Is Slice The Pie A Scam? Listening To Music For Money!

Welcome to my Slice The Pie review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Slice The Pie is legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online but in the process I learned how to spot scams. Slice The Pie is one the websites I reviewed.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Slice The Pie and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Slice The Pie Review Overview

Name: Slice the pie


Founder: David Courtier-Dutton

Product Type: Get paid for your opinion

Price: Free

Rating: 6/10

Slice The Pie logo


Slice The Pie is a website that pays you for your opinion. It started as a website that only paid you for listening to music but nowadays you can also give your opinion on other things such as fashion items, accessories, and unreleased commercials.

Not everyone can join Slice The Pie. It all depends on where you’re located. You also earn a few cents for every item you review which means it won’t make you rich but it is possible to make a few dollars on there. 
Similar to: Testing TimePoll PayiPoll

Rating: 5/10

Recommended for: Earning pocket money

The Founder of Slice The Pie

You can find out a lot about a business by looking at the track record of the owner. In this case, I went and did some research on the founder of Slice The Pie and this is what I found out.

 David Courtier-Dutton

David Coutier-Dutton

David studied Law at the University of Exeter and hadn’t had a lot of entrepreneurial endeavors before starting Slice The Pie.

He had worked as a corporate financier at Hawkpoint a corporate finance firm but always was interested in music and sound in general.

He went on to become a senior partner at park properties till April 16th after which he started Soundout an automated prediction and validation Saas platform that could test the resonance of any media type.

Soundout main page

Slice The Pie is the sister review website of Soundout.

Slice The Pie started as a fundraising website for independent artists but quickly turned into a way to discover new music artists by letting the Slice The Pie community members who are called “scouts” review their music in exchange for money.

David has been featured on multiple websites such as and has done multiple keynotes for organizations such as UbiQ

David Coutier-Dutton in the Business magazine

Take a look at this speech by David about how to make a hit in the musical industry. It’s a bit dated but it still is interesting to hear.

You can learn more about David in this interview he has done for businessmag 

How does Slice The Pie work?

Slice The Pie main page

Slice The Pie is a website that makes it possible to earn money by giving your opinion on “items”. In the past, you could only give your opinion on music but they have added the capability to give your opinion on things like fashion-items, accessories, and commercials.

To make money online with Slice The Pie you have to follow a 4-step process.

1. Sign-up
You can sign-up on the Slice The Pie website. The only thing you need is a working email address to register.

After signing up you’ll need to confirm the email and they’ll accept your request based on where you’re located.

2. Choose interests
In contrary to the beginning of Slice The Pie you can give your opinion on multiple things so they’ll send you “items” to rate based on the interests you can pick in the sign-up process.

Something important to know about this is that you can’t change your interests after you have picked them. 

3. Give your opinion
Slice The Pie will direct you to “items” to give your opinion on.

You’ll need too rate these “items” and write a small piece about them in some instances.

 4. Get Paid
Every review you complete on Slice The Pie will provide you with money based on how good your review is.

The moment you hit the threshold you can cash out your earnings. 

How much can I earn with Slice The Pie?

Earning money on Slice The Pie isn’t as a straight-forward process as it seems. Multiple factors determine how much money you can earn on Slice The Pie. In a lot of instances, it depends on what you’re reviewing and how detailed your review is.

I don’t know how they judge how good a review is or what you can do to improve your reviews which is a shame because you can’t maximize your earnings that way.

The average you can earn per review is somewhere around 15 cents.

There’s a threshold of 10 dollars that you have to reach before you’re able to cash out your money. The money will be transferred through PayPal on Tuesdays and Fridays and takes off 5 workdays before it’s on your Paypal account. 

Slice The Pie Referal Program

Reviewing isn’t the only way you can make money on Slice The Pie. They also have a referral program with which you can earn money. For every friend, you refer to Slice The Pie you’ll receive a bonus.

The bonus entails receiving 10% of the earnings of everyone you refer to Slice The Pie. This bonus will be active for a year. 

Slice The Pie refer a friend

Who can benefit from Slice The Pie?

Who would benefit from Slice The Pie

  • People interested in hearing new artists
  • People that don’t mind making some pocket change in exchange for their opinion

Who shouldn’t invest time in Slice The Pie

  • People that want to make a full-time income online
  • People looking for a decent side-hustle

Pros and Cons of Slice The Pie

  • Pros
  • cons
  • Low earning potential 
    You’re earning pocket money with Slice The Pie. Even if you’d spend entire days reviewing everything you “item” suggested to you without sleeping you’d still not earn more than $30.
  • Limited to location 
    Slice The Pie isn’t available for everyone everywhere. They mostly focus on English speaking countries but from what I have heard there are a lot of countries where they speak English fluently that don’t have access to Slice The Pie.
  • Can’t change preferences after the fact 
    The moment you have picked your interest and preferences it’s not possible to change them anymore.

Want to learn how to make money online? Check out my #1 Recommendation

My Personal Take On

Slice The Pie is legit. It is possible to make money with Slice The Pie but it isn’t perfect. What I like about Slice The Pie is that they’re aiming to expand their repertoire of things you can review.

They started with getting independent music artists to feedback by connecting them with their audience but now they’re trying to grow.

If you’re someone looking for some pocket change then Slice The Pie might be a viable option for you to do that depending on your location.

The biggest problem I have with Slice The Pie is there earning potential. It’s not the ideal method for making money online if you want to earn more than just some pocket money.

Overall I think Slice The Pie might be a good way to make some change.


Product rating

Is Slice The Pie A Scam?

After doing extensive research I've come to the conclusion that Slice The Pie isn't a Scam.

