Testing Time Review — New $50/hour Opportunity or Bust?

Welcome to my Testing Time review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Testing Time is legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place.

Over the last year, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products. Some turned out to be fake other were legit ways to make money online but in the process I learned how to spot scams. Hive Micro is one the products I reviewed.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Testing Time and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Testing Times Review Overview

Name: Testing Time

Website: testingtime.com

Founder: Reto Lämmler, Oliver Ganz

Product Type: Tester Recruitment Platform

Price: Free to join as a tester

Rating: 7.8/10

Testing Time logo

Testing Time is best described as a tester recruitment platform. They provide people, businesses, and organizations with “test subjects”. They have more than 80.000 active testers on the Testing Time platform that get paid to start at $50 per test. 

Testing Time is very strict with selecting people for every task which means pay isn’t consistent. While I think that it’s something you should try out it isn’t something for people looking for a monthly full-time income online.

Rating: 7.8/10

Recommended: Yes, but not for people that want a consistent full-time online income.

Founders of Testing Times

You can find out a lot about a business by looking at the track record of the founders. In this case, we’ll be looking at the two people that started Testing Time, Oliver Ganz and Reto Lammler.

Oliver Ganz 

Oliver Gan Co-founder of Testing Time

Oliver Ganz is the CEO of Testing Times. 

He’s got a background in Computer Engineering and has worked in seral places as a software engineer before he created Testing Time. 

He’s got a Masters of Science from the University of FHNW in Zurich and has worked as a software engineer in places like Doodle AG.

Reto Lämmler

Reto Lämmler co-founder of Testing Time small

Reto Lämmler is currently functioning as the CTO of Testing Times which means he predominantly busy with technical issues within Testing Time. 

Just like Oliver Ganz he has an IT background.

he studied at the Hochschule fur Technik in Zurich which would be comparable to a technical college after that he started working as a java app engineer and ultimately founded Testing Times together with Oliver.

How does Testing Times work?

The 6-Step Process of Testing Times

How Testing Time works depends on what your intent is. If you’re looking for testers the process differs from those that want to make money as testers. The complete process contains these 6 steps.

Testing Time 6-step Process

Since this review is made for people that want to make money online I’ll only focus on the steps that are vital to this group and tell you about my experiences going through these steps and if you can earn money with it.

The 3-Step Process Of Making Money With Testing Time

Testing Tiime Testers Process

1.Sign-up with TestingTime

You can sign-up on the website. You’ll have to fill out a form with some basic information after that Testing Time will make contact with you and confirm your information. The moment you have done this you’re eligible to participate in studies provided by Testing Time.

Testing Times Sign up step 1

2. Accept Test job 

The moment you sign–up you’ll be directed to specific tests made for people fitting your profile. You can’t partake in every “Job” Testing Time receives. Through screening Testing Time decides if you can participate.

The frequency of tests you'll be able to do is limited. I can't imagine people making money on a consistent basis with Testing Time.

Testing Times Line up

3. Test and get paid

After you have done the test you’ll receive money for participating in the study.

Testing Time payment paypal

What kind of people is Testing Times looking for?

Testing Times works with businesses in multiple niches which makes it possible for a large group to participate in their studies. The only thing they require from you is to “live up to your word”. This means when you agree to participate in a study that you’ll answer truthfully and be on time. 

These businesses pay a lot of money and base important decisions on these studies which means you have to take it seriously. It is possible to get banned from Testing Times if you don’t abide by this rule.  

Testing Time tester requirements edit

What benefits are granted to testers?

Testing Time testers will receive multiple benefits granted in exchange for participating in studies provided by Testing Time. The most obvious benefit is financial compensation. Every test subject will get a minimal of $50 per test taken. 

Another benefit is the tests themselves. Testing Times works with a lot of big brands which means there’s a big chance you’ll test out new products these companies are working on. Depending on your interests this can be a huge benefit.

This is dependent on if you get selected for a particular study though.

How will you get paid?

