Sharecash Review — Is A Scam?

Welcome to my review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Sharecash.Co is legit or a scam.

No need to worry you’re in the right place for the answers to these questions.

Over the last few years, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products.

Some turned out to be fake others were legit ways to make money online but in the process, I learned how to spot scams.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Sharecash and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Sharecash Review — Is A Scam?

OverviewSharecash main page

Name: Sharecash
Website: Sharecash.Co
Founder: Uknown
Product Type: Influencer earning network
Price: Free

Sharecash.Co is one of a ring of websites all created by the same people that claim to make it possible to earn money online simply by sharing a social media link.

According to their website, they’re the #1 influencer earning network but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, Sharecash is a website that worries me.

Read the review to find out why I think that is the case.
Similar to: Bonusjunkies, Social Bounty, and Next Cash
Recommended: No

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What is Sharecash?

Sharecash claims to be the #1 influencer earning network. This isn’t the first time I have heard a website say this despite knowing Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram exist and most of the time it spells nothing good.

According to their website, Sharecash was created in 2015 in Amsterdam to serve as a middle man between influencers and advertisers and started to grow exponentially.

While their “about” page says a lot of good things after some research I found out some things that worry me. Below I’ll break down what I found and why I believe you shouldn’t get involved with Sharecash.

How does Sharecash work?

While I’d advise you not to get involved, I can understand that people might want to know more about how Sharecash works. This is why included this in the review.

Sharecash claims people can make money by following a simple 3-step process.

1. Join Sharecash
You can join by filling out the opt-in form on the website. According to the website, at that point, you join a community with thousands of members (but you can’t communicate with any of them). You’ll also receive a $25 bonus just for signing up.

2. Share and Earn
You’ll receive a unique link that you can use to refer people to Sharecash and for each referral, you can earn money.

3. Get Paid
After earning money, you can withdraw it through PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, Bitcoin, or mailed checks.

Here’s a peak inside Sharecash

Here’s an explainer video that they show on their website, that shows the inside of Sharecash and how it claims to work.

This is how it should work but after some research and looking at some of the experiences other users have had I noticed this is far from the truth.

In fact, it doesn’t work at all.

What they’ll do is let you complete all kinds of tasks and when you try to cash out your earnings they tell you, you have to do at least 5 tasks on their offer walls which require you to give up information such as your mobile phone number and more.

The moment you give your mobile phone number you’ll get harassed with texts promoting all kinds of offers that can be very expensive depending on where you’re located in the world.

Aside from the 5 tasks you also have to:

  • Get 20 clicks from different people on your referral link
  • Refer 5 people to Sharecash
  • Earn at least $500 (which is impossible to do without giving more information)

They’ll only tell you about these requirements after you invest time and try to cash out your earnings for the first time.

I also haven’t found anyone real who actually was able to cash out what they earned. I have found a lot of people that met the requirements and all of a sudden got banned.

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Who would benefit from investing time in Sharecash?

There is only one group that benefits from Sharecash and I can tell you for certain that it’s not the users. The only group that benefits are the creators that are scamming all the people that partake in referring people to Sharecash.

Red Flags of Sharecash

I’m not quick to call a website a scam website because I know what kind of consequences it can have for a website. This is why it’s important to showcase some research to back these claims.

What you see below is a summary of all the research I have done and I have listed it as red flags.

Red Flags #1: No Founder

I understand that not every business wants to showcase its founder. Some people don’t want to be in the spotlight and scam websites know. This is how they can get away with not showcasing the actual creators and avoid being tracked down after scamming people.

I don’t know who the founders of Nike, Coca-Cola, and Under Armour are but I can easily Google them. This isn’t the case for Sharecash.

When I try to find the founder of Sharecash on Google nothing turns up which is a huge red flag.

Red Flags #2: Fake “About” page

The “About” page honestly made me laugh.

It always amazes me how lazy scammers tend to be.

Let me show you what I mean when I say they’re lazy. Here are two screenshots from the Sharecash “About” page.

