Market Website
4. Earn Money

Wealthy Affiliate makes this possible by providing you with: 

  • step-by-step expert training
  • Unlimited free hosting and 2 free domains
  • Keyword research tools
  • Content producing tools
  • A highly active community with +1.5 million members

all for the cost of a cup of coffee a day!

Interested? Let’s take a more detailed look at what is possible with Wealthy Affiliate premium or get a preview by creating a starters account.

Wealthy Affiliate Opt-in page

What will you be able to do after taking advantage of the Wealthy Affiliate Premium resources

In a nutshell, this is what you’ll be able to do after taking advantage of all the Wealthy Affiliate premium resources.

  • create a professional-looking website in 30 minutes.
  • Create high-quality content that gets linked to
  • rank your content on the first page of Google (without having to build links!)
  • instantly spot why content isn’t ranking on the first page of Google 
  • instantly spot why you're not making money online
  • leverage video to get traffic from sources such as YouTube the right way
  • run PPC campaigns on Google and Bing ads to scale your affiliate marketing business
  • build an email list so you’ll always have a customer base to market product to.
  • create an email marketing campaign to sell multiple products to people and 2x your profit.

Main differences between the starters and premium membership

Extra premium training
The free account gives you access to the first level of the online entrepreneurship course and the affiliate Bootcamp.

The moment you purchase a premium account you’ll get access 10 other levels each containing 10 lessons all going over a different aspect of creating a successful affiliate website.

WA premium training lessons

Private Messaging system 
Premium users have access to the PM system so you can talk to members that are already earning more than $5K/month build relationships with them and pick their brains.

Wealthy Affiliate Private Messaging System edit

A higher percentage of affiliate earnings
Free users can make money with Wealthy Affiliate’s Referral program but the moment you become a premium member your commission increases to 40%.

Get to earning +$100/day as soon as possible.

Wealthy Affiliate commissions

The option to create your own courses
Premium members can create their own courses and put them on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. This way you don’t have to worry that people will steal your content.

You can also only make it available for premium users giving people more reason to convert to a premium membership and earn more money.

Direct access to the founders
The founders Kyle and Carson have been in the affiliate marketing industry for more than a decade. Premium members have a direct line to them which makes it possible to ask them anything.

Direct access to Wealthy Affiliate founders

Keyword research tool
The premium members get access to more functions of the Jaaxy Keyword research tool. This tool unlike a lot of other keyword research tool is designed specifically for affiliate marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium keyword tool

Premium Training review

As I said before, the Wealthy Affiliate premium membership unlocks the other levels of the affiliate Bootcamp and the online entrepreneurship course. To be honest, there’s not a lot of difference between the two premium courses. 

The only difference is that the boot camp guides you more towards promoting Wealthy Affiliate more effective.

The structure of the lessons is the same as the training in the free account. It’s mostly tasks that’ll be explained either through text, video or a combination of both.

You do learn a lot more during the premium courses of which a lot I haven’t seen on blogs on the internet. While the premium courses are more advanced the step-by-step lessons are taught fairly simple. 

Learning about SEO the simple way

The lessons start with teaching you the ins and outs of doing effective SEO and why it's important

According to Brian Dean from Backlinko there are more than 200 ranking signals that can influence your rankings in search engines such as Google and Bing but they don’t all weigh in the same when it comes to determining the rank of your content.

200 ranking factors blog post by backlinko

The training only focuses on the most important ranking signals to keep SEO simple but still very effective.

As someone that has a fair share of posts ranking on the first page of Google, I can confidently say that this method works.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to not look like a newbie content creator

The easiest way to get people to listen to you and buy your affiliate products is to position yourself as an authority.

The premium training spends a lot of time teaching you how to create a professional-looking website by letting you do tasks that involve: 

  • Providing you with a free high-quality logo
  • Effectively using your sidebar widgets
  • making your social profiles “brand-friendly”
  • teaching you how to create high-quality content
  • Increasing the shareability of your content
  • teaching you how to take advantage of Google Analytics

You’ll also have access to grammar and spelling correction software just in case English isn’t your strong point or if you want to make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct.

Create content similar to the content on this website with the help of Wealthy Affiliate premium.

What The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Training Teaches You About Other Marketing Methods

From what I have heard most people think that Wealthy Affiliate only teaches SEO. 

This isn’t true! 

The training also goes over Pinterest, YouTube, and paid advertising with Google and Bing.

Out of the three methods, they spend the most time teaching you how to use Google and Bing ads since these are used to eventually scale your business the moment you find out you have a high converting page.

The Paid Advertising training is a bit dated when it comes to taking certain steps because the add managers of both Google and Bing get updated all the time but it’s only a matter of certain button being in different places.

