13 Simple Ways To Make 100 Dollars A Month Online

In this post, I’m going to show you 15 ways to earn 100 dollars a month online. 

I’ll share with you not only the strategies but the websites and platforms that can assist you in succeeding with the methods I’ve mentioned here. 

After reading this post, you’ll know exactly where to start. 

let’s get into it!

1. Sell color palettes

When I first heard about this method of earning money I thought it was a joke but a lot of people are willing to pay money for good color palettes.

The most targeted groups seem to be solopreneurs, bloggers, and small businesses that are looking for colors for their branding.

7 ways to get paid for coloring

They can give the palette to website and logo designers to incorporate into their work. You can easily start making color palettes with websites such as CSS drive and sell them on websites like Etsy for $5 – $30 per palette.

Sell 5 to 10 of these a month and you’d easily reach $100 in 1 month. 

Related content ==>> 7 awesome ways to Get paid to color 

2. Completing Online Surveys 

Companies are willing to pay a lot for information about their target audience because they can tailor their products and service to them. This is why it’s possible to earn money by completing online surveys. 

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Most online surveys take somewhere between 2 and 30 minutes to complete and don’t have a high level of difficulty. The only 2 things you have to take into account with completing surveys are these:

  • You need to qualify for the best surveys.
  • The earning potential is pretty low.

This is why if you’re planning to complete surveys to earn 100 dollars a month you sign-up for multiple survey websites. Here are a few websites you can sign-up for to earn some money. 

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Here are the 3 fastest and easiest ways to earn money online Click here to find out how.

3. The Amazon Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing is a billion-dollar industry and is also one of the biggest contributors to Amazon’s past success. Affiliate marketing is a form of marketing where companies pay people a commission in exchange for referring people to them. 

There are a lot of people making a full-time income with the help of proper training but since we’re just going for 100 dollars a month simply signing up for the Amazon affiliate program should be enough. 

Once you sign-up for Amazon Associates, you’ll receive a unique through which they’ll know if you referred someone to their website.

Amazon has such a wide variety of products that people use every day that you can give your affiliate link to anyone planning to make a purchase and earn a commission.

4. Selling services from high-end software

When I first started promoting websites with SEO I was advised to get an SEO tool called SEMrush. I do admit this tool makes your SEO life a lot easier but it’s pretty expensive.

After doing some digging I found out that people were selling data found by SEMrush on Fiverr. So I could get the information I need for $20. 

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That’s when I started thinking about how many people a day are probably paying him $20 for a simple search that the tool does in 5 minutes.

You could easily invest in high-end software and do the exact same to start earning money. If 5 people a month are willing to pay you for doing something similar you should easily make 100 dollars a month. 

5. YouTube 

YouTube is a great way to earn money online. 

The most common way people are earning money on YouTube is through Google Adsense. This is a program run by Google that pays you for running ads with your content. You get paid a small amount of money for everyone that clicks or sees the ads you run.

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YouTube has more than 2.6 billion active users as of 2023 which means a lot of money can be made if you know how to direct their attention to the content you create on YouTube. 

In most cases, people pick a specific niche (ideally with less competition) and start making content catered to that niche to get their attention. 


6. Freelancing 

If you have a skill set that lends itself to be of service to other freelancing might be a great option to start earning a little money online.

I know more than a few people that earn money on platforms such as Fiverr to make logos, write copy, edit videos, edit podcasts, etc to earn money online. 

laptop girl

You might think you don’t have a specific skill that can be “sold” on freelancing platforms but you’d be surprised what skills people are using to earn money. 

Just try typing in interest or hoppy in the search bar and see what comes up. Freelancing platforms when leveraged correctly can easily earn you $100 every month. 

7. Listen to music online

Believe it or not. 

People are actually getting paid nowadays to listen to the radio online. I haven’t found much about the dynamic behind why they’d pay people for listening to the radio but I’m glad it’s possible. 

