What Is Next Cash? Scam Or A Legit Opportunity?

Welcome to my NextCash review.

You probably came to this page because you wonder what is Next Cash? is Next Cash is legit or a scam?

No need to worry you’re in the right place for the answers to these questions.

Over the last years, I’ve been busy creating reviews about all kinds of online products.

Some turned out to be fake others were legit ways to make money online but in the process, I learned how to spot scams.

In this post, I’ll show you absolutely everything you need to know about NextCash and after reading it you’ll know exactly if you should give it a chance.

Next Cash Review — What is Next Cash?

OverviewWhat s NextCash

Name: Next cash
Website: Next cash (dot) co
Founder: Uknown
Product Type: Influencer earning network
Price: Free
Rating: 1/10

Next Cash claims to be the #1 influencer earning network. According to their website, they help people make money online by referring people to their website and receiving a commission for it.

Not much research was necessary to find out if this was a fake website. To be clear you won’t make any money by referring people to Next Cash. It’s a scam website made to get your information and sell it to companies so they can send you product offers.
Similar to:
Sharecash, Use2earnKashtree, Tap2earn
Rating: 1/10
Recommended: No

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Next Cash Video Review

What is Next Cash?

Next Cash claims to be the #1 influencer earning network. Members of Next Cash can make money by referring people t Next Cash and get a commission for every person they invite.

According to their website, Next Cash started in Amsterdam in 2008 with the goal of making a network that connects influencers with advertisers.

The website says Next Cash paid out $211 Million dollars to their members since its existence, has worked with a lot of big names, and is mentioned in Forbes.

After doing some research I found out that nothing they claim on their about page is true. In the red flag’s area, I’ll go over all these points and show you why it’s highly unlikely that there is truth to their claims.

How does Next Cash work?

There’s a 3-step process as a member you have to go through to earn money on the Next Cash platform.

1. Register
On NextCash (dot) co you can register for free and according to the website you’ll receive a $25 bonus.
2. Share and earn
The moment you register, you’ll be provided with a unique link that can be placed anywhere on the internet to direct people to Next Cash.
Withdraw your earnings instantly through Cash App, PayPal, Bitcoin, or even Mailed Check.

where does the money supposedly come from to pay you?

According to the Next Cash website, the majority of their income comes from Ad revenue so they need as much traffic as possible. Use2Earn uses that money its members that joined the referral program.

Aside from normal ad revenue, they direct people to the sponsors of the website and their products to make money. There’s a huge problem with how they claim to make money but I’ll talk about that in the “red flags” area further in my review.

Who can benefit from Next Cash?

The founders are the only ones that benefit from Next Cash. There’s more than enough proof online that shows that Next Cash isn’t paying their members.

Next Cash Red Flags

Red Flag #1: Exact copy of other scam websites

The copy used for Next cash is precisely the same as those of other scam websites I have encountered in the past. They all claim to be the #1 influencer earning platform and that they’ve paid out millions of dollars.

They also all claim that they started in Amsterdam. Unless Amsterdam has become the online entrepreneurship capital of the world without me ( a resident from The Netherlands) knowing it’s safe to say that these are all scams.

Tap2earn (dot) co                                                         Use2Earn (dot) co

Tap 2 Earn home page

use2earn scam review main page

Red Flag #2: Unknown Founder

The website has an entire timeline that explains how the website got started, and they even mention their contact information and their address but for some reason, they don’t have any information about the founder of Next Cash.

On its own not mentioning the founder on the website doesn’t immediately mean that it’s a scam there are a lot of company founders that value their privacy and do the same thing.

What concerns me is how not even on Linkedin there’s even a shred of evidence that there’s a team of real people behind this website.

Red Flag #4: Fake Payment Proof

On the website, they show PayPal receipts that are supposed to prove that people are getting paid. Many websites use this method to prove that they’re legit but a few things don’t add up when it comes to these receipts.

first, the money transforms come from paypal@litebucks.com. I tried to look up Litebucks (dot) com. Apparently, it was a scam website that got taken down not too long ago.