The method itself that Wealthy Affiliate uses for paid advertising is still very effective.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium PPC training

YouTube Training
The YouTube training is a little bit different than what I was expecting. Normally you take into account the YouTube algorithm to rank high in the YouTube search engine and get into the suggested section of popular YouTube videos in your niche. 

The Wealthy Affiliate premium training takes a different approach. Since YouTube videos also appear in Google’s search result pages they focus on getting the videos ranked on Google. To my surprise, this happens to be a very effective way of marketing your YouTube videos.

Pinterest Training
To be honest I found the Pinterest section in the premium training to be lacking. You’ll learn to set-up your Pinterest account, how to create pins, and some basic Pinterest marketing but I was missing some information about marketing your pins with the help of group board which basically can explode your traffic in a relatively short time.

They also talk about which social platforms are terrible for marketing your blog and are best to stay away from.

The value of the Wealthy Affiliate Premium Live events 

The moment you become a Wealthy Affiliate premium member you get access to the Wealthy Affiliate live events. These are weekly live streams hosted by Jay Neill founder of the marketing company logistudios and an affiliate marketer for more than 12 years.

I think the live events are the most valuable feature of the premium membership. In the weekly live events, he’ll teach you about everything relating to digital marketing. Some events are basic while others are highly advanced. 

All live events are recorded and can be viewed at any time by the Wealthy Affiliate premium members. The live events kind of make regret buying a lot of digital marketing courses because Jay covers everything.

I’ve seen courses about:

  • Basic and High-level Email marketing 
  • Creating content that people want to link to 
  • Advanced social media marketing
  • Creating effective linking strategies
  • Creating sales pages
  • and more.

Everything the training lacks is discussed here in a lot of detail.

Windows premium live events

The hot seat
The hot seat is a live event where you can submit your website or a page on your website and Jay will review it during the live streams. This is a great way to get some feedback and learn from other people’s mistakes.

While a lot of people make the same mistakes hearing them for the first time as a beginner can be valuable and as an affiliate marketer with more experience, it can also be valuable to remind you what is the foundation that makes your website successful.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Live event hotseat

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Pricing 

The premium membership offers a lot more resources than the free membership so it’s logical that it’s going to cost some money. You’ll get full access to everything I have mentioned above by paying in one of 3 methods:

  • $49, Monthly payments.
  • $234, Half-year payments
  • $359, Yearly payments

You can get full access to all features for the price of one coffee a day.

What I Think Wealthy Affiliate Premium is Missing

Wealthy Affiliate isn’t perfect. There are a few things I wished they’d spent time on developing. Here are the points I find personally that they should include in the standard premium training.

  • Information about link building outreach
    They emphasized “earning” links by creating good content which works fine but I would’ve appreciated some information about email outreach to speed things up with ranking. 
  • Advanced Pinterest training in the standard premium course 
    They do have free courses about it but it’s easy to overlook these courses because they’re not in the standard premium online entrepreneurs course. 
  • More focus on people that only want to use video to promote affiliate products
    While you do learn a lot about video marketing its clear the emphasis is on creating articles. I would’ve loved to seem some more handy hacks about promoting products with videos just like they do with written articles in the standard premium training.

Since people are allowed to make their courses a lot of these things are on the platform and can be found with the search bar but I would’ve preferred they would’ve added it to the standard training.

Are these things necessary to succeed? No, but it can help.

Who Can Benefit From Wealthy Affiliate Premium?

I have read a lot of reviews that say Wealthy Affiliate is for everybody that wants to make money online this simply isn’t true. I’m not going to sugarcoat it some people should stay away from Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a quick buck
  • You absolutely hate writing blog posts
  • You’re looking for a done-for-you product

People I think Wealthy Affiliate Premium is worth it for:

  • People that want to speed up the process for making money online.
  • People that are looking for long term sustainable success.
  • People that want to mastermind with affiliate marketing experts.
  • People looking for an exact step-by-step method for making money online.

Tips To Succeed With Wealthy Affiliate Premium

I don’t want you to waste money or time that’s why I came up with these tips to help you succeed as soon as possible. In all honesty, I was set back at least 6 months because I wasn’t doing these things.

This is why I think before you begin your journey and become a premium member that you should know about these things.

Take the training seriously
The training isn’t perfect but it’s legit. Follow everything step-by-step without skipping any lessons. I could’ve had a lot more sales if I didn’t skip lessons I thought I already knew.

The premium course only goes over the most effective strategies so skipping lessons is not a good idea.

Watch the live-events
The live events go over a lot of information that can speed up the process and also shows you the mistakes other people have made so you don’t have to repeat them. Jay also gives a lot of advice that goes beyond the X and O’s of online marketing. 