You can make money with Slice The Pie but I wouldn't recommend it if:

  • You are in a country of which the main language isn't English because they don't provide services to those countries (Excluding Germany)
  • You are looking for more than pocket money.
  • You want to make a full-time/ part-time income online.


Slice The Pie might not be ideal for making more than pocket change but there are other products out there that you can make +$100/day with.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

About Wealthy Affiliate

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

Click on the button read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

20 thoughts on “Is Slice The Pie A Scam? Listening To Music For Money!”

  1. Hello, I really want to first appreciate your effort in putting this great website together and writing this article. it is my first time of coming across slice to pie. it is a great thing getting paid for your opinions and listening to music that you like. there is no greater pleasure with income as this

    • Hey Benny.

      I’m good to hear you like my content. It is indeed great to hear that your voice is being heard and that you can get money for your thoughts. I have seen more than a few similar websites out all the ones I have reviewed this one was one of the best.

  2. I have never heard of this service before. I’ve tried so many online “get paid” services that I usually don’t trust any of them, but according to your review it is a legit platform that helps you earn some extra dollars and doesn’t waste your time having to download apps and doing surveys that never pay you. Which countries can’t be part of this platform?

    • Hey Stephanie!

      I found out about it a few months ago but it has been here for years apparently. If the main language in your country isn’t English you’ll probably not have access to it, unfortunately. The only exception to this rule is Germany.

  3. Thanks so much for letting us know through your article, one more link to making money in the online world. I’m always looking for new ways to work online. This link is very good news for me.Although I’ve heard the name of Splice the Pie long ago, I didn’t know how to work here or how to join.I think you need to think a little bit about the fact that all countries can work so everyone can work here.   I hope you will consider my words a little.

    • Hey Shanta!

      Thanks for commenting. You mean not knowing how to join Wealthy Affiliate or are you talking about Slice The Pie?

  4. Great review! I currently do some online work and Slice the Pie may help with the little extra.  I will sign up for it and check it out.  There are a lot of scams out there, so I definitely appreciate this information. I am also interested in Wealthy Affiliate and am definitely going to check it out.  Thank you for the referral and information.

    • Hey Jennie!

      Thanks for the comment. It can definitely be handy in time of need but if you’re looking for more than pocket money Wealthy Affiliate is the place for you 😉

  5. Slice the pie is actually a good name, it’s what brought me to your website. It sounds like a nice way to earn some extra money, but 15 cents per review is very low, in my opinion, and writing a review (even if it’s a short one)  takes up some time, so I am not sure if 15 cents are worth it. I think that they have a good concept, it is something I would enjoy doing, writing reviews, but like you mention in your article, it isn’t a good way to make a full time income. I guess it’s good for some pocket change, to buy a cup of coffee perhaps 😉 

    • Hey Christine!

      I agree. If you are looking for some pocket money than it’s perfect but for those looking for a full-time income online it might not be the ideal method.

  6. What a good review! Very complete.

    I think it’s an interesting idea to make some money while discovering new artists. It is also good to know that the founders are real people and that they even give lectures! (I’ve seen the video, interesting)

    I was wondering how they know “how good” is my review?

    I also thank you that you have been honest with the issue that it is not a system to “get rich”, but a little extra money while listening to some good music.

    Thank you and we are waiting for new reviews!

    • Hey Pablo!

      Thanks for the kind words. I do like the Slice The Pie concept a lot too. I’ve talked to more than a few “veteran” Slice The Pie users but none of them had a clear answer when it came to rating te reviews “scouts” make. They just try to make them as detailed as possible and hope for the best.

  7. Hello Rogier. Thank you for sharing this review of Slice The Pie. I have tried some other music website to earn money before but they’re worth my time. From what I have read so far, Slice The Pie isn’t worth my time either considering the fact that I can not earn up to $30 a month even if I don’t sleep. Moreover, I’m not sure if my country will be supported either.


    • I do like Slice The Pie but like you said if you’re trying to make a full-time income online then there are other things you could do that contribute more to that goal. If you’re just looking fo pocket change though it’s perfect. 

  8. Hi Rogier. This sounds like an interesting way to make some money. I have been looking for a side hustle for some time but little did I know that I would find a site in which listening to music and commenting about it could give me cash. It’s nice that inside Slice the Pie, there are also other options besides reviewing songs. I’ll definitely give Slice the Pie a try.

    • Hey Ann!

      Thanks for commenting. Slice The Pie is indeed a good choice if you’re looking for some pocket change. I’ve reviewed a lot of “get-paid-to” websites but I liked this one the most primarily because of its history and the intent behind building the website.

  9. Hello there,thanks for this awesome article you have done a very unbiased job on this one and I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me.for e anytime I here or see stuffs like this the first thing that comes to my mind is scam scam scam so I am going to sit this out because I have used by this people too much.

    • Hey Feji Ben!

      It’s a shame that comparable websites have abused your time in the past. This is why I for the most part only invest in “make money online” products that have a decent payout. If it’s not possible to make at least a $300 a month I won’t invest more than 2 weeks to test it out.

      Take a look at my #1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate. It might be something you find interesting 😉

  10. When I first heard of this website, I didn’t even bother to look it up. I just dismissed it to be a complete waste of time. After a while, some old acquaintance of mine brought it up. This time, I became curious. I wanted to see for myself, if I was missing anything. 

    So I searched and from my findings now, slice the pie may not be a total waste of time after all depending on your perspective. Paid reviews was one of the ways of earning online I first encountered.  It is by no means a route to full time income, which is what most people want. 

    Thanks for sharing

    • Hey Rhain!

      Thanks for commenting. I heard about it every now and then too but I first became interested the moment I heard that someone made $20 with it. It took an insane amount of time to get there though he said.

      These kind of websites are not my cup of tea but there is definitely value in Slice The Pie. 


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