Fast Cash App Review — New Billion Dollar Market? or Scam!

Welcome to my Fast Cash App review. I’ve reviewed a lot of products in the last few weeks and this one really caught my eye because it almost has the exact same name as the now popular cash app.

I thought it might be an expansion pack or a competitor of Cash app. It turned out to be something very different. Keep reading to find out what I mean.

In this review, I’ll be sharing:

  • How Fast Cash App works
  • who can benefit from using Fast Cash App
  • The red flags of Fast Cash App
  • my personal take on Fast Cash App
  • Alternatives for Fast Cash App

I’ll start this off by saying Fast Cash App is definitely a scam

it’s no different than scam products such as:


avoid products like these!

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2019 Fast Cash App Review 


Name: Fast Cash App
Founder: Robert Fisher
Price: $47
Rating: 0/10

How does Fast Cash App work?

According to the sales video Fast Cash App something completely new we have never seen before. It’s a step-by-step process created by Robert Fisher a self-proclaimed writer and sales specialist.

He claims that right now there’s a new hundred billion dollar niche almost nobody is taking advantage of. Fast Cash App makes it possible to take advantage of this opportunity.

Who would benefit from purchasing this product?

Nobody! avoid this product.

My first impression

I found the website on Clickbank. In the last two weeks, I’ve reviewed at least 4 products with the exact same description talking about a brand new bizzop offer.

It’s the exact same description I’ve seen with multiple scams. Maybe it’s time to consider this product description also a red flag.

When I landed on the landing page there was a sales video that started playing. Except for the video and headline, there wasn’t much else on the website.

The video started playing and I noticed the copy written for this video was almost the exact same as other scams I’ve exposed in the last two weeks.

My first impression makes me think it’s a scam.

Red flags of Fast Cash App

The moment I took my time to go through everything that was said and the website itself I noticed that there were a lot of red flags I’ve seen with other products that turned out to be scams. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Sidenote: The images used underneath are from the sales video on the website.

Red Flag #1: Robert Fisher doesn’t exist

In the sales video, at a certain point, the spokesperson introduces himself and says his name is Robert Fisher the creator of Fast Cash App. They show no photo that could be used on Google image search.

I tried looking for Robert Fisher on Linkedin and I found a few Robert FIshers and some of them did online marketing but none of them had any affiliation with Fast Cash App.


Red Flag #2: Sketchy Testimonials

In the sales video, Robert mentions a few people that have made money with Fast Cash App. David a 27-year-old engineer that made over $7000 last week, Rachel a 42-year-old divorcee from Ohio who’s first payment was $10.240, and Roger a 63-year-old from Canada that made $18.821 last month.

If this is true then good for them, but there are a few things that make me believe that these testimonials are fake.

According to Robert Fisher, he’s a sales specialist so that means he knows how to create effective testimonials. These are anything but effective.

Testimonials should do two things create credibility and a picture of how you might be able to benefit from the product.

By leaving out everything that can be used to find out if these testimonials are real the testimonials lose their credibility.

As someone new to sales those mistakes can happen but when you’re a “sales specialist” I can’t imagine making rookie mistakes like these unless you’re trying to hide something.


Red Flag #3: New $100 Billion Market

I find this very hard to believe. A new market unlike anything we’ve ever seen before where people earn 5 figures in a week and nobody has heard about it. If this really was true Fast Cash App would be trending everywhere.

There’s no way this is true even with Bitcoin before it blew up there were people that invested in it but not because they could make immediate money but they suspected that it would grow and become a source of income in the future.

Fast Cash App isn’t that.


Red Flag #4: You need to be uniquely qualified

On its own saying, you have to be uniquely qualified to use a product can be a thing but that doesn’t apply for the Fast Cash App. In the sales video, Robert Fisher says no former education or experience is needed and if you’re watching this video you’re uniquely qualified.

Does that mean that if I show this to a dog he can also make $2475 a day online? He also says that this isn’t a loophole that won’t last more than a few days. If you can truly make money with this product without any prior experience I find this hard to believe.

To earn money there has to be some sort of value exchange. The claims made in the sales video make it seem like you can make money without this exchange. 

The more I find out about this product, the shadier it looks.

Inside Fast Cash App

So what happens the moment you decide to take their offer and try out their 60-day risk-free trial? 

Well. Let’s start off by saying there is no free trial. You’ll be directed to Clickbank again where you can buy the product for $37.

Is it actually risk-free?

Yes and No. Fast Cash App might be a scam but Clickbank isn’t. Products that are featured on Clickbank are obligated to have a 60-day guarantee in case you’re not satisfied and want your money back but I don’t think they were after your money in the first place.

A lot of these scam websites want your email because they know there are people out there that are willing to spend a lot of money on email lists. The moment you sign up you can expect a lot of spam.


Is Fast Cash App a Scam?  Yes, It’s definitely a scam

I believe it’s a scam and wouldn’t recommend it to others because:

  • The man who they claim is the founder doesn’t exist
  • Testimonials aren’t credible
  • This new $100 Billion market, Fast Cash App takes advantage of doesn’t exist
  • Supposedly no experience or education is needed to make figures a day.


Product might not be what it presented itself to but there are other products out there that are legit.

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That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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