1 Click Affiliate Site Review — It Works But It Isn’t For You If You…

Welcome to my 1 Click Affiliate Site review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if 1 Click Affiliate Site is legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online. During that time I got really good in spotting online marketing scams.

1 Click Affiliate Site is one the products I reviewed.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about 1 Click Affiliate Site and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

1 Click Affiliate Site Review Overview

name: 1 Click Affiliate Site

Website: 1 Click website
Founder: Ankur Shukla

Product type: Done-For-You Affiliate Marketing Website
Price: $97/month, now $9.95/month temporarily
Rating: 7.5/10

1 Click Affiliate Site logo

1 Click Affiliate Site is a product that replace the information and links of a proven high converting affiliate marketing website with your information and personal links so you can make money with it.

While it works you still have to direct your own traffic plus you don't own the rights to the website but it definitely isn't a scam.

Similar to: WP super Affiliate, Digifunnel lab pro, and Easy Pro Funnel.

Rating: 7.8/10

Recommended: Yes, but only for people who want to make money and don't mind having less control over the website.

The Founder Of 1 Click Affiliate Site — Ankur Shukla

Who is Ankur Shukla?

founder ankur Shukla

Ankur Shukla is the founder of 1 Click Affiliate Site.

In the past, he’s had a lot of success not only as an affiliate marketer but as a vendor.

He was one of the top vendors and affiliates at JVZoo in 2017 and made 2M dollar in 1 year.

He has an IT background and is the founder of KoolKampus.com a cloud-based education platform for schools in India.

It’s safe to say that he knows what he’s doing and he’s the real deal.

Other projects created by Ankur Shukla:

  • Fan Marketer
  • WP Fan Machine 2.0
  • WP Tag Machine
  • Azon Profit Builder
  • WP Clickster

You can find more about Ankur Shukla on his website.

How does 1 Click Affiliate Site work

1 Click Affiliate Site is a “make money online” product created by Ankur Shukla. The best way to describe it is to say that it’s an affiliate-affiliate program (if that makes sense).

Ankur basically created an affiliate marketing website of which you can get affiliate links that you can promote for a commission.

The moment you use the instant launcher you get the same website but your information and affiliate links have placed the spots Ankhurs information and links were.

Here’s an example of what happens once you launch your own version of the website.

This is the original version of the website.

Original version of the website

This a version of one of the members of 1 Click Affiliate Site. Once you click on the link of a member of 1 Click Affiliate Site the website changes in the member version. It even has the same URL as the original version of the website.

You can also make limited changes to the website as you can see.

duplicate version of website

The 3-Step Setup For 1 Click Affiliate Site

1 Click Affiliate Site is beginner friendly. The setup only takes 3 simple steps and you're ready to start promoting affiliate products and make money.

Step 1: Login

The moment you purchase 1 Click Affiliate Site you'll get access to the member's area. Here you can register and log in.

Login screen members area

Step 2: Add Information

You'll be asked to fill in a short form with your information. This includes your name, Affiliate ID's, and upload a picture.

1 Click Affiliate Site Form to fill in

Step 3: Hit The Save Button And You're Done

Save the information and a special link will be created for you with which you can take over Ankur's website.

Your 1 Click Affiliate Site link

1 Click Affiliate Site Demo Video​​​​​

Find out what 1 Click Affiliate Site is all about and how it works in this short video.

Who can benefit from 1 Click Affiliate Site

Who would benefit from purchasing this 1 Click Affiliate Site:

  • People that want to make money online but don’t want to create websites.
  • People that already have a large following and don’t mind sending them to the 1 Click Affiliate Site.
  • People that want to make money online without producing content.

Who shouldn’t purchase 1 Click Affiliate Site:

  • People expecting to make money quick
  • People that want to have their own business
  • People that want to build their own email list

Pros and Cons of 1 Click Affiliate Site

  • cons
  • Pros
  • No need for your own website
    It’s a complete done-for-you website (done right!) that can be launched in a matter of minutes. No need for coding, styling, or getting the website SEO ready. 
  • Pages are all tested
    The pages are all clones from the original website which already is making money which means your only job is to direct traffic to those conversion optimized pages.
  • Newbie friendly
    The only thing you really need to do is fill out a form with your information making the product very beginners friendly.

Tools and Training of 1 Click Affiliate Site

Instant Launcher

The instant launcher makes it possible to change Ankhur his website into your own instantly. The only thing you need is to fill out your information and your ClickBank, JVzoo, and WarriosPlus ID into the launcher and it’ll create a clone of the original internet viewer website.

Instant Launcher image

30 pre-loaded affiliate reviews

The moment you make a clone of internet reviewer all the reviews made by Ankhur are also on the website and SEO optimized.

pre-made product reviews

Pre-made Video, graphics, and Images

Everything is cloned from the original affiliate website used by Ankhur which means all his video’s, graphics, and images are also inserted in the clone website.

Built-in Banner system

No need to create your own banners. The moment you launch your website banner ads are already inserted in your version of the internet reviewer website.


Google prefers that its websites have SSL-certificates which are an extra layer of security. You can recognize these websites by the https in their URL. Every website clone used by 1 Click Affiliate Site has the SSL-security already built in from the start.

