Welcome to my The Conversion Pros review.
You probably came to this page because you wonder if The Conversion Pros is legit or a scam.
No need to worry you’re in the right place.
Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online but in the process I learned how to spot scams. The Conversion Pros is one the products I reviewed.
In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about The Conversion Pros and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.
The Conversion Pros Review Overview
Name: The Conversion Pros
Website: https://theconversionpros.com/
Founder: Ron Rope
Product Type: Online Conversion Tools
Price: $50/ month
Similar to: Thrive Themes membership
Rating: 7.5/10

The Conversion Pros is a collection of online tools that help with converting leads.
The collection contains a page-builder, template marketing videos, URL shortener, and A/B testing tools.
It can help you with making money online but not on its own. These are supporting tools which means you still need to find a product to promote or sell.
Rating: 7.5/10
Recommended for:
Affiliate marketers and Multi-level-Marketers that:
- Don't want to spend building webpages
- Don't mind not having ownership of their online business
- Want to get into the "Make Money Online" niche
The Founder of The Conversion Pros
The track record of the founder of a product can say a lot about the quality of the product. This isn’t always the case but in 95% of the cases
Ron Rope is the CEO and Founder of The Conversion Pros.
I have seen a lot of reviews that have other people as the founder and CEO of The Conversion Pros but according to the WHOIS information of the website, it all started with Ron Rope registering the website.

According to Ron Rope’s Linkedin, he’s been founding businesses since 2013.
The first company is called Syncier LLC. I couldn’t find a lot of information about this company but it is acknowledged by the Nevada secretary of state.
The same can be said about his second company Legacy Management Services. According to Ron, it’s a company he’s founded to manage all his other ventures. Not much is known about this company either.
Although there isn’t a lot of information about Ron Rope at all there aren’t any complaints either which is a good thing in my opinion.
What Is The Conversion Pros And How Does It work?
The Conversion Pros is a website that offers a collection of online tools that are geared towards conversion optimization.
For those that aren’t familiar with this terminology.
Conversion is the act of making website visitors do a specific action.
Examples of conversion can be buying a product, clicking on a specific link, subscribing to your email list, etc.
The Conversion Pros helps with increasing your chances at conversions.
How To Get Started With The Conversion Pros
TCP provides you with two options when it comes to getting started with the program.
You can either let TCP create your entire website or you can build the website yourself following a few simple steps.
1. Sign-up
You can sign-up through the website by filling out their sign-in form. From here out you can get a 14-day free trial membership.

2. Create Page using Templates + Insert Affiliate links
You can create your webpage using the templates provided by The Conversion Pros.
Afterward insert the links to where the leads should be re-directed to buy the offers you’re promoting.

3. Order Leads
Order pre-interviewed leads from within the platform that you can direct to the offers on your website and start earning commissions.

Overall it’s a simple process that you have to go through to get everything running.
They also offer a beginner tour for every feature in which you create a demo while getting shown how everything works.
Who can benefit from The Conversion Pros?
Who would benefit from purchasing The Conversion Pros
The training videos make clear what the target audience for The Conversion Pros is.
These videos are geared towards people doing multi-level marketing and affiliate marketing but even in those two areas, in my opinion, there are only a specific set of groups who could benefit from The Conversion Pros,
- People that already have decided on the niche they want to market to.
- People that already have decided what products they want to market.
Who shouldn’t purchase The Conversion Pros
- People that want to start an online business outside the “make money online” niche
- People that want to scale to getting +50 leads a day
- People that want full control and ownership of their business
Pros and Cons of The Conversion Pros
- cons
- Pros
The Conversion Pros Features
The Conversion Pros offer a lot of tools that can help with optimizing your conversion rate.
To get a clear picture of everything The Conversion Pros has to offer I have assembled all the information about the features that it provides and put them here.
The tools can be divided into two categories:
- Landing Page Tools
- Remarketing Tools
While on the forefront they mostly promote the Landing Page tools I think that the Remarketing tools bring a lot of value with them maybe even more than the landing page if you already have experience with building an online business.

Here’s a full overview of all the tools you’ll receive once you sign-up for a TCP-membership.
- Pagebuilder
- External capture page
- Autoresponder
- Email/ Text Message Broadcaster
- Webinar Builder
- QR code builder
- Invoice builder
- Link rotator
- Tiny URL's
- A/B Testing tools
Want to learn how to make money online?
The Conversion Pros Training
The Conversion Pros website also provides you with training that teaches you how to get started. The getting started training contains:
- Build Your Business Training
- Basic Affiliate Marketing Training
- Tips and Tricks
The “Getting Started” training is given in video form through private YouTube videos that you can only access through your TCP account.

In the resources section, you’ll also find more training videos dedicated to getting the most out of the TCP tools, affiliate marketing, and process-oriented coaching.
Aside from video tutorials you also have written tutorials. I appreciate that they added these because sometimes I want to have some music on the background while I’m working.
Unfortunately not every video tutorial has been turned into a written tutorial.
The written tutorials only go over how to use the tools TCP offers but not the affiliate and build your business training.

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Lead Generation: TCP Clicks vs. Buying Ads
Online business is heavily dependent on the leads it directs to its offers. This is also the part of having an online business that the majority of marketers struggle with the most.
The Conversion Pros claim they have a solution to this problem.
Buying leads!
In contrary to the normal process of buying click they say they offer pre-interviewed leads that are the perfect fit for the offers you’re trying to sell or people you’re trying to recruit.
I have a small problem with this but you can read about that in my personal take area below.

The Conversion Pros Affiliate Program
The Conversion Pros website also offers an additional method for making money online by becoming what they call a 50/50 partner.
This means that you’ll get a 50% commission on every member you have referred to TCP.
A TCP membership cost is $50 a month so for every person, you refer you’ll receive 25 dollars. This a recurring commission that’ll last as long as the member keeps paying for their account.
The money for the first two referrals will automatically go to paying for your account and everything after that is money for you to spend however you want.

Want to learn how to make money online?
My Personal Take On The Conversion Pros
Most of this review was about what The Conversion Pros has to offer now I’m going to give you mine take based on trying out The Conversion Pros membership. Overall I like what The Conversion Pros has to offer.
I especially like how it’s an all-in-one conversion optimization package that aside from the easy-to-use page builder they also include remarketing tools.
A lot of products like these claim they have an all-in-one solution but then it turns out you have to buy an autoresponder, hosting, domain name, etc. In TCP all those things are included.
Why The Conversion Pros is not for me
Although TCP has a lot to offer it’s not something I’d use for my online business. The Conversion Pros make it possible to create web pages with their own domain name but it is owned by them.
This means if something were to happen to TCP you’d instantly lose your website. The product I’m using right now also offers the service of creating a website that’s managed within the platform but it can be moved from the platform at any time.
The system for ordering pre-interviewed leads is legit but it has one downside.
Pre-interviewing leads make it easier to convert leads but it also makes it harder to scale. I know people that buy more than 2000 clicks a day could you imagine how long it’d take to let 2000 leads go through the interview process?
This causes there to be a limit to how fast you can scale in a period.
I’d rather go with other products that give me more freedom to create my business in my way.
Is The Conversion Pros A Scam?
After doing extensive research I've come to the conclusion that The Conversion Pros is not a scam.
The tools they offer work and can be used for your online business.
My 100% Free Alternative For Making Money Online
The Conversion Pros is as I said before legit but not for everybody.
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That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.
See you at my next post