Hiresine review[Updated]: Online Job Scam or Legit?

So you are probably here because you came in contact with Hiresine or you were curious to see if Hiresine is the real deal or a scam. Unlimited online jobs as a writer sounds good but it is hard to figure out if its legit.

Luckily, for the last 5 years, I have been reviewing +300 make-money opportunities just like Hiresine and have become really good at spotting make money online scams.

After reading this post, you’ll know exactly if this is that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity or you should run for the hills. At the end of the post, I’ll also provide you with an alternative just in case Hiresine isn’t for you.

Now let’s get into it.

This Hiresine review has been thoroughly researched through personal use, information, and testimonials available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Find out how we review money making opportunities by clicking here.

Hiresine Review Overview

Name: Hiresine
Product Type:
Online writing jobs
Costs: $11
Earning Potential:
Price: Free

Hiresine main page
  • A proven brand that’s been around for +7 years.
  • Is there any training involved to maximise performance.
  • The company delivers quality support..
  • It is possible to earn a decent side or full-time income.
  • Reasonable startup and maintenance costs.

Hiresine claims to be an online marketplace that connects people with employers looking for online jobbers. The idea sounds great but the moment you sign-up you’ll notice it’s one big hoax to earn money through advertising.

Similar to:use2earn, Sharecash, Tap2earn, Motive Jobs

Rating: 2/10

Recommended: No 

Interested in learning how to make a full-time income online?

Hiresine Video Review

What is Hiresine?

According to their website, Hiresine was created in 2013 and claims to have created a marketplace where they connect freelancers with employers to get online jobs.

They claim to have started as a consulting company and in 2017 created their platform that originally was for content writers because Google algorithm changes made them more valuable.

They say they’re based in GURUGRAM, HARYANA, INDIA but according to their IP location, the server is located in Scottsdale Arizona.

Their main focus seems to be North America, Canada, and the United States which would explain why their hosting is in another country because of technical SEO reasons.

It still seems sketchy.

What makes Hiresine stand out?

Absolutely nothing.

Company Factor

Weight of Factor







Founder Info







Hidden Fees

Active Regions



All countries


Overall Company Info Score

How does Hiresine work?

There’s a big difference between how Hiresine claims it works and how it actually works.

According to Hiresine, they have a network of employers that need workers for online jobs.

Most of these jobs are relatively simple tasks that don’t require a degree or expert knowledge to fulfill. 

Here’s a list of the jobs they offer: 

  • Powerpoint creator
  • Proofreading jobs
  • Online Typing Jobs
  • Voice Recognition Jobs
  • Offline Typing Jobs
  • Paid Survey Jobs
  • Language Translator
  • Ad Publishing Job
  • Excel Sheet Freelancer
  • Graphic Designing Job

How much you supposedly can earn on Hiresine differs per job as you can see below in the screenshot of the job openings. 

Hiresine Jobs

You can join through the website after which they’ll do a background check to see if you’re qualified for the available jobs.

After this, you hold the position of a verified freelancer and you can apply for available jobs. 

As a verified freelancer if selected, you’ll receive a project that you can download to work on. 

When done with the project you can upload your finished project and get paid after Hiresine reviews it. 

How do you get paid by Hiresine?

You supposedly can get paid in 4 different ways: 

Bank Transfer, PayPal, Gift cards, or credit for shopping online 

Sounds good right?

Now let’s look at what actually happens when you join Hiresine.

My experience with the new version of Hiresine

The first time I registered for Hiresine was in 2001 which resulted in not even being able to finish completing the sign-up form because they disabled the buttons to complete it. 

Now a few years later it looks like they did a revamp of the website. 

Here’s how the main page used to look in 2021. 

A big issue with the website a few years ago was that there were ads everywhere. It was almost impossible to not click on an ad if your ad blocker was deactivated. 

You’d be more likely to contribute to them earning money because of the ad clicks than earning money yourself.

There are still ads but a lot fewer than back when the website was first created.

While you can’t sign-up for every job it is now possible to complete the forms on the website. 

After signing up, you’ll be directed to a new login page but you can’t login using the information of the account you just made.

According to the website, the Hiresine team will respond in 24 hours. 

It’s been more than a week and I haven’t heard anything from them. I haven’t even received a verification mail. 

I also didn’t get any response on WhatsApp.

So I got 1 step further than the first time I registered in 2021 but still haven’t gotten 1 hint that made me think this is a legit opportunity.