Want to learn how to make money online? Check out my #1 Recommendation


While the website is a complete done-for-you product and the product reviews are SEO optimized you’re still going to have to do your own marketing. This is why they created training modules to learn the basics of promoting affiliate websites.

When purchasing the 1 Click Affiliate Site you’ll get three bonuses.

  • A special plugin that creates landing pages and pop-ups for building lists
  • Live training that’ll help you with setting up a business running on passive income
  • Live training that teaches you how to direct traffic to your website and grow your list.
drive training bonus picture
1 Click Affiliate Site list building bonus
passive income training bonus picture

Want to learn how to build a $100/day website? Check out my #1 Recommendation

My Personal Take On 1 Click Affiliate Site

The good:
1 Click Affiliate Site to my surprise is legit. After reviewing so many scams lately I didn’t expect to find a product that actually works. Once you purchase 1 Click Affiliate Site you really get a done-for-you website including content that’s SEO optimized.

Although the claims of making $8000 a month are a bit overexaggerated I can see people making money with it.

Don’t expect the making money part to be easy though. You’re going to have to do some work yourself to direct traffic to your affiliate links.

The bad:
You’re not building your own business. If something happens to 1 Click Affiliate Site your income stream can disappear overnight.

I doubt that’d happen but I’m just paranoid enough to keep thinking about stuff like that.

You also don’t have any say in what happens to the website. You can’t decide what products you want to promote, the ads you run and there’s a limit to how you can style the website which makes personal branding a bit hard.

It also makes it hard to improve organic rankings by optimizing the content if needed. You’ll probably have to do it by building links.

Overall I think it’s a great product for everyone that doesn’t want to create a website to make money online.


Enter your text here...

Product rating

Is 1 Click Affiliate Site legit?

After doing extensive research I've come to the conclusion that 1 Click Affiliate Site is Legit.

2 Things you should know before purchasing:

  • Don’t expect to create a website and do nothing after that. You’re going to have to work on directing traffic to the website which isn’t an easy task.
  • The website isn’t yours. The original website is the "face" while the clone is basically the "make-up" on it. This means you have no say in what happens to the "face" of the website.

If you’re okay with this I’d recommend purchasing 1 Click Affiliate Site.

Alternatives to 1 Click Affiliate Site

Personally, I wouldn’t be comfortable with making money online without having any say over the business itself and I can imagine there are other people that feel the same way.

If that is you take a look at my #1 recommendation for making money online.

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate it’s an online marketing training platform that gives:

  • websites, hosting 
  • access to expert training 
  • online marketing research tools 

All for an affordable price

Interested in seeing what Wealthy Affiliate is all about?

Click on the button read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

6 thoughts on “1 Click Affiliate Site Review — It Works But It Isn’t For You If You…”

  1. Hi Rogier, I really like your honesty in this review. It’s good to see a legit product after coming across so many scams.

    Although it is a legit product, I feel like it has too many limitations for someone who wants to build a business for themselves.

    For a beginner, this may seem like a good solution, but once one realises the potential of having a website, I feel the “done-for-you” features will only be limitations.

    I’m someone that likes to customise and edit things to suit me, so I don’t think I’d benefit from 1-click affiliate site, but I can see how someone might prefer this over building their own site from scratch.

    Thank you for sharing your review, it’s given me a better insight into the 1-click affiliate site product.

    • Hey Steph,

      I fully agree with you when it comes to customizing your website. There’s definitely a cap when it comes to your earning and branding potential
      but it’s definitely refreshing to see they still make products that are legit.

      I’ve seen way too many scams so a product like this kind of restores my hope in humanity haha

  2. Hi Rogier,
    This product certainly sounds interesting. I’m not sure I’d be comfortable with putting in all the effort required to drive traffic to the site and have little to no control over it. I’ve been in similar situations before with web hosting sites that limited my ability to customize it. It’s a good and honest review which is much appreciated. So, thanks for the info.

    • Hey Anne,
      Good to hear from more people that have tried out similar products before. It gives a more
      objective view to product reviews. I agree with you having no control just makes me feel uneasy.


  3. Hi Rogier,

    I wish I had read your review prior to purchasing the 1-Click-Affiliate program. It is an easy Done-For-You program and I followed all the steps and created my Internet Reviewer site pretty easily. I was not aware when I purchased the program that I would have to drive my own traffic to the site, and because of this, I have not made any money with this program. I did try to take advantage of the 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, only to learn that the only way you get your money back is if there is a technical issue that they cannot resolve. I was a fool and even purchased all the upgrades. $103.95 is a significant amount of money to spend on a program that just clones someone else’s website. But, since they won’t let me cancel and get my money back, I will try to make it work for me somehow. Anyway, thank you for your review. Definitely helpful, even after the fact.

    • Hey Bobby.

      That’s a shame. This is why I’m always apprehensive when they talk about done-for-you products. I do think you can make money with
      the program but I’d rather advise you to create your own website because you have full control over the content and you aren’t dependent on 1-click- affiliate to keep your website running.

      Try out the free course on my website it’ll teach how to create an affiliate website that you personally will own.


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