Is Earncashto A Scam? $250/ day or Fake Influencer Network

Welcome to my Earncashto review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder if Earncashto is a scam or legit?

No need to worry you’re in the right place for the answers to these questions.

Over the last few years, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products.

Some turned out to be fake others were legit ways to make money online but in the process, I learned how to spot scams.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about Earncashto and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Earncashto Review Overview

Name: Earn cash to
Founder: Bernie Estes
Product Type: Influencer earning network
Earning Potential: $0
Price: Free

Is Earn Cash To A Scam
  • A proven brand that’s been around for +7 years.
  • The company provides you with quality support.
  • The company delivers on their promiseses.
  • Reasonable startup and maintenance costs.

Earncashto claims to be the #1 influencer earning network that allows you to earn money by becoming an affiliate and sending traffic to the website.

It sounds good until you find out this website is a part of a ring of scam websites that all promises the same things and also call themselves the #1 influencer earning network.

This website has a lot of red flags of which I’m going to talk about in this review.
Read the review to find out why I think that is the case.

Similar to: BonusjunkiesSocial Bounty, and Next Cash

What is earncashto? is a website created by Bernie Estes. The website claims to bring advertisers and influencers together to earn money. According to their website, Earn Cash To was founded in 2016 and is based in The Netherlands.

At first sight, looks like a decent website but when you start to do more research you’ll notice that their story is full of holes and their promises are unrealistic.

How does earncashto work? claims that you can make money following a 3-step process.

1. Register to Earn Cash To
You can join by filling out the opt-in form on the website. According to the website, at that point, you join a community with thousands of members (but you can’t communicate with any of them). You’ll also receive a $25 bonus just for signing up.

2. Start Completing tasks 
You’ll receive a unique link that you can use to refer people to Earncashto and for each click and referral, you can earn money.

3. Redeem prices
After earning money, you can withdraw it through PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, Bitcoin, or mailed checks.

It seems like Earncashto laid out a simple process for earning money but the truth is Earncashto doesn’t work at all and isn’t going to pay you no matter how much time you spend on the website.

Every task and survey requires you to give them your information. Earncashto is nothing more than a tool to harvest your data.

Tired of online scams? Check out my #1 Recommendation

Who benefits from earncashto?

Who would benefit from investing in Earncashto:

  • The founders

Who shouldn’t invest in Earncashto:

  • People trying to earn money online
  • People that like to do surveys 
  • Influencers

The truth is no one aside from the scammers that founded this website could possibly benefit from investing time in this website.

Red flags of Earn Cash To

Red Flag #1: Age of the website

On the about us page, they share some information about earncashto. They said it started in The Netherlands in 2016. It only took 3 minutes to verify if this is true and surprise, surprise… it’s a lie. 

It took a look at their website information through WHOIS and found out that this website was created on May 27th of this year. I consider lying about when you started a huge red flag. 

Earncashto WHOIS records

They probably did it to make it more believable that they achieved so much but even in 2 years I doubt many people would go from nothing to having brands like Macdonalds as their client.

Red Flag #2: No social media presence

For a website that thrives on getting referrals from big-time influencers and has 100K members join every month they’ve little to no social media presence. This makes absolutely no sense to me especially with how much money earncashto claims to make. 

I have never heard of this platform and have never seen a referral link directed to this website. If 100K people join every month that’d mean at least 100K new links would be uploaded on all the social media platforms in addition to the members that have been there longer. 

Red Flag #3: Bad user-ratings

The best way to find out if a website is legit is by looking at what users have to say about it. In this case, nothing good is said about earncashto. Overall every user I have heard talk about it calls it a scam or is complaining about how they never got their money. 

Here are a few examples of people and their experiences with earncashto.

Earncashto rating company is a scam
Earncashto rating remove cash bubble
Earncashto wasted so much time

Tired of online scams? Check out my #1 Recommendation

Red Flag #4: Unrealistic signing bonus

They claim you’ll get a $25 signing bonus when you become a member of earncashto. This is one of the most ridiculous claims I have seen on this website. There’s no way you can run a business if you’re giving away that much money. 

On the website, it says 100K people join the platform every month. That’d mean they basically give away 2.5 million dollars to people without a guarantee that they’ll promote your website. 

That’s a great method for going bankrupt in a couple of months. The math behind their claims just doesn’t add up.

Red Flag #5: Weird and Sketchy Testimonials

Let’s start off with the video testimonials. I went through all of them and I noticed that none of these were real testimonials. The people in the videos never talked about their experiences with earncashto. They seemed more like videos that had the goal of spreading awareness.

After some research, I found out why that was. All the people in these videos were people they hired from Fiverr to say something about the website. 

Earncashto Has Fake Testimonials
Spokesperson from Fiverr

In the text testimonials, they went all out even though there were some strange testimonials like this one for example. 

Justin Case testimonial payment problems

Testimonials are used to create trust and convey what kind of experiences you can expect on a website. Why would you talk about a problem like this and put it as a testimonial? It gives me the impression that it was placed to keep people on the hook when they realise they aren’t going to get their money.

This testimonial was interesting as well because the YouTube channel that was mentioned doesn’t exist. There’s one person with that name on YouTube but she has 5 subscribers and doesn’t look like the picture so I doubt that is her.

Want to learn how to make money online? Check out my #1 Recommendation


Red Flag #6: They’re trying to get as much information out of you as possible

When you go to the offerwall for the first time you see all these offers up to $49 just for information such as your email address. After that, they’ll ask you for more personal details like your phone number in exchange for doing surveys with which you supposedly can earn money.

The only website I have seen push people for their information this much are other scam websites. When websites operate like this I consider it a huge red flag.

How exactly does earncashto scam you?

You might be wondering if you can sign-up for free how can they scam you? 

They basically scam you out of your information. Businesses are willing to pay a lot for information about their potential clients. The more you know about your prospects, the easier it is to sell them products. 

These people will steal your information in exchange for money you’ll never get and at the same time use you to get acquire more people they can steal their information from.


Is earncashto a scam? Yes, it definitely is a scam.

My #1 Recommendation for making money online

I know it sad to see that is not the product it claimed to be but that doesn’t mean you are on the wrong path. You can make money by referring people to products but in reality, you’ll only earn money with that if the referral spends money.

It’s called affiliate marketing and if you do it in the right way you can earn a lot of money doing it. Companies such as Amazon, Uber, and eBay all have affiliate programs that you can use to make money.

If you’re interested in learning how to make a full-time income online with affiliate marketing take a look at the FREE step-by-step beginner’s course from Wealthy Affiliate. It’s my highest rated recommendation for making money online.

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If you have any questions, comments or concerns leave them in the comments and I’ll reply a.s.a.p.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

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