Hiresine Reviews

Just in case it was only me whom they didn’t contact after registering I looked up some user reviews on multiple websites. 

Here’s what they said:

This is a fake website, no jobs…
This is a fake website, with no jobs .it collects our details and says work will be given in 7-15 days after reviewing your application, no freelancing website takes that much time and does not put ads on the main page, and also no verification mail from the website. Please don't create ur account and don't waste your time on this platform
- Eda V

You apply for a job, do a test and then you get the message to wait 7-15 days before they check your application and test and let you know if you are eligible for the job. You never hear from them again, no replies, no answers.

You register on the website and create your account but after some time you cannot use it because it says that your account doesn't exist. Do not make the same mistake it is a fake website, don't waste your time. It is FRAUD.
- Yuliya A

Weeks ago
Some weeks ago, I was looking for a work-from-home job. Then I came across this website hiresine.com, so I entered and was looking for a data entry copy-paste work to do. Then they asked for my details so I gave my details and signed up.

After that, I found some data entry copy-paste jobs on this site. When I clicked on one job they asked me to give $11 for administrative charges. So I understood that I had come across a completely scam website so I came out.
- Raushan D

As you can see, most people came across the same problem when signing up. 

I only found 1 person who was able to sign up according to her testimonial but they wanted to charge her simply for applying.

Who would benefit from Hiresine

Who would benefit from investing in Hiresine:

  • Nobody

Who doesn’t benefit from Hiresine:

  • Everyone looking for online jobs to earn money
  • writers
  • Freelancers

Hiresine Costs 

To apply for Hiresine no costs are necessary but multiple people have now come out and said to get verified you need to $11. This seems to be a hidden fee because nowhere on the website or the opt-in page its mentioned payment is necessary.

If a freelance/ online job website is trying to charge you to become a member I’d strongly advise you avoid it. These are often sketchy websites that don’t offer legitimate opportunities.

Some of the biggest job/ freelance websites such as Fiverr and Upwork don’t charge their members because they’re the “lifeblood” of the business. 

Legitimate job/ freelance websites try to attract as many people as possible which is why they offer their services for free.

Costs Factor

Weight of Factor



Aligned with competitor costs



Competitors don't charge money while Hiresine has hidden fees.

Resources Received For Payment



No resources are offered after payment


Overall Costs/ Pricing Score

Hiresine Earning Potential 

According to the website, you can earn a lot with all these jobs but none of these claims are real. That combined with price for getting verified makes the chance you lose money almost certain.

I’m not the only one who came to this conclusion there is no testimonial outside of their website from people who have earned money.

The earning potential of Hiresine is non-existent.

Earnings Factor

Weight of Factor



Typical Earnings








Forms of Payment



Bank Transfer, PayPal, Gift cards, or credit


Overall Earning Potential Score

What I like and don’t like about Hiresine

What I like about Hiresine

  • Clean website
    The website looks pretty decent. It’s a shame they didn’t do anything serious with it especially since looking at it DA rating it’s got a little bit of authority in Google’s eyes.

What I don’t like about Hiresine

  • Banner ads everywhere
    You get bombarded with advertising. Press a random space on the website and you’ll probably be directed to another website that will start offering you products and services.
  • No legit jobs
    There is no indication that any of the jobs that they talk about are legit. Everyone online that shared their experiences with Hiresine seems to have the same thoughts about this issue.
  • Lack of communication 
    After signing up, most people don't hear from them again. Not only I, but a lot of others have mentioned this. There are only a few exceptions where they answer through whatsapp but aren't that helpful.
  • Verification Price
    Most people aren't getting a response from Hiresine when signing up but the ones that do all said they supposedly had to pay $11 to get verified.
  • The review time
    This is the only freelance website I have ever heard of that needs 7-15 days to review an application.

Hiresine Red flags

I have already told you about the ads everywhere but there are a few other red flags that make me worry. Here’s a list of all the things that made me suspect that Hiresine is not legit.

1. Bad user ratings

The first thing I researched was other people’s experiences with Hiresine and let me tell you it’s a lot worse than I thought. I couldn’t find any positive testimonials aside from those on the website itself ( which I’ll talk about later).

Overall, most were complaining about it being a fake website with no real opt-in pages.

2. Fake testimonials

According to everyone who placed their experiences on rating websites, Hiresine is considered a fake website but the testimonials on their website seem to be very positive so I thought it might be beneficial to look into who these people are.

They’ve replaced the testimonials they had on the website in the past with new ones. Here’s what I found out about these testimonials after looking into them.