There’s a three-step process that takes place from the moment you complete a study.

1. Complete Task

2. Select Payment Method

3. Get Paid

1. Complete task
2. Select Payment method
3. Get paid through Paypal or via Bank Account (max 10 days)

If you’re going to participate in one of the studies I’d advise you to go with Paypal. Never had any problems with it and if by any chance there’s a glitch you’ll always have a receipt.

Who can benefit from Testing Times

Who would benefit from Testing Times

  • People looking for a quick buck
  • People that want to try out new products

Who won’t benefit from Testing Times:

  • People looking for a stable full-time income
  • People that want to start an online business

Pros and Cons of Testing Times

  • cons
  • Pros
  • No room for cancellation
    Some of these tests require businesses to set aside time and rent space. This means cancellation isn’t an option. You sign-up, you show up.
  • No regular invites
    You won’t get invited to participate daily which means you can’t turn it into a consistent income stream.

Types of Tests You Can Participate In

Not every study Testing Time provided to testers is the same. Testing Times provides its customers with 5 types of tests that they can do to get data.

  • User Tests
  • People get to test the actual product and give feedback.
  • Interviews
  • Interview people to gather information.
  • Focus Groups
  • Groups assembled to discuss a certain product or idea.
  • Online Surveys
  • Survey with questions that testers have to answer.
  • Workshops
  • Host pilot versions of workshops for feedback.

Every study takes somewhere between 30-90 minutes to complete. There’ll also be someone present to guide you through the tests. If you’re doing it online you’ll communicate with a guide through Skype.

Want to learn how to make consistent money online? 
Check out my #1 Recommendation

My Personal Take

Most “Make Money Online” opportunities that don’t involve creating your own online business don’t pay out a lot.

You might have seen reviews of "Get-paid-to websites" like Rewardable, get paid for typing, and Hive Micro. Most of these websites only pay you a few cents for every task you do (and some are scams). Testing Time is different you can earn up to $50 for every test you take. 

While Testing Time is legit there are a few things that aren’t ideal for people trying to make a full-time income online.

  • You can’t participate in every test
  • It’s not as flexible as it seems when it comes to time
  • You have no control over how much money you can make

I know most people that read my articles are in search of online opportunities that can create a full-time online income or something close to that. Testing Time isn’t that. 

If you’re looking for a quick buck I’d recommend it though!


Product rating

Is Testing Times A Scam?

After doing extensive research I've come to the conclusion that Testing Times is Legit.

You can make money with Testing Time but from what I understand accepting jobs isn't a regular thing. At the most you can expect 1 job a month.

This might not be ideal for people pursuing a full-time income.


Testing Times might not be ideal for people looking for a full-time online income but there are other products out there that are legit.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

About Wealthy Affiliate

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

Click on the button read my wealthy affiliate review

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

2 thoughts on “Testing Time Review — New $50/hour Opportunity or Bust?”

  1. Hi Rogier,

    I enjoyed your post on the Testing Times. It’s nice to have someone tell the public what these products are like.
    I’ve been looking for some affiliate training programs and I’m having a hard time deciding which one to go for. Have you heard of any of these other ones? https://cutt.ly/ce6cl7l I’m just looking for some opinions before I make my decision.

    I love the content you’ve been posting, by the way. Keep up the great work!

    • Hey Stormy!

      Yeah, I’ve heard of all of them. In my opinion, the top 2 programs are income school and Wealthy Affiliate. The main difference between the two is that Wealthy Affiliate focusses on creating an authority website while Income school focuses on creating niche websites. It heavily depends on what your long term goals are which one you should pick.

      You pay a lot more at Income School and the chance is higher you’ll earn money sooner but the earning potential is lower. Making money with Wealthy Affiliate usually takes a bit longer but you can earn a lot more money.

      I knew I wanted to get at least 5 figures a month so for me, Wealthy Affiliate made more sense.

      I hope this helps with picking out the program that might be a good fit for you.


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