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There are multiple websites that allow you to earn money by listening to the radio but dependent on the platform you might not be able to put minimalize the browser with the radio playing. You also have platforms where you get paid for reviewing the music you listen to.

The earning potential for these methods is pretty low but it’s not impossible to earn 100 dollars in 1 month. 

Here are a few examples of  websites that make it possible to earn money listening to music:

8. Searching the internet 

There are hundreds of get-paid-to websites where you can earn money simply by doing small tasks. Over the last few years, I’ve tried out multiple of them, and one task I always kept on seeing on these get-paid-to websites.

Earning money simply by surfing the web. The earning potential just like most of the tasks of GPT websites isn’t all too high but it’s good for earning a bit of pocket money. You’d have to invest a lot of time into it but it’s not impossible to earn $100 if done effectively.

Some websites will ask you to test out their experimental web browsers while others will simply want you to visit websites through their app.

Here are a few examples of websites that offer this:

9. Download apps

Did you know you can earn money simply by downloading mobile apps?

I have come across at least 50 websites that make it possible to earn money simply by downloading apps. Most websites will require you to perform a task after downloading the app and afterward you’d earn a couple of cents. 

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It isn’t much that you’ll earn per download but it’ll add up if you keep doing it. That being said, it won’t earn you a full-time income but dependent on the website it could be great for earning 100 dollars. 

That being said, it’ll require a lot of time to get to this point.

10. Write ebooks 

This might be one of my favorite methods to earn money on this list simply because you only need to do it once and you can earn money from it for a long time. 

You could even outsource the writing through platforms like  Fiverr and edit it to create your final draft. After that, you only have to focus on marketing the ebook. 


You could put it on a platform such as Amazon kindle and let them do the marketing in exchange for a cut of the revenue or you can create a website and promote it yourself. 

The earning potential of selling ebooks is a lot higher than the majority of the methods I have named on this list. It can even be scaled to the point where it replaces your full-time income if done properly.

11. Sell color pages

Not too long ago, I found out that people are making a lot of money by selling color pages on platforms like Etsy. You have hundreds of apps that can turn regular photos into black-and-white color pages. 

You could create entire books for kids or create books for adults for therapeutic purposes. Either way, you could easily earn $100 every month simply by selling these color pages. 

Get paid for coloring etsy colorbooks

On Etsy, I have seen that color books are being sold for prices as high as $40. If you can manage to buy 3 of them that’s enough to reach the goal of earning $100 a month. 

READ THE NEXT BLOG POST:  7 awesome ways to get paid for coloring

12. Host paid webinars 

Making money hosting paid webinars is a lot simpler than it sounds.

You only need 3 things to start hosting successfully paid webinars. Knowledge of a particular subject that can help people get to the next step of their goals, a working computer with a webcam, and webinar software.

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You could even record the webinar and turn it into a webinar on demand. A great example of this is mentioned in Clickfunnels its 5-day lead challenge. They run the same webinar every time and have people stand by in the chat just in case anyone has questions.

You’ll have to invest some money upfront but if you’re able to promote it properly you could definitely make a profit out of it.

Recomended Webinar Tools:


13. Sell PDF documents

People aren’t only willing to pay money for full-length online courses. In some cases, they just need a bit of information to get to the next step or they need that final puzzle piece to complete the puzzle.


This is why simple 3-page documents can be used to earn a lot of money. You could sell guides, checklists, case studies, infographics, and a lot of other things in the form of PDF documents.

Thousands of people are making a full-time income simply by selling these documents. It’ll require you to do some niche research and find out where people have a need and how you can match it with a solution but it’s a simple strategy that can be implemented quickly. 

Final words

So that’s all for today.

I gave you some options for earning 100 dollars a month online. Some have higher earning potential than others and some take a bit longer to implement but they all can work if you invest the time and take it seriously.

I hope you got some value out of this article and I see you in my next post.


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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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