Richard Owens, Researcher
Let’s start with Richard. As you can see, he’s very optimistic about Hiresine but if you put the image through Google’s reverse image search you’ll notice that this is a standard stock photo that's used on multiple other websites.

Richard Owens Hiresine testimonial
Stock photo Hiresine testimonials

Rhonda Key
The same applies to all the other testimonials such as the one from Rhonda. This also seems to be a stock photo.

Rhonda Key Hiresine Testimonial
Rhonda Key Stock Photo Hiresine Testimonial

Could it be possible that the testimonials are real but the users don’t want to share their pictures? Sure but it's not likely.

 3. Misleading Ads

Hiresine has cut down quite a bit on the number of ads they placed on their website but the ones on there are still very confusing.

A lot of the ads look like they’re part of the website. I clicked on 2 ads while I was going through the process of registering on Hiresine.

Here’s an example of the type of ads you’re seeing.

Hiresine deceiving ads

 Websites don’t always have control over the exact ads they can place on their website but if this was done purposefully then it's quite the scheme.

4. Hidden Fees for Paid Verification

Verification seems to be essential for being able to apply for a job on Hiresinre. The problem is that multiple people have come out and said they were asked to pay $11 to get verified.  

This is huge red flag for a freelancing website. Not even the biggest freelancing websites ask their members to do this.

Legitimacy Likelihood Factor

Weight of Factor



Absence of Red Flags



A lot of Red Flags





Accurate Money Claims



Non Accurate claims


Overall Legitimacy Rating

Hiresine Support

After finding out that you cant register on the website, I tried to contact them multiple times but never got an answer. After looking into other people that tried to contact support I found this story. 

Hiresine bad support

It turns out I wasn’t the only one having communication problems.

Hiresine Training 

Hiresine doesn’t have a training element to help you with getting more jobs or teach you how to be better at performing the tasks.

Support Factor

Weight of Factor






No resources




No Training




Poor communication


Overall Support Rating

My Personal Take

Looking at this website, I’ve come to the conclusion that one of two things could be going on.

Scenario 1
This website is an MVP for a business that is going to be made in the future. An MVP is an acronym for a minimum viable product which often is mentioned in the book the lean startup by Eric Ries.

It’s basically a test version of a business idea made with minimal effort to see if it’s something people would be interested in. Normally these are used to collect emails to update people about the real version that is coming.

The old version gets taken down after a while but in this case either the creators got lazy or scenario 2 is taking place.

Scenario 2
This is a fake website designed to get your information to access accounts on other platforms and to make you click on ads on purpose so they can make money. There are a lot of fake websites that do this such as:

Whether it be scenario 1 or 2 there’s one certainty, you won’t earn money on this website.

Product Rating

Is Hiresine A Scam?

Who Knows! 

What I do know is the chance of earning money with Hiresine is almost 0%.

company information
earnings potential

Alternatives: Let me show you how I make money online!

Hiresine might not be a great fit for everyone but that doesn't mean there are no other methods to earn money.

If you’re looking for a way to earn money online from anywhere in the world without needing to recruit or sell products.

Then I might have a solution for you.

This product is my #1 recommendation for learning how to earn a full-time income online and ultimately replace your job.

This step-by-step program taught me how to make +$100 a day from my laptop.

So if you're interested in learning how to go from zero dollars to a 4/5 figure monthly income take a look at their free beginners course to see if it's a great fit.

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

Photo of author

About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

6 thoughts on “Hiresine review[Updated]: Online Job Scam or Legit?”

  1. I was attracted to Hiresine when I was told you could earn a decent stream every month. And also that it had more than 7 years in the market. I though that if it had survived that long, then it had to be doing something right. Online companies come in go in 1 or 2 years. But I am glad I learnt the truth about this platform. Thank you for this post.

    • Hey Ann, 

      I think it has survived this long because it’s hard to prove that it’s a scam. It’s a shame because I really like the idea.

  2. Thanks for your revew of Hiresine here. I havent heard of it before but i’ll be sure to look out for it in future. I think that Wealthy Affiliate is a good recommendation you make here. As a member myself, i’d recommend that to anyone4e wjo wants to learn proper ethical content creation that lasts.

  3. I’m happy to see that you’re out there doing the hard work to help those of us who are trying to earn a living online.  With so many scams out there, it can be hard to weed them out without spending precious time.  I  now know of one more scammer who won’t get any of MY time!  Thank you for this great review.


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