Fake story of

Now take a look at the “about” page of a website named Bonusjunkies of which I did a review last week. They use the exact same copy and design to explain what Bonusjunkies is all about.

Fake Story of bonus junkies

The chance that identical online businesses were created and all went through the same thing at the same time seems highly unlikely to me.

There are at least a dozen other websites with almost the exact same about page which leads me to believe they’re all just clone websites made by the same people.

Red Flag #3: They are lying about their beginning

According to the timeline, Sharecash started in March 2015. This can easily be verified by looking at their WHOIS record.

For those that don’t know what a WHOIS is, it’s an internet record listing that identifies who owns a domain and information such as how to get in contact with them.

It also mentions when a website was created.

Here’s what WHOIS says about Sharecash.

sharecash WHOIS record

The website was created in 2019 according to the WHOIS record. This means everything they claim to have achieved up to 2015 isn’t true.

I consider this a huge red flag.

Red Flags #4: Bad User-Ratings

A good indicator for finding out if something is a scam is by researching the experiences of past users. In the case of Sharecash, this proved to be very valuable. It turns out the majority of people that have come in contact with Sharecash have had bad experiences.

Sharecash scam 500 dollar minimum

Most of these complaints had to do with never getting paid what was promised and unexpected terms that are only mentioned after trying to cash out your earnings.

Sharecash Shouldn't be trusted

Red Flags #5: Unrealistic signing bonus

Sharecash claims you get $25 just for signing up. If this were really true, this website would’ve gone viral a long time ago. They’re giving away money for free. I don’t think there’s is any successful business that would volunteer to lose money on every sign-up.

Yes, there are some websites that lose money for signing up but they make up for that by offering upsells the moment you’re an official member.

This doesn’t seem to be the case with Sharecash which makes this a business model that becomes more unsustainable, the more people sign-up.

I consider this to be a huge red flag.

Red Flags #6: Forbes Mention

According to the website, just like all the other clone websites, it talks about the business suddenly getting national attention in 2016 and getting mentioned in Forbes an online business magazine that is regarded as an authority website in the business niche.

Fake Forbes mention Sharecash

Unless multiple companies can be named the #1 Influencer Earning Network of the year everything they’re saying is nonsense because other clone websites are saying the exact same thing about being mentioned by Forbes.

Fake Forbes mention Bonus Junkies

If you get mentioned by Forbes you’ll be found on Google very easily because the website has a lot of authority in Google’s eyes and will often be placed on the first page of the search results.

When I Googled Forbes + “Sharecash” I couldn’t find any mention on their website which means this was obviously a lie which also is a red flag.

Sharecash Fake Forbes mention

This seems like another lie.

Red flag #7: Payout terms to squeeze information out of you

I have touched on this earlier but to withdraw your money they’re going to ask you to do tasks on their $30 wall. The problem is that to be able to do the tasks they’re going to demand you give your mobile phone number and in some cases ask for all kinds of personal details.

I don’t know any influencer earning network or GPT website that demands you give that information so you can withdraw your money. It just confirms that this is a very sketchy website.

Red flag #8: Fake Sharecash Payment Proof

Sharecash tries to prove its credibility by showing payment proof in the form of videos and screenshots of people receiving money.

The problem with the payment proof is that it doesn’t add up with the history of the website. Here’s a screenshot of someone receiving money.

Fake Sharecash Payment Proof

According to this screenshot, they got their money on 30 May 2019 but the website was created on November 25th.

How could they’ve gotten paid if the website didn’t even exist?

If they already lied about this payment how can we know that all the other payment proof isn’t false?

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How exactly does Sharecash scam you?

It’s weird, right?

If it’s free to join how can it be called a scam?

There are a lot more ways to scam people than taking their money. I’m not 100% sure but I think Sharecash is selling the information of their members. It’d explain why they encourage people to refer more people with ridiculous bonuses they’ll never get.

Companies will pay a lot for information about their potential customers because it makes selling their products easier. Sharecash pressures people to give their information and comes with impossible terms for withdrawing money.