Use SiteFeedback
SiteFeedback is a system Wealthy Affiliate set up that rewards people for giving other people feedback. This makes it possible to figure out your blind spots and attack the problems you might not even know you have.

Learn from other people’s content
The people that succeed faster than others are often those that are really good at creating content. This is a skill that you’ll develop while you go through the premium lessons but that doesn’t mean you’ll be an expert content creator after finishing the training. 

To succeed you’re going to have to watch, read, and learn from other people’s content. You’ll notice a lot of patterns when it comes to what great content users use to make their content credible, entertaining, easy to understand, etc.

Need more information about Wealthy Affiliate Premium?

The Wealthy Affiliate website has a huge comparison table on their Wealthy Affiliate Premium page that goes over literally everything that makes Premium different from the starter’s account.

You can also signup for Premium on the page. 

WA comparison table edit

It’s the result of a decade of people asking questions about Wealthy Affiliate premium which means any question you’ll have will be answered there.

Take a look at the premium page right here:

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

12 thoughts on “What Is The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership?”

  1. I’ve recently taken the plunge with Wealthy Affiliate Premium as well and I’m loving it.  The lessons that are available are great and for a fraction of the price of anything else anywhere near comparable.  The other things that come with membership (hosting, domain registration with privacy and SSL certificates, keyword search tool, etc) are all worth the price of admission alone.  Probably one of the best things about it is the community, they are so helpful and welcoming that you feel encouraged to succeed and they are there to work through any issues that may arise.

    • Hey Rob!

      Welcome to the other side. I have been a premium member for a year and a half and not a day goes by that I regret the decision. If you follow all the steps, keep persisting, and listen to the feedback of others the chances of not succeeding are very small.

  2. What wealthy affiliate offered at such a small rate is really a one in a million opportunity to become wealthy. They provide the tools and also the trainings to get started and become better at affiliate marketing. For real, I like this post because you have given the proper breakdown of what wealthy affiliate premium membership is all about. For the price, it is the best anyone could get

    • Hey Rodarrick.

      Thanks for commenting.

      I agree! The training is solid and the live events are a real game-changer. It’s crazy how much they offer for such a low price.

  3. I have heard about wealthy affiliate before, it sounds like a great opportunity. I like the idea that you are able to try it out before having to commit financially. Seems like all of the training you could possibly need is at your fingertips, even if you are not a computer guy. How long does it normally take to start making the money you are talking about? I can’t wait to get started! Thank you for the review! 

    • Hey Travis!

      Thanks for commenting. It all depends on you how long it takes. For most people, there’s a learning period in which you learn to create quality content. It all depends on how much time you spend creating content, learning from other people’s content, and what niche you pick.

      My advice would be to pick a low competition niche and analyze the top blogs in that niche word for word. Look at how deep they go with their content, how many internal and external links they use, the way they use pictures to illustrate their point. 

      The quicker you understand their structure the better your content is going to be and the sooner you can start making money.

  4. Well! Just like everything else, there is the good and the better of wealthy Affiliate and I feel among the best ones is where this premium offer lies. Going premium on wealthy Affiliate automatically presents the opportunity to create multiple website freely hosted, to take enhanced trainings and also to get an immense training. Simply true, the best way to.make money online is by beginning the journey with a wealthy Affiliate premium membership subscription.

    • Hey Rodarrick, 

      I agree when it comes to beginning your journey with Wealthy Affiliate. It makes sure you have a solid foundation to build on. I was just dabbling around a lot before I joined and getting nowhere.

      WA really is a game-changer

  5. Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best online platform i know and I’ve been able to experience by myself, I joined not quite long ago and I must say I’ve not for once regretted the decision of joining. I upgraded to premium after the second day of my 7 days free trial because I enjoyed even those aspects opened foe free, then I thought of how much benefits I’ll get from the full pack like bootcamp and the rest. I strongly recommend WA.

    • Hey Andrea,

      Thanks for commenting on my post. Cool to see you were bought in after just 2 days. I used the full 7 days because I was skeptical until day 3 of the course because then they start going into the juicy online marketing stuff.

  6. Upgrading to premium was one of the best things I’ve done in my entire stay in online business so far, this is because I was able to acquire knowledge worth thousands at just $47 and this has been really of great help to so many affiliate marketers and some other online business owners. This upgraded comes with amazing offers that’ll make it easy and fast to gain what is needed from the platform. Thanks.

    • Hey Wildecoll, 

      Thanks for sharing your experiences with Wealthy Affiliate Premium. I have noticed most people that upgraded to premium all say the same things about it which is great. The value the platform provides you with indeed exceeds the price.

      I don’t think  ever need to buy a separate online course ever again,


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