What is Brainbux? Possible PTC Scam Exposed!

Welcome to my Brainbux review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Brainbux is legit or a scam?

No need to worry you’re in the right place for the answers to these questions.

Over the last years, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products.

Some turned out to be fake others were legit ways to make money online but in the process, I learned how to spot scams.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Brainbux and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Brainbux Review — Is Brainbux A Scam?


Name: Brainbux
Website: social bounty (dot) com
Founder: Unknown
Product Type: GPT-website
Price: Free, $10/month for a premium membership
Rating: 1/10

Brainbux is what we call a GPT-website. GPT stands for Get-Paid-to in other words, you can earn money in exchange for doing tasks. There are hundreds of GPT-websites on the internet and a lot of them are legit this isn’t one of those.

Members have placed a lot of negative reviews regarding their payment after doing tasks. Most users classify this website as a scam website and don’t recommend investing time in Brainbux.

Similar to: Successbux, Scarletclicks
Rating: 1/10
Recommended: No

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What is Brainbux?

Brainbux is a GPT-website that was created on March 31st, 2016. For those that don’t know GPT stands for “Get-Paid-To”. GPT-websites pay people in exchange for doing tasks on a website. Brainbux claims:

  • on average to get 100 new members a day
  • it has paid out $5299806.52
  • has a total of 365252 members.

It looks very similar to two other websites I have reviewed in the past called Scarlett Clicks and Successbux. Those turned out to be part of a Ponzi scheme.

The website presents itself as a good opportunity to make money online by doing tasks but everyone that looks a bit further will notice that this isn’t the case.

In the review below, I’ll show you exactly why I think this isn’t a good opportunity to make money online.

How does Brainbux work?

As a member, there are 2 methods Brainbox claims you can use to make money on their website. Each of these methods follows the same 3-step process I have laid out below.

On the Brainbux website, you can register with your name and email address to become a member of Brainbux. According to the website, the first 37.000 members get a $3 bonus on their account when signing-up.

Brainbux register page

2.Click on ads/ refer people to Brainbux
After signing up, you’ll get access to an area of the website that’s exclusively for Brainbux members and you’ll be provided with a link you can use on social media to refer people to brainbux. You can also start clicking on ads here to supposedly earn money.

3.Get paid
According to the Brainbuux website, you can instantly withdraw your money no matter how much you have earned. Payments go through Payeer, Perfect money, and you can even get paid in bitcoins.

Brainbux Payment methods

Who can benefit from Brainbux?

Judging from my research I have come to the conclusion that the only people that benefit from Brainbux are the creators. Below I have listed some of the reasons why I believe nothing good will come from investing in Brainbux.

Red Flags of Brainbux

Red Flag #1: Bad User Ratings

On the internet, there are a lot of user rating websites where people can rate the products they use and leave a review. Since Brainbux has been active since 2016 a lot of people have tried it out and judging from the rating websites the majority if not almost everyone wasn’t satisfied with Brainbux and left it a 1-star review.

Brainbux user rating

Red Flag #2: Unexpected Conditions when withdrawing money

The main page of Brainbux claims that you can get paid out instantly no matter if it’s 1 cent but the moment you try that you’ll get multiple notifications of why you can’t withdraw money immediately.

Some of the reasons are:

  • Not clicking on enough ads ( Minimum is 100 paid ads).
  • Not having enough referrals.
  • The cost to send your money is more than the money you earned.

It almost seems that they try to do everything to prevent you from making money on this platform.

Red Flag #3: Unusual high price per click

Most GPT-websites don’t come anywhere close to the price you supposedly get paid per click on Brainbux. The average I have seen on legit websites is at least 10 times less.

If they really would pay $0,10 for nothing more than clicking on an ad this website would’ve gone viral a long time ago but before last week never heard of Brainbux.

You also don’t have to leave the browser with an ad playing open. You can do other things at the same time and the balance in your account still goes up.

As I said, if this were real, it would’ve gone viral a long time ago and it’d be hard to make a profit out of it.

Red Flag #4: Premium Upgrade

Brainbux members can upgrade their accounts so they can use the premium features of Brainbux. As a premium member, you can earn more money per click and referral based on which of the premium packages you choose.

The problem with these packages is that no matter which one you pick you won’t get paid.

Is Brainbux a scam

How does Brainbux scam you?

From the information I have gathered, Brainbux scams people in two ways.

1. The Premium packages
The premium features such as getting paid more per click and earning more commission ultimately have no use since they aren’t going to pay you anyway. People are paying monthly fees at a minimum of $10 a month.

2.Selling your information
I’m starting to suspect that this website might sell information to other companies because not long after I signed up I started getting a lot more spam. You can make a lot of money selling email lists nowadays so I wouldn’t be surprised if that is what happened here.

My Personal Take

Over the last few years, I have seen multiple websites like Brainbux and not one of them turned out to be real. Just by googling Brainbux a lot of evidence can be found to at the least not recommend it to others to try out.

There’s is so much here that tells me to stay away from it:

  • The  terrible user-ratings
  • The unusual high payouts per click
  • The premium packages that don’t make sense
  • The reviews

In some cases, websites that don’t pay out aren’t scams but are run very poorly but I don’t think this is one of those cases. There’s is something off about Brainbux.


Is Brainbux A Scam? Yes. Brainbux is a scam.

How I and thousands of others make money online

Bonus Junkies might not be what you thought it was but that doesn’t mean there aren’t legit methods to make money online. When you look at the people that are making a consistent full-time income online they all have one thing in common.

They have an income-generating website.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

About Wealthy Affiliate

It’s the platform that taught me a simple model you can copy in the form of a step-by-step course that teaches you how to create an income-generating niche website with affiliate marketing.

>>> Click Here To Read More About My Highest Rated Recommendation

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

2 thoughts on “What is Brainbux? Possible PTC Scam Exposed!”

  1. Hi Rogier

    I have seen scams like this before. All you will get for your trouble is a load of emails about things you have no interest in as these guys will be selling your data to businesses that believe they are buying genuine leads.

    It’s a double scam – they mislead you and con the businesses. Thanks for taking the time to highlight that it is a total waste of your time!

    Keep up the good work!



    • Hey Jean.

      It’s crazy how many people they scam on both sides indeed. They know very well that the people on the list won’t be interested in the offers these companies will send because the list was made the wrong way.


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