I have noticed I have been getting more spam emails in my inbox after signing up and you get a lot of promotional texts after doing tasks on the offer wall.

My Personal Take

This is without a doubt a very sketchy website.

The internet is full of clone websites that have the exact same copy and story such as Bonus Junkies, Next cash, Use2earn, and Tap2earn.

They also make claims that are obviously not true. This in combination with all the user complaints makes me think that this is a scam and that you should stay away from it.


Is Sharecash.Co a scam? Yes. It is a scam.

Alternative for Sharecash

I know it is sad to see that Sharecash.Co is not the product it claimed to be but that doesn’t mean you are on the wrong path.

You can make money by referring people to products and websites but in reality, you’ll only earn money with that if the referral spends money on that location.

It’s called affiliate marketing and if you do it the right way you can earn a lot of money doing it. Companies such as Amazon, Uber, and eBay all have affiliate programs that you can use to make money.

I like this method because you can start cheap, don’t need any prior experience, and if done right can become the closest thing to earning passive income. 

I learned how to create simple websites that bring in +$100/day with the help of a FREE step-by-step beginners course an affiliate marketing training platform with more than 1.5 million members called Wealthy Affiliate.

About Wealthy Affiliate

>>Click Here To Read More About Wealthy Affiliate<<

If you have any questions, comments or concerns leave them in the comments and I’ll reply a.s.a.p.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

16 thoughts on “Sharecash Review — Is A Scam?”

  1. Well what have you said explains it all I would not trust a site either with this kind of reputation. If one thing is of the the whole system should be in question. With this program there are so many red flags which makes this a Big NO.

  2. Thank you, Rogier, for the heads up.

    I will definitely keep away from the money grabbers like Sharecash. I enjoyed the read on Wealthy Affiliate. They do sound way more reliable.


  3. Hey Rogier

    This is incredible. Although people aren’t getting scammed out of money, they are working away furiously in a desperate effort to make some money. It makes me so mad. Also, the fact that you need to get up to $500 to receive anything keeps you running like a hamster on a wheel trying to get there.

    And as one review says – then they close your account. Naturally, there will be no way to contact these guys. It makes me mad. Do an honest day’s work, you scammers!

    Thanks for showing it like it is, Rogier. No one really wants to hear that ‘easy money’ is always a scam, but it’s always a scam (sorry).



  4. Sharecash is one of the worst sites I’ve come across by. I was really hoping to make a few hundred bucks from it, but it turned out to be a complete scam.

    It bums me out that sites like these are not regulated. Is there a way that I can report it or do something somewhere so it gets taken down?

    Thanks for the review, btw. I higly appreciate your honesty and the fact that you’ve put your heart and soul into it.

    • Thanks Gorjan,

      I’m glad you liked it. haven’t been on this website in a while but it’s good to see the content still provides people with value!

  5. Great review. This tell me to definitely stay away from Sharecash for sure. I also like the way to go into detail of why to stay away. I also agree with you on a better way to earn an income online. Good affiliate marketing techniques are certainly the way to go, and Wealthy Affiliates shows you step by step how to learn these techniques. I have been a member since 2015 and simply love the training and resources that it provides.

    • Hey Ralph,

      Thanks for commenting. I’m glad you found the content useful. Cool to see someone from Wealthy Affiliate commenting on my recommendation.

  6. Excellent review. This tells me that I should avoid Sharecash at all costs. I also enjoy how you go into depth on why you should stay away. I also think that there is a better method to make money online. Good affiliate marketing strategies are unquestionably the way to go, and Wealthy Affiliates teaches you these techniques step by step.

    • Hey Pasindu, 

      I wouldn’t advise anyone to invest in this website. I’m a huge fan of affiliate marketing. It has proven to work and the financial risk is low.

  7. Thanks for such a detailed review on sharecash. You did a very good job explaining how it’s supposed to work but I’m reality it doesn’t. One should really be careful when it comes to programs to make money. In the end many of them are just scams so it’s vital for one to do there research so they are protected. 


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