There are hundreds of reviews saying Litebucks is a scam.

What is Next Cash

Second, the money was transferred on August 24th. This isn’t possible because according to the WHOIS information this website was registered on February 21st, 2020.

These are huge red flags.

Red Flag #5: Fake Forbes Mention

According to their website, Next Cash was mentioned in Forbes. For those that don’t know, Forbes is one of the biggest business websites in the world.

It’s a big deal to get featured on Forbes.

The funny thing is that the moment I used Google to look for any mentions about Next Cash there weren’t any. This is another red flag to take into account before investing time into Next Cash.

Red Flag #6: Next Cash Headquarters doesn’t exist

Do you know what’s cool about living in The Netherlands?

When websites like these claim that they’re based in The Netherlands you can actually visit the location.

Next Cash is according to their website is based on Lijnbaansgracht 104 in Amsterdam. There is nothing there except (in my opinion overpriced) apartments.

I know enough solopreneurs that make 6 figures that work from the craziest locations but the moment you have paid out to people 211Mil it doesn’t make sense that you’re located in a 2-room apartment.

How exactly does Next Cash scam you?

You aren’t investing money as a member of Next Cash so how can they scam you?

Well… You can make a lot of money just by having someone’s information.

Companies are willing to pay a lot for information about potential prospects. Information is everything when it comes to selling products and services.

Websites like Next Cash make you sign-up and make you spent a lot of time on getting other people and in the end, won’t pay you for referring all these people.

After signing-up it won’t be long before you receive all kinds of emails with product offers from companies you have never heard of.

My Personal Take

I haven’t tried out Next Cash myself but I don’t think it’s necessary to try something out if just by glancing at the homepage you can find multiple red flags that connect this website with other websites that have been confirmed to be scams.

  • The exact same copy as the other scam websites is being used.
  • They show fake PayPal receipts and didn’t even bother to remove the website they originally came from.
  • The website doesn’t have any information about the founder
  • They use a fake location as their headquarters.

These are only a few of the red flags I have encountered but are more than enough to come to the conclusion that investing time and effort in Next Cash is a mistake.

Is Next Cash A Scam?

Yes. Everything I have found out about the website leads me to believe that NextCash (dot) co is a scam


NextCash might not be what it claimed to be but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to make money online but you’re going to have to do it in the correct way.

If you want to make money online from anywhere including your own home by making content about what you love I recommend you to look at Wealthy Affiliate.

About Wealthy Affiliate

It’s the platform that taught me how to create an online business revolving around a niche of your choice and make money from it.

I’ll be honest with you, it does require some work to set everything up but the moment you get the ball rolling you can turn it into a passive income stream.

 >>>Click here to read my wealthy affiliate review <<<

That’s all for today. If you have any questions or you just want to show some love don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

See you at my next post!

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About Rogier

I’m an Affiliate Marketing and SEO veteran, Blogger, and Pinterest Marketer based in The Netherlands. On this website, I share my learnings about online entrepreneurship, and digital resources while enjoying life to the fullest.

6 thoughts on “What Is Next Cash? Scam Or A Legit Opportunity?”

  1. When I started to read your review I saw right away from the low rating and the founder that is not known that this program is a scam. Thanks so much for doing this reserach so others would know and not fall into this trap.

    • Thanks for the comment.
      Yeah, the creators of this website have at least 10 more exactly the same. The moment you know which red flags to look for it’s pretty easy to spot scammers like these.

  2. Hi Rogier

    Many thanks for this. On the face of it, this looks fairly harmless although you are never going to make any money. However, it is effectively data theft as they are getting you data by deception. Also, someone somewhere is paying for that data which will be useless to them so it’s a double con.

    If these people would use their imagination to create something worthwhile, they could do really well!

    Keep up the good work.



    • Hey Jean.

      Exactly most of these scam websites have a higher domain authority in Google’s eyes than a lot of legit websites. If they’d actually turn this into a real product they could make a lot of money but they chose to be lazy and